Search Results - "Bhavani, R V"
Farming System for Nutrition-a pathway to dietary diversity: Evidence from India
Published in PloS one (18-03-2021)“…Farming is the main livelihood of a majority of people in India. The country is also home to a large population of undernourished people. This indicates…”
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Dialogue as a tool of nutrition literacy in an agricultural intervention programme in Odisha, India
Published in CABI agriculture and bioscience (10-05-2022)“…An ongoing action research nutrition literacy programme based on Freire's approach of raising critical consciousness through the use of dialogue as a pedagogic…”
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Published in Journal of biosocial science (01-05-2018)“…Dietary diversity is associated with household or individual food availability and intake of nutrients from different food groups and is an important component…”
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Child Under-weight and Agricultural Productivity in India: Implications for Public Provisioning and Women’s Agency
Published in The Review of radical political economics (01-12-2015)“…A recent global hunger index indicated a 12 percent decline in child underweight rates. This study attempts an empirical explanation of the factors that…”
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The COVID19 pandemic crisis and the relevance of a farm-system-for-nutrition approach
Published in Food security (2020)“…The Covid19 pandemic should be seen as a wake-up call for humanity, to reflect, rethink and redesign food systems that are safe, healthy, sustainable, and…”
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Interventions in agriculture for nutrition outcomes: A systematic review focused on South Asia
Published in Food policy (01-01-2019)“…•Nutrition-sensitive agricultural interventions often support vulnerable populations.•Evidence shows interventions improve intermediate outcomes like dietary…”
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Food production & availability--essential prerequisites for sustainable food security
Published in Indian journal of medical research (New Delhi, India : 1994) (01-09-2013)“…Food and nutrition security are intimately interconnected, since only a food based approach can help in overcoming malnutrition in an economically and socially…”
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Leveraging agriculture for nutrition in South Asia: What do we know, and what have we learned?
Published in Food policy (01-01-2019)“…•A synthesis of five years of research on agriculture and nutrition in South Asia.•A systems approach is needed to understand agriculture’s contribution to…”
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Finger Millet in Tribal Farming Systems Contributes to Increased Availability of Nutritious Food at Household Level: Insights from India
Published in Agricultural research (India : Online) (01-12-2019)“…The challenge to food production posed by climate aberrations has been seeing increased attention to reviving millet-based farming systems. Millets are…”
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Establishing integrated agriculture-nutrition programmes to diversify household food and diets in rural India
Published in Food security (01-10-2017)“…Agriculture is the predominant livelihood for 70 % of the population living in rural India, and food expenses occupy a major proportion of their household…”
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MEETING REPORT: Towards achieving the SDGs and strengthening the science of climate resilience
Published in Current science (Bangalore) (10-10-2019)Get full text
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Agrochemicals, Environment, and Human Health
Published in Annual review of environment and resources (17-10-2022)“…Global consumption of agrochemicals continues to rise, despite growing evidence of their adverse effects on environmental quality and human health. The extent…”
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Serving farmers and saving farming
Published in Current science (Bangalore) (10-05-2005)Get full text
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Prakash Sarvotham Shetty (1943–2018)
Published in Current science (Bangalore) (10-10-2018)Get full text
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Operationalizing the concept of farming system for nutrition through the promotion of nutrition-sensitive agriculture
Published in Current science (Bangalore) (25-09-2014)“…Despite impressive gain in agricultural production and greater availability of food, a large population in India is suffering from nutritional imbalance…”
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A Farming System Model to Leverage Agriculture for Nutritional Outcomes
Published in Agricultural research (India : Online) (01-09-2014)“…Agriculture is the primary livelihood of a majority of the population in South Asia. The region also houses a large population of undernourished people. The…”
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