Search Results - "Behrman, E C"
Benchmarking Neural Networks For Quantum Computations
Published in IEEE transaction on neural networks and learning systems (01-07-2020)“…The power of quantum computers is still somewhat speculative. Although they are certainly faster than classical ones at some tasks, the class of problems they…”
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Simulations of quantum neural networks
Published in Information sciences (01-10-2000)“…We explore by simulation ways in which an array of quantum dot molecules could serve as a quantum neural computer. First, we show that a single quantum dot…”
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Experimental pairwise entanglement estimation for an N-qubit system :A machine learning approach for programming quantum hardware
Published 22-04-2019“…Designing and implementing algorithms for medium and large scale quantum computers is not easy. In previous work we have suggested, and developed, the idea of…”
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Benchmarking neural networks for quantum computation
Published 06-12-2018“…IEEE TNNLS vol 31 pp 2522-2531 (2020) The power of quantum computers is still somewhat speculative. While they are certainly faster than classical ones at some…”
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Experimental pairwise entanglement estimation for an N-qubit system: A machine learning approach for programming quantum hardware
Published in Quantum information processing (01-11-2020)“…Designing and implementing algorithms for medium- and large-scale quantum computers is not easy. In the previous work, we have suggested, and developed, the…”
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Experimental pairwise entanglement estimation for an N-qubit system
Published in Quantum information processing (01-01-2020)“…Designing and implementing algorithms for medium- and large-scale quantum computers is not easy. In the previous work, we have suggested, and developed, the…”
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Possibility of stable spheroid molecules of ZnO
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-03-1994)Get full text
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Reinforcement and backpropagation training for an optical neural network using self-lensing effects
Published in IEEE transactions on neural networks (01-11-2000)“…The optical bench training of an optical feedforward neural network, developed by the authors, is presented. The network uses an optical nonlinear material for…”
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Quantum state transfer with untuneable couplings
Published 17-08-2008“…Physical Review A 75, 022310 (2007) We present a general scheme for implementing bi-directional quantum state transfer in a quantum swapping channel. Unlike…”
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Quantum gates using a pulsed bias scheme
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-10-2005)“…We propose a scheme for realizing quantum gates [controlled-NOT (CNOT) and Toffoli] using a two-level quantum system by means of a pulsed bias. We show how to…”
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Magnetic and structural properties of YBa2Cu3O7-xFy as prepared by a NF3 gas anneal
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter (1989)Get full text
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Programming quantum annealing computers using machine learning
Published in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (01-10-2017)“…Commercial quantum annealing (QA) machines are now being built with hundreds of quantum bits (qubits). These are used as analog computers, to solve…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Learning quantum annealing
Published 05-03-2016“…Quantum information and computation 17, 0469-0487 (2017) We propose and develop a new procedure, whereby a quantum system can learn to anneal to a desired…”
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Dynamic learning of pairwise and three-way entanglement
Published in 2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (01-10-2011)“…In previous work, we have developed a dynamic learning paradigm for "programming" a general quantum computer. A learning algorithm is used to find a set of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A quantum neural network computes its own relative phase
Published 13-01-2013“…IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2013, Singapore, April 15-19, 2013. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Complete…”
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Quantum neural computation of entanglement is robust to noise and decoherence
Published 30-10-2015“…Quantum Inspired Computational Intelligence: Research and Applications, S. Bhattacharyya, ed. (Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier, 2016) rks and Learning Systems 25,…”
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Semiempirical molecular orbital calculation of geometric, electronic, and vibrational structures of metal oxide, metal sulfide, and other inorganic fullerene spheroids
Published in Journal of molecular structure. Theochem (23-02-1996)“…We have performed semiempirical molecular orbital calculations, using the Austin Model 1# (AM1) and Parametric Method 3# (PM3) Hamiltonians of the program…”
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Multiqubit entanglement of a general input state
Published 06-08-2011“…Quantum Information and Computation 13, 36-53 (2013) Measurement of entanglement remains an important problem for quantum information. We present the design…”
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Towards the Dynamic Learning of an Experimental Entanglement Witness
Published in 2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (2006)“…We present a dynamic learning paradigm for "programming" a general quantum computer. A learning algorithm is used to find the control parameters for a coupled…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Quantum state transfer with untunable couplings
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-02-2007)“…We present a general scheme for implementing bidirectional quantum state transfer in a quantum swapping channel. Unlike many other schemes for quantum…”
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