Search Results - "Berrada Mohamed Saleh"
Fracture of the two forearm bones and congenital radioulnar synostosis: A case report and review of literature
Published in SAGE open medical case reports (01-01-2023)“…Congenital proximal radioulnar synostosis limits prono-supination and is often well tolerated. Only one publication in the literature describes a fracture…”
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Traumatic obturator dislocation of the hip joint: a case report and review of the literature
Published in The Pan African medical journal (25-05-2015)“…We describe a case of traumatic obturator hip dislocation in an adult. Closed reduction was done under general anesthesia. Post-reduction radiographs showed…”
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How to predict the functional outcome of hand injuries based on their severity; correlation between the HISS and the DASH score
Published in Journal of Orthopaedic Reports (01-09-2025)“…The hand is one of the most complex and important parts of our body, enabling us to complete an array of necessary functions, from grasping things to…”
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Pneumothorax complicating isolated clavicle fracture
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2015)“…Isolated clavicle fractures are among the commonest of traumatic fractures in the emergency department. Complications of isolated clavicle fractures are rare…”
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L’ostéoblastome de la cheville: une localisation exceptionnelle
Published in The Pan African medical journal (20-03-2018)“…L'ostéoblastome est une tumeur osseuse bénigne rare, qui survient chez l'adulte jeune avant 30 ans avec une nette prédominance masculine. Il se localise…”
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Knee megaprosthesis: a salvage solution for severe open and complex distal femoral fracture associated with an ipsilateral brachial plexus injury (a case report with literature review)
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2015)“…Complex distal femoral fractures in the young patient often occur as a result of high velocity trauma. Timely recognition and treatment is everything in such a…”
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Surgical management of acute distal biceps tendon rupture associated with contralateral radial palsy
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2015)“…Acute distal biceps tendon rupture constitute a rare lesion of biceps injuries, typically, easy to diagnosis after lifting a heavy object. Treatment is…”
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About a rare ankle injury in adults: Case report of a Tillaux fracture in adult
Published in Trauma case reports (01-08-2023)“…Tillaux fracture occurs as a result of a forced external rotation mechanism involving the anterolateral tibial plafond. The occurrence of this fracture in…”
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Vissage percutané rétrograde du scaphoïde
Published in The Pan African medical journal (11-03-2016)“…Les suites étaient simples, et la sortie à J1 post-opératoire avec une orthèse du poignet, que le patient a gardé pendant 15 j, puis il a commencé l'auto…”
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La luxation pure du coude post traumatique: quels résultats?
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2018)“…Les luxations du coude sont très fréquentes. Cette étude rétrospective a porté sur 40 cas de luxations du coude, colligés entre 2013 et 2015. Tous les patients…”
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Intérêt du clou rétrograde dans les fractures du fémur distal: à propos de 07 cas
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2018)“…Ce travail rapporte une série de sept cas de fractures de l’extrémité inférieure du fémur traitées par enclouage centromédullaire rétrograde au service de…”
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Hanche flottante» par quelle lésion commencer?
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2015)“…Chez les patients présentant une fracture de l'anneau pelvien, la fixation externe doit être faite en premier avant la fixation fémorale car il s'agit souvent…”
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Minimally Invasive Technique in the Management of Tibial Pilon Fractures: New Approach and Promising Results
Published in Advances in orthopedics (21-03-2023)“…Background. Comminuted tibial pilon fractures are induced by high-energy mechanisms and are often associated with soft tissue injuries. Their surgical approach…”
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Severe pure open dislocation of the ankle and flexor digitorum longus tendon tear a case report
Published in Trauma case reports (01-12-2023)“…Proximal avulsion rupture of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon associated with an ankle dislocation is extremely rare. We report a case of a 29 years…”
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Corrigendum: Abcès tuberculeux de la face postérieure de la cuisse: à propos d'un cas
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2018)“…[This corrects the article DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2014.19.50.4683.]…”
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Paralysie sciatique suite à un descellement post-traumatique d'une prothèse de la hanche
Published in The Pan African medical journal (2015)“…Image en medicine Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 71 ans, victime d'une chute de sa hauteur sur sa hanche droite et dont l'examen clinique…”
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Luxation sous-talienne interne pure: à propos d’un cas
Published in The Pan African medical journal (15-06-2017)“…La luxation sous talienne pure est une affection rare, les auteurs rapportent le cas d'un jeune patient ayant présenté suite à un accident de sport une…”
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Divergent dislocation of the carpometacarpal joints: a case report
Published in Journal of medical case reports (07-06-2018)“…Divergent carpometacarpal joint dislocations of the fingers are very rare. Due to severe swelling and overlapping of bones on a radiograph of the wrist and…”
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Abcès du coude révélant la maladie des griffes du chat: à propos d’un cas
Published in The Pan African medical journal (30-05-2017)“…La maladie des griffes du chat (MGC) apparaît comme une cause fréquente de lymphadénopathie chronique bénigne chez l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. L'agent…”
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L’amputation de Chase dans un mélanome de l’index: à propos d’un cas
Published in The Pan African medical journal (11-07-2017)“…Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 40 ans, adressée par le service de dermatologie de l'hôpital Ibn-Sina de Rabat pour amputation de l'index suite à un…”
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