Search Results - "Beattie, J Renwick"
Exploration of Principal Component Analysis: Deriving Principal Component Analysis Visually Using Spectra
Published in Applied Spectroscopy (01-04-2021)“…Spectroscopy rapidly captures a large amount of data that is not directly interpretable. Principal component analysis is widely used to simplify complex…”
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Raman spectroscopy as a predictive tool for monitoring osteoporosis therapy in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis
Published in Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine (01-02-2019)“…Pharmacological therapy of osteoporosis reduces bone loss and risk of fracture in patients. Modulation of bone mineral density cannot explain all effects…”
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Raman Microscopy for the Chemometric Analysis of Tumor Cells
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. B (05-10-2006)“…Raman spectroscopy is recognized as a tool for chemometric analysis of biological materials due to the high information content relating to specific physical…”
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Sclera as a surrogate marker for determining AGE-modifications in Bruch's membrane using a Raman spectroscopy-based index of aging
Published in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (01-03-2011)“…Raman spectroscopy is an effective probe of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in Bruch's membrane. However, because it is the outermost layer of the…”
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Reflections of the real‐world in the unreal, using simulation to design complex real‐world validation studies for spectroscopy
Published in Journal of Raman spectroscopy (01-12-2021)“…Increasing use of real‐world experiments embeds scientific study in settings relevant to everyday life but brings a number of complications. Traditional study…”
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A Preliminary Evaluation of the Ability of Keratotic Tissue to Act as a Prognostic Indicator of Hip Fracture Risk
Published in Clinical medicine insights. Arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders (01-01-2018)“…Studies have shown that Raman spectroscopic analysis of fingernail clippings can help differentiate between post-menopausal women who have and who have not…”
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Prediction of adipose tissue composition using raman spectroscopy: Average properties and individual fatty acids
Published in Lipids (01-03-2006)“…Raman spectroscopy has been used for the first time to predict the FA composition of unextracted adipose tissue of pork, beef, lamb, and chicken. It was found…”
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Preliminary investigations on the effects of ageing and cooking on the Raman spectra of porcine longissimus dorsi
Published in Meat science (01-12-2008)“…The influence of ageing and cooking on the Raman spectrum of porcine longissimus dorsi was investigated. The rich information contained in the Raman spectrum…”
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Classification of Adipose Tissue Species using Raman Spectroscopy
Published in Lipids (01-07-2007)“…In this study multivariate analysis of Raman spectra has been used to classify adipose tissue from four different species (chicken, beef, lamb and pork). The…”
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critical evaluation of raman spectroscopy for the analysis of lipids: fatty acid methyl esters
Published in Lipids (01-05-2004)“…The work presented here is aimed at determining the potential and limitations of Raman spectroscopy for fat analysis by carrying out a systematic investigation…”
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Raman spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring osteoporosis therapy in postmenopausal osteoporosis
Published in Journal of Raman spectroscopy (01-12-2023)“…Bisphosphonate‐based pharmacological therapy of osteoporosis reduces risk of fracture, but modulation of bone mineral density does not solely explain this…”
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Quantification of calcium in infant formula using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics including data fusion
Published in Food chemistry (01-08-2020)“…•LIBS, Raman, FT-IR were investigated to quantify calcium (Ca) content in INF.•Chemical references of calcium content in INF were obtained using AAS.•PLSR…”
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Raman spectroscopy of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), possible markers for progressive retinal dysfunction
Published in Journal of Raman spectroscopy (01-11-2008)“…Raman microscopy is used to investigate the spectral features of selected compounds known to be involved in the development of the eye disease age‐related…”
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Development of sampling methods for Raman analysis of solid dosage forms of therapeutic and illicit drugs
Published in Journal of Raman spectroscopy (01-05-2004)“…The results of a study aimed at determining the most important experimental parameters for automated, quantitative analysis of solid dosage form…”
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Optimising reproducibility in low quality signals without smoothing; an alternative paradigm for signal processing
Published in Journal of Raman spectroscopy (01-06-2011)“…Raman spectroscopy has been revolutionised in recent decades by major technological advances such as lasers, charge‐coupled detectors (CCD) and notch/edge…”
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Raman spectroscopy predicts the link between claw keratin and bone collagen structure in a rodent model of oestrogen deficiency
Published in Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease (01-02-2018)“…Osteoporosis is a common disease characterised by reduced bone mass and an increased risk of fragility fractures. Low bone mineral density is known to…”
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Confocal Raman microscopy can quantify advanced glycation end product (AGE) modifications in Bruch's membrane leading to accurate, nondestructive prediction of ocular aging
Published in The FASEB journal (01-11-2007)“…The modification of proteins by nonenzymatic glycation leading to accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is a well-established phenomenon of…”
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Multiplex analysis of age-related protein and lipid modifications in human Bruch's membrane
Published in The FASEB journal (01-12-2010)“…Aging of the human retina is characterized by progressive pathology, which can lead to vision loss. This progression is believed to involve reactive metabolic…”
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Effect of signal intensity normalization on the multivariate analysis of spectral data in complex 'real-world' datasets
Published in Journal of Raman spectroscopy (01-04-2009)“…Spectral signal intensities, especially in ‘real‐world’ applications with nonstandardized sample presentation due to uncontrolled variables/factors, commonly…”
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use of Raman microscopy to determine and localize vitamin E in biological samples
Published in The FASEB journal (01-03-2007)“…Alpha-tocopherol (aT), the predominant form of vitamin E in mammals, is thought to prevent oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the lung, aT is…”
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