Search Results - "Bengston, Sarah E."
The development of collective personality: the ontogenetic drivers of behavioral variation across groups
Published in Frontiers in ecology and evolution (10-12-2014)“…For the past decade, the study of personality has become a topic on the frontier of behavioral ecology. However, most studies have focused on exploring…”
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Life-history and behavioral trait covariation across 3 years in Temnothorax ants
Published in Behavioral ecology (27-11-2018)“…This study used a common garden approach to track the aggressive behavior and energy allocation of ant colonies over 3 years. Social-insect colonies are a…”
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Life‐history strategy and behavioral type: risk‐tolerance reflects growth rate and energy allocation in ant colonies
Published in Oikos (01-04-2017)“…Despite the recent interest in animal personality and behavioral syndromes, there is a paucity of explanations for why distinct behavioral traits should evolve…”
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Differences in environmental enrichment generate contrasting behavioural syndromes in a basal spider lineage
Published in Animal behaviour (01-07-2014)“…Behavioural syndrome studies are commonly descriptive and often find a relationship between boldness, shyness and exploration. However, the mechanisms…”
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Genomic tools for behavioural ecologists to understand repeatable individual differences in behaviour
Published in Nature ecology & evolution (01-06-2018)“…Behaviour is a key interface between an animal’s genome and its environment. Repeatable individual differences in behaviour have been extensively documented in…”
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Food Exploitation by Social Insects: Ecological, Behavioral, and Theoretical Approaches
Published in The Quarterly Review of Biology (01-12-2011)Get full text
Book Review -
Food Exploitation by Social Insects: Ecological, Behavioral, and Theoretical Approaches . Contemporary Topics in Entomology Series. Edited by Stefan Jarau and Michael Hrncir. CRC Press. Boca Raton (Florida): Taylor & Francis. $119.95. xii + 348 p. + 4 pl.; ill.; index. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7560-1. 2009
Published in The Quarterly review of biology (01-12-2011)Get full text
Book Review