Search Results - "Bermúdez Yera, Gustavo de J."
First retractable lung spreader to facilitate extrapleural dissection of the internal thoracic artery
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2019)“…Internal thoracic artery dissection is one of the most defining procedures of coronary artery bypass grafting, as it has been demonstrated that the quality of…”
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Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica con enfoque quirúrgico de la endocarditis infecciosa en la región central de Cuba
Published in CorSalud (01-06-2020)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La endocarditis infecciosa no ha disminuido su incidencia y mortalidad en los últimos 30 años. Objetivo: Caracterizar los pacientes…”
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Reconstrucción ósea con neoesternón a partir de tejidos adyacentes a la herida quirúrgica
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2019)“…Bone reconstruction using neo-sternum from tissues adjacent to the surgical wound Reconstrucción ósea con neoesternón a partir de tejidos adyacentes a la…”
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Diseño y validación de la escala pronóstica cubana PREDICMED para estratificar el riesgo de mediastinitis postoperatoria
Published in CorSalud (01-12-2020)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La predicción de fenómenos en las ciencias médicas mediante escalas pronósticas constituye una herramienta valiosa en la actualidad y…”
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Modelo predictivo de mediastinitis postoperatoria en cirugía cardiovascular
Published in Cirugía cardiovascular (01-11-2019)“…La esternotomía mediana longitudinal es la incisión más usada para la cirugía cardiovascular. Su infección profunda es la mediastinitis postoperatoria y…”
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A decade of close links between CorSalud and cardiovascular surgery in Villa Clara
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2019)“…A decade of close links between CorSalud and cardiovascular surgery in Villa Clara…”
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Giant teratocarcinoma of anterosuperior mediastinum
Published in CorSalud (01-01-2019)“…Germ cell tumors are not so frequent; among them, teratomas are most common in the mediastinal location. Teratomas in young men are usually malignant…”
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False aneurysm of ascending aortic cannulation site after cardiac surgery. Case report and literature review
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2019)“…False ascending aortic aneurysm, as a complication in cardiac surgery, has an incidence of less than 0.5%, but a mortality that ranges from 6.7% to 60%. Aortic…”
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Postoperative Takotsubo syndrome with severe left ventricular dysfunction following mitral valve replacement
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2019)“…Takotsubo syndrome was first described in Japan in late 1989 and early 1990 and featured a group of patients with transient apical dyskinesia and preservation…”
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Acute epicardial dissection rupture during surgical myocardial revascularization secondary to the use of cardiac stabilizer
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2019)“…At the end of the 1990s, off-pump myocardial revascularization surgery gained mo-mentum. Hence, a number of cardiac surgery centers adopted it as the most…”
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Estrechos vínculos de una década entre CorSalud y la cirugía cardiovascular villaclareña
Published in CorSalud (2019)“…Estrechos vínculos de una década entre CorSalud y la cirugía cardiovascular villaclareña A decade of close links between CorSalud and cardiovascular surgery in…”
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Teratocarcinoma gigante de mediastino anterosuperior
Published in CorSalud (2019)“…Germ cell tumors are not so frequent; among them, teratomas are most common in the mediastinal location. Teratomas in young men are usually malignant…”
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Dr. Ismael Alejo Mena: In memoriam
Published in CorSalud (2017)“…Honor to whom honor deserves. After the recently concluded Memorial Workshop of Cardio-Surgical Sciences Dr. Ismael Alejo in Memoriam, we wanted to honor this…”
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Lesión pulmonar aguda extrema producida por transfusión en el perioperatorio de cirugía cardíaca: Presentación de un caso
Published in CorSalud (01-03-2021)“…RESUMEN La lesión pulmonar aguda producida por transfusión (TRALI, por sus siglas en inglés) es un síndrome clínico relativamente raro, que puede constituir…”
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Falso aneurisma del sitio de canulación aórtico después de cirugía cardiaca: Informe de un caso y revisión de la literatura
Published in CorSalud (2019)“…False ascending aortic aneurysm, as a complication in cardiac surgery, has an incidence of less than 0.5%, but a mortality that ranges from 6.7% to 60%. Aortic…”
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Síndrome de Takotsubo con disfunción grave de ventrículo izquierdo en el postoperatorio de reemplazo valvular mitral
Published in CorSalud (2019)“…Takotsubo syndrome was first described in Japan in late 1989 and early 1990 and featured a group of patients with transient apical dyskinesia and preservation…”
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Disección epicárdica aguda fisurada durante revascularización miocárdica quirúrgica secundaria al uso de estabilizador cardíaco
Published in CorSalud (2019)“…At the end of the 1990s, off-pump myocardial revascularization surgery gained mo-mentum. Hence, a number of cardiac surgery centers adopted it as the most…”
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Primer separador retráctil de pulmón para facilitar la disección extrapleural de la arteria torácica interna
Published in CorSalud (2019)“…Internal thoracic artery dissection is one of the most defining procedures of coronary artery bypass grafting, as it has been demonstrated that the quality of…”
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Efectividad de las alternativas terapéuticas para la solución quirúrgica de las mediastinitis después de una cirugía cardíaca
Published in CorSalud (01-06-2017)“…Introduction: The longitudinal median sternotomy is a widely employed incision in cardiovascular surgery. The infections of the surgical wound are a serious…”
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Rara coincidencia de dos tumores: mixoma cardíaco e hipernefroma. Presentación de un paciente
Published in CorSalud (01-12-2018)“…RESUMEN La asociación de dos tumores de diferente origen en un mismo paciente es cada vez más frecuente en la práctica clínica actual. Se presenta un caso con…”
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