Search Results - "Bartira Pereira Palma"
Exploring the Networks of Relationships Between the 5Cs of Positive Youth Development Through Sport
Published in Acta colombiana de psicología (01-01-2024)“…The theoretical 5Cs model (character, confidence, competence, connection and caring) is a promising theory for evaluating Positive Youth Development (PYD)…”
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Iniciação e participação no basquetebol: ensino da fase ofensiva a partir de conceitos de jogo
Published in Educación Física y Ciencia (01-04-2021)“…Os jogos de ataque por conceitos (JAC) visam estimular jogadores a compreenderem o jogo, solucionarem problemas e criarem vantagens sobre o adversário. O…”
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Inventário de Coping para Atletas em Situação de Competição: Evidências de Validade
Published in Avaliação Psicológica (01-01-2019)“…Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo investigar as evidências de validade e precisão do Inventário de Coping para Atletas em Situação de Competição…”
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The impact of passion for exercising on the perception of well-being during periods of social isolation
Published in Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) (2024)“…Abstract Objective of this study was to, based on a theoretical model, verify the associations between the variables passion, affect, satisfaction with life,…”
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Athletics is still a male-dominated sport: the underrepresentation of women as athletes, coaches, and referees in Brazil
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…Gender inequality remains a pervasive issue in sports, attracting increasing attention in contemporary research. Despite this, scant scholarly focus has been…”
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Sources of validity evidence in the assessment of perceived motor competence in Brazilian schoolchildren
Published in ABCS health sciences (07-07-2023)“…Introduction: The judgment a child makes about his/her competence in the motor domain is known as perceived motor competence, a key element in building the…”
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Escala de Crenças Irracionais aplicadas a atletas: Proposta de interpretação através do Modelo de Créditos Parciais
Published in Motricidade (27-12-2015)“…Nesta pesquisa buscou-se evidências de validade e precisão, bem como normas de interpretação da ECI frente à população de atletas brasileiros. Participaram do…”
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Sensitivity, shared purpose, and learning community: a case study of a Brazilian sport program with children and young people from socially vulnerable backgrounds
Published in Physical education and sport pedagogy (02-01-2024)“…This article draws on the Long-Term Program Development framework [Siwik, M., A. Lambert, D. Saylor, R. Bertram, C. Cocchiarella, and W. Gilbert. 2015. "Long…”
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Risk of falls using the Biodex Balance System in non-faller patients with Parkinson Disease
Published in Somatosensory & motor research (02-10-2022)“…Biodex Balance System (BBS) is a low-cost platform used to assess balance in different populations. However, no study has used this tool to evaluate the risk…”
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El atletismo sigue siendo un deporte dominado por los hombres: la subrepresentación de las mujeres como atletas, entrenadoras y árbitros en Brasil
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…Gender inequality remains a pervasive issue in sports, attracting increasing attention in contemporary research. Despite this, scant scholarly focus has been…”
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The State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity: Further Psychometrics Properties
Published in Psicologia, ciência e profissão (2023)“…Abstract Mindfulness has been defined as attention and awareness to the present with an attitude of openness, non-judgment, and acceptance. It is suggested…”
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Evidências adicionais de validade da versão brasileira do Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2)
Published in Avaliação psicologica (01-01-2022)“…This study sought new validity evidence for the Brazilian version of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2). The sample consisted…”
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The Irrational Belief Scale applied to Brazilian athletes: Interpretation proposal through the Partial Credit Model
Published in Motricidade (01-01-2015)“…Validity and reliability evidences, as well as interpretation standards for ECI in Brazilian athletes were assessed in this study. The study sample consisted…”
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Motivação, paixão e mindfulness: um estudo correlacional sobre engajamento no esporte
Published in Pensar a prática : revista da pós-graduação em educação física escolar (30-06-2022)“…O objetivo foi verificar o efeito preditor da motivação sobre estado de mindfulness durante a prática esportiva e o papel mediador da paixão pelo esporte nesta…”
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Indicadores de motivação e paixão para prática esportiva em atletas brasileiros: um estudo sob a ótica da autodeterminação
Published in Psicologia Revista (29-04-2019)“…A motivação é uma variável de suma importância às práticas físicas e esportivas, exercendo considerável influência à adesão e manutenção destas atividades…”
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Escala de Crenças Irracionais aplicadas a atletas: Proposta de in-terpretação através do Modelo de Créditos Parciais/The Irrational Belief Scale applied to Brazilian athletes: Interpretation pro-posal through the Partial Credit Model
Published in Motricidade (01-07-2015)“…Validity and reliability evidences, as well as interpretation standards for ECI in Brazilian athletes were assessed in this study. The study sample consisted…”
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