Search Results - "Beisbart, Claus"
Opacity thought through: on the intransparency of computer simulations
Published in Synthese (Dordrecht) (01-12-2021)“…Computer simulations are often claimed to be opaque and thus to lack transparency. But what exactly is the opacity of simulations? This paper aims to answer…”
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Do we need an ethics of planetary sustainability?
Published in Global sustainability (2019)“…The politics of the United Nations aims at sustainable development (i.e., development that can continue with future generations). Andreas Losch has recently…”
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Ability of ChatGPT to generate competent radiology reports for distal radius fracture by use of RSNA template items and integrated AO classifier
Published in Current problems in diagnostic radiology (01-01-2024)“…The amount of acquired radiology imaging studies grows worldwide at a rapid pace. Novel information technology tools for radiologists promise an increase of…”
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Complexity in Multilingualism (Research)
Published in Language learning (01-03-2021)“…Does complexity make multilingualism special? Since there is no unequivocal notion of complexity on which researchers agree, several characteristics that have…”
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Do Computer Simulations Include Digital Artifacts?
Published in Metaphysics (07-11-2024)Get full text
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Unbestimmt und relativ? Das Weltbild der modernen Physik
Published in Physik in unserer Zeit (01-03-2024)Get full text
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Is there a defensible conception of reflective equilibrium?
Published in Synthese (Dordrecht) (22-02-2024)“…The goal of this paper is to re-assess reflective equilibrium (“RE”). We ask whether there is a conception of RE that can be defended against the various…”
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Are computer simulations experiments? And if not, how are they related to each other?
Published in European journal for philosophy of science (01-05-2018)“…Computer simulations and experiments share many important features. One way of explaining the similarities is to say that computer simulations just are…”
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Virtual Realism: Really Realism or only Virtually so? A Comment on D. J. Chalmers’s Petrus Hispanus Lectures
Published in Disputatio (Lisbon, Portugal) (01-12-2019)“…What is the status of a cat in a virtual reality environment? Is it a real object? Or part of a fiction? Virtual realism, as defended by D. J. Chalmers, takes…”
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What Is the Folk Concept of Life?
Published in Australasian journal of philosophy (03-04-2023)“…This paper details the content and structure of the folk concept of life, and discusses its relevance for scientific research on life. In four empirical…”
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The Importance of Understanding Deep Learning
Published in Erkenntnis (01-06-2024)“…Some machine learning models, in particular deep neural networks (DNNs), are not very well understood; nevertheless, they are frequently used in science. Does…”
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How can computer simulations produce new knowledge?
Published in European journal for philosophy of science (01-10-2012)“…It is often claimed that scientists can obtain new knowledge about nature by running computer simulations. How is this possible? I answer this question by…”
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Philosophy of science at sea: Clarifying the interpretability of machine learning
Published in Philosophy compass (01-06-2022)“…In computer science, there are efforts to make machine learning more interpretable or explainable, and thus to better understand the underlying models,…”
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Unbestimmt und relativ? Das Weltbild der modernen Physik
Published in Physik in unserer Zeit (01-03-2024)Get full text
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A Humean Guide to Spielraum Probabilities
Published in Journal for General Philosophy of Science (01-04-2016)“…The most promising accounts of ontic probability include the Spielraum conception of probabilities, which can be traced back to J. von Kries and H. Poincaré,…”
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Are We Sims? How Computer Simulations Represent and What this Means for the Simulation Argument
Published in The Monist (01-07-2014)“…N. Bostrom's simulation argument and two additional assumptions imply that we likely live in a computer simulation. The argument is based upon the following…”
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Wie viel Experiment braucht die Physik?
Published in Physik in unserer Zeit (01-11-2015)“…In der Physik gilt das Experiment als Prüfstein, an dem sich Hypothesen bewähren müssen. Doch wo Experimente technisch unmöglich sind oder zu aufwendig werden,…”
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Wie viel Experiment braucht die Physik?: Experiment, Gedankenexperiment und Computersimulation
Published in Physik in unserer Zeit (01-11-2015)“…In der Physik gilt das Experiment als Prüfstein, an dem sich Hypothesen bewähren müssen. Doch wo Experimente technisch unmöglich sind oder zu aufwendig werden,…”
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Making Reflective Equlibrium Precise: A Formal Model
Published in Ergo (Ann Arbor, Mich.) (13-12-2021)“…Reflective equilibrium (RE) is often regarded as a powerful method in ethics, logic, and even philosophy in general. Despite this popularity, characterizations…”
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Grete Henry-Hermann (1901–1984)
Published in Journal for general philosophy of science (01-12-2020)Get full text
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