Search Results - "Bermudez, Gonzalo"
Heavy metal and trace element concentrations in wheat grains: Assessment of potential non-carcinogenic health hazard through their consumption
Published in Journal of hazardous materials (15-10-2011)“…[Display omitted] ► Some heavy metal concentrations in wheat grain were dependent on soil parameters. ► We found evidence of atmospheric metal incorporation…”
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Heavy metals and trace elements in atmospheric fall-out: Their relationship with topsoil and wheat element composition
Published in Journal of hazardous materials (30-04-2012)“… [Display omitted] ► Metal and trace element deposition rates and concentrations in bulk samples. ► Anthropogenic vs. natural sources were identified using…”
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“What Matters Is Species Richness”—High School Students’ Understanding of the Components of Biodiversity
Published in Research in science education (Australasian Science Education Research Association) (01-12-2020)“…The definition of biodiversity stated by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 was conceived as occurring on three different organizational…”
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A PCK-mapping approach to show the integration among components of the pedagogical content knowledge of elementary education teacher educators about biodiversity
Published in Teaching and teacher education (01-12-2024)“…Biodiversity is a very important topic nowadays, but there is currently a lack of studies on the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of this concept. We…”
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Native Plant Naming by High-School Students of Different Socioeconomic Status: Implications for Botany Education
Published in International journal of science education (02-01-2018)“…People's diminished awareness of plants, affected by anthropogenic environmental deterioration, has challenged science education to overcome the obstacles…”
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Heavy metal pollution in topsoils near a cement plant: The role of organic matter and distance to the source to predict total and HCl-extracted heavy metal concentrations
Published in Chemosphere (Oxford) (2010)“…Heavy metal and trace element concentrations were examined in topsoils to evaluate a cement plant and an industrial waste incinerator as pollution sources. As,…”
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Comparison of the air pollution biomonitoring ability of three Tillandsia species and the lichen Ramalina celastri in Argentina
Published in Environmental research (2009)“…Bioaccumulation ability and response to air pollution sources were evaluated for Tillandsia capillaris Ruíz and Pav. f. capillaris, T. recurvata L., T…”
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Educators’ Perceptions and Experiences of Online Teacher Professional Development
Published in Journal of Interactive Media in Education (20-09-2024)“…Online teacher professional development (oTPD) provision has seen a rapid increase in recent years, with significant growth during the COVID-19 pandemic…”
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Antioxidant Response of Three Tillandsia Species Transplanted to Urban, Agricultural, and Industrial Areas
Published in Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (01-10-2011)“…To evaluate the physiological response of Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pav. f . capillaris, T. recurvata L., and T. tricholepis Baker to different air…”
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Understanding new molecular and cell biology findings based on progressive scientific practices and interconnected activities in undergraduate students
Published in Biochemistry and molecular biology education (01-03-2021)“…Nowadays Molecular Cell Biology (MCB) must be taught as science is practiced. Even though there are several approaches based on scientific practices, a key…”
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Sociocultural Variables That Impact High School Students’ Perceptions of Native Fauna: a Study on the Species Component of the Biodiversity Concept
Published in Research in science education (Australasian Science Education Research Association) (01-02-2017)“…This study investigates the influence of school sector (private versus state schools) and student gender on knowledge of native fauna. Our main objectives were…”
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Evaluating top soil trace element pollution in the vicinity of a cement plant and a former open-cast uranium mine in central Argentina
Published in Journal of soils and sediments (01-10-2010)“…Purpose Heavy metals are especially dangerous because of their persistence and toxicity. Soil behaves as a sink of heavy metals by aerial deposition of…”
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Published in Investigações em Ensino de Ciências (10-09-2024)“…La argumentación es una práctica científica puede desarrollarse a través de la formación específica en el marco de problemáticas sociocientíficas, para lo que…”
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Conocimiento didáctico del contenido de formadores de profesores sobre didáctica de las ciencias
Published in Enseñanza de las ciencias (04-11-2024)“…La didáctica de las ciencias experimentales es parte de los programas de formación docente de la educación primaria de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, en…”
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Los orígenes de la Biología como ciencia. El impacto de las teorías de evolución y las problemáticas asociadas a su enseñanza y aprendizaje
Published in Revista Eureka sobre enseñanza y divulgación de las ciencias (2015)“…Este artículo se propone analizar los acontecimientos más relevantes de la historia de la Biología que le dieron corpus teórico y sustento científico,…”
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La enseñanza monumentalista y utilitarista de las causas de la biodiversidad y de las estrategias para su conservación: un estudio sobre la transposición didáctica de los manuales de la Educación Secundaria española
Published in Ciência & Educação (01-09-2015)“…Resumen: Este trabajo estudia la presencia y complejidad en el tratamiento de las causas de la biodiversidad y de las razones para su conservación que realizan…”
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Cuando el objeto de aprendizaje es la enseñanza. La co-enseñanza en una comunidad de aprendizaje para la formación docente inicial en una didáctica específica
Published in Praxis educativa (Santa Rosa, Argentina) (01-05-2022)“…Resumen La profesionalidad docente puede considerarse como uno de los aspectos centrales de las tendencias actuales en la formación del profesorado y la…”
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Published in Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (2020)“…RESUMEN: En este artículo problematizamos el concepto de ciudadanía democrática dado el impacto de las desigualdades sociales en el sistema educativo y, desde…”
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El huerto escolar agroecológico como recurso de enseñanza y escenario de aprendizaje en una escuela primaria de Córdoba, Argentina: experiencia de un proyecto de extensión universitaria
Published in Revista de educación en biología (01-07-2022)“…En la actualidad, las huertas en centros educativos de nivel primario y secundario constituyen un escenario para el aprendizaje, a través del contacto directo…”
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Enfoques para la enseñanza de la Biología: una mirada para los contenidos
Published in Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales y sociales (29-12-2020)“…En el marco de un diseño didáctico multirreferencial y contextualizado a necesidades específicas, tomar decisiones sobre los contenidos exige poner en juego…”
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