Search Results - "Barsky, S"
The 4-source photometric stereo technique for three-dimensional surfaces in the presence of highlights and shadows
Published in IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (01-10-2003)“…We present an algorithm for separating the local gradient information and Lambertian color by using 4-source color photometric stereo in the presence of…”
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ERα signaling through slug regulates E-cadherin and EMT
Published in Oncogene (11-03-2010)“…The ERα signaling pathway is one of the most important and most studied pathways in human breast cancer, yet numerous questions still exist such as how…”
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Heavy Lifting: Emotional Labor and Election Administration
Published in Administration & society (01-02-2023)“…The American democratic system depends on the regular execution of free and fair elections, delivered by front-line public workers. Local election officials…”
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The lymphovascular embolus of inflammatory breast cancer exhibits a Notch 3 addiction
Published in Oncogene (20-01-2011)“…Inflammatory breast carcinoma (IBC) is characterized by exaggerated lymphovascular invasion (LVI), recapitulated in our human xenograft, MARY-X. This model…”
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The genesis and unique properties of the lymphovascular tumor embolus are because of calpain-regulated proteolysis of E-cadherin
Published in Oncogene (28-03-2013)“…The genesis and unique properties of the lymphovascular tumor embolus are poorly understood largely because of the absence of an experimental model that…”
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A role for nucleotides in support of breast cancer angiogenesis: heterologous receptor signalling
Published in British journal of cancer (10-05-2011)“…Background: Human breast carcinoma cells secrete an adenosine 5′-diphosphate transphosphorylase (sNDPK) known to induce endothelial cell tubulogenesis in a P2Y…”
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An intact overexpressed e-cadherin/α, β-catenin axis characterizes the lymphovascular emboli of inflammatory breast carcinoma
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-07-2001)“…The step of intravasation (lymphovascular invasion), a rate-limiting step in metastasis, is greatly exaggerated in inflammatory breast carcinoma (IBC). Because…”
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Genistein exerts multiple suppressive effects on human breast carcinoma cells
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-11-1998)“…Dietary genistein, a natural flavone compound found in soy, has been proposed to be responsible for the low rate of breast cancer in Asian women. The cellular…”
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Monoclonal origins of malignant mixed tumors (carcinosarcomas) : Evidence for a divergent histogenesis
Published in The American journal of surgical pathology (01-03-1996)“…Malignant mixed tumors (carcinosarcomas) are examples of unusual neoplasms whose occurrences have been observed in increasingly diverse sites but whose…”
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The human myoepithelial cell is a natural tumor suppressor
Published in Clinical cancer research (01-11-1997)“…Myoepithelial cells, which surround ducts and acini of glandular organs, form a natural border separating proliferating epithelial cells from basement membrane…”
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Semi-automated imaging system to quantitate estrogen and progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in human breast cancer
Published in Journal of microscopy (Oxford) (01-06-2007)“…A semi-automated imaging system is described to quantitate estrogen and progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in human breast cancer. The system works for any…”
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Stewards of Society: Preparedness and Perceptions Among the Unsung Heroes of Public Health Service Delivery
Published in Journal of health and human services administration (15-09-2023)“…Front-line public health workers are essential to protecting the health of the public, particularly during widespread public health emergencies. Local public…”
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Histopathologic and Molecular Alterations in Bronchial Epithelium in Habitual Smokers of Marijuana, Cocaine, and/or Tobacco
Published in JNCI : Journal of the National Cancer Institute (19-08-1998)“…Background: Tobacco smoking has been observed to cause molecular alterations in bronchial epithelium that antedate the development of lung carcinoma. The…”
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A novel human xenograft model of inflammatory breast cancer
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (15-10-1999)“…The step of intravasation or lymphovascular invasion can be a rate-limiting step in the metastatic process. Inflammatory breast carcinoma manifests an…”
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Airway Inflammation in Young Marijuana and Tobacco Smokers
Published in American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (01-03-1998)“…Forty healthy young subjects, ages 20 to 49 yr, underwent videobronchoscopy, mucosal biopsy, and bronchial lavage to evaluate the airway inflammation produced…”
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Fiberoptic ductoscopy for breast cancer patients with nipple discharge
Published in Surgical endoscopy (01-11-2001)“…Breast cancer and precancer are thought to originate in the lining of the milk duct, but until recently, we have not had direct access to this area other than…”
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Tracheobronchial histopathology in habitual smokers of cocaine, marijuana, and/or tobacco
Published in Chest (01-08-1997)“…Marijuana and alkaloidal cocaine ("crack") are the two most commonly smoked substances in the United States after tobacco. While regular tobacco smoking has…”
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The myoepithelial defense: a host defense against cancer
Published in Medical hypotheses (1997)“…The behavior of human tumors depends not only on the nature of the tumor cells themselves but also on the modifying effects of various normal host cells such…”
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Evidence for a protein related immunologically to the jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus in some human lung tumours
Published in The European respiratory journal (01-08-2000)“…Human bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is a lung cancer, morphologically similar to an endemic contagious lung neoplasm of sheep called sheep pulmonary…”
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Breast-cancer diagnosis with nipple fluid bFGF
Published in The Lancet (British edition) (12-08-2000)“…Early diagnosis of breast cancer is the key to extending survival of breast-cancer patients. We found that the concentrations of nipple fluid bFGF (basic…”
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