Search Results - "Bekker, A. A."
Tracing the stepwise oxygenation of the Proterozoic ocean
Published in Nature (27-03-2008)“…Biogeochemical signatures preserved in ancient sedimentary rocks provide clues to the nature and timing of the oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere…”
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Iron formations: A global record of Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic environmental history
Published in Earth-science reviews (01-09-2017)“…Iron formations (IF) represent an iron-rich rock type that typifies many Archaean and Proterozoic supracrustal successions and are chemical archives of…”
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Rapid emergence of subaerial landmasses and onset of a modern hydrologic cycle 2.5 billion years ago
Published in Nature (London) (01-05-2018)“…The history of the growth of continental crust is uncertain, and several different models that involve a gradual, decelerating, or stepwise process have been…”
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Explicit and implicit attitude toward an emerging food technology: The case of cultured meat
Published in Appetite (01-01-2017)“…Cultured meat is an unfamiliar emerging food technology that could provide a near endless supply of high quality protein with a relatively small ecological…”
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Infectious disease exposures and outbreaks at a South African neonatal unit with review of neonatal outbreak epidemiology in Africa
Published in International journal of infectious diseases (01-04-2017)“…Highlights • Outbreaks in hospitalized South African neonates are frequent but under-reported. • Thirteen outbreaks were documented, affecting 148 babies over…”
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Oxygen isotope perspective on crustal evolution on early Earth: A record of Precambrian shales with emphasis on Paleoproterozoic glaciations and Great Oxygenation Event
Published in Earth and planetary science letters (01-03-2016)“…We present stable isotope and chemical data for 206 Precambrian bulk shale and tillite samples that were collected mostly from drillholes on all continents and…”
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The chlorine isotope composition of chondrites and Earth
Published in Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (15-04-2013)“…The chlorine isotope composition of chondrites provides information about isotopic reservoirs that were present in the solar nebula and the effects of…”
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System identification and tracking using a statistical model and a Kalman filter
Published in Mechanical systems and signal processing (01-11-2019)“…•Development of a system identification and tracking method to improve the accuracy of modal estimates using a statistical model and a Kalman filter.•A key…”
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Large-scale fluctuations in Precambrian atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels from the record of U in shales
Published in Earth and planetary science letters (01-05-2013)“…The atmosphere–ocean system experienced a progressive change from anoxic to more oxidizing conditions through time. This oxidation is traditionally envisaged…”
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Tuberculosis in pregnant women and neonates: A meta-review of current evidence
Published in Paediatric respiratory reviews (01-11-2020)“…Pregnant women and their infants are a vulnerable but neglected population in tuberculosis (TB) control efforts. Recent advances in TB prevention, diagnosis…”
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Human responses to wave slamming vibration on a polar supply and research vessel
Published in Applied ergonomics (01-02-2018)“…A polar supply and research vessel is pre-disposed to wave slamming which has caused complaints among crew and researchers regarding interference with sleep,…”
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Iron formation; the sedimentary product of a complex interplay among mantle, tectonic, oceanic, and biospheric processes
Published in Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists (01-05-2010)“…Iron formations are economically important sedimentary rocks that are most common in Precambrian sedimentary successions. Although many aspects of their origin…”
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The relationship between consumer satisfaction and psychoacoustics of electric vehicle signature sound
Published in Applied acoustics (01-02-2019)“…The attributes of electric vehicle sound signatures have been investigated, especially considering the sound quality and warning features of the exterior…”
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Uranium in iron formations and the rise of atmospheric oxygen
Published in Chemical geology (20-12-2013)“…The concept of the Great Oxidation Event (GOE), during which atmospheric oxygen rose precipitously and perhaps to near-modern levels around 2.4–2.1billionyears…”
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Suboxic deep seawater in the late Paleoproterozoic: Evidence from hematitic chert and iron formation related to seafloor-hydrothermal sulfide deposits, central Arizona, USA
Published in Earth and planetary science letters (15-03-2007)“…A current model for the evolution of Proterozoic deep seawater composition involves a change from anoxic sulfide-free to sulfidic conditions 1.8 Ga. In an…”
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Indirect load case estimation for propeller-ice moments from shaft line torque measurements
Published in Cold regions science and technology (01-07-2018)“…In order to estimate the forces exerted on ship propellers during ice navigation, the rotational dynamics of the propulsion system need to be accurately…”
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Study of the Stress-Strain State of the System “Thin-Walled Steel Shell – Infill – Soil Base”
Published in Power technology and engineering (01-09-2023)“…The paper presents the results of studies aimed at developing a computational modeling methodology for calculating the stress-strain state of hydraulic…”
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Late Ediacaran redox stability and metazoan evolution
Published in Earth and planetary science letters (15-06-2012)“…The Neoproterozoic arrival of animals fundamentally changed Earth's biological and geochemical trajectory. Since the early description of Ediacaran and…”
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Pharmacokinetics of Rifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol in Infants Dosed According to Revised WHO-Recommended Treatment Guidelines
Published in Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (01-04-2016)“…There are limited pharmacokinetic data for use of the first-line antituberculosis drugs during infancy (<12 months of age), when drug disposition may differ…”
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Alternative skew Laplace scale mixtures for modeling data exhibiting high-peaked and heavy-tailed traits
Published in Japanese journal of statistics and data science (01-11-2024)“…The search and construction of appropriate and flexible models for describing and modelling empirical data sets incongruent with normality retains a sustained…”
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