Search Results - "Barradas, João"
Design variation of thin-walled composite beam cross-section properties
Published in Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures (10-10-2016)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a design sensitivity analysis continuum formulation for the cross-section properties of thin-walled laminated…”
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Congenital erythrocytosis – discover of a new mutation in the EGLN1 gene
Published in Clinical case reports (01-06-2018)“…Key Clinical Message Congenital erythrocytosis is a hereditary disorder due to an increase in red cell mass that can be caused by mutations in proteins…”
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Optimal multiobjective design of a vehicle restraint system using pre-acting control: A limiting performance analysis
Published in Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures (08-10-2018)“…PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to perform the limiting performance analysis of a vehicle restraint system (seat belt) in order to find the optimal control…”
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Rapid percolation of water through soil macropores affects reading and calibration of large encapsulated TDR sensors
Published in Soil and water research (01-01-2015)“…The electromagnetic soil water content sensors are invaluable tools because of their selective sensitivity to water, versatility, ease of automation and large…”
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Progress for carbon dioxide geological storage in West Macedonia: A field and laboratory-based survey
Published in Open research Europe (01-01-2023)“…Background: It is widely acknowledged that carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), a greenhouse gas, is largely responsible for climatic changes that can lead to warming or…”
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Progress for carbon dioxide geological storage in West Macedonia: A field and laboratory-based survey
Published in Open research Europe (2023)“…Background: It is widely acknowledged that carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), a greenhouse gas, is largely responsible for climatic changes that can lead to warming or…”
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Improved horizontal installation of large soil moisture content sensors and interpretation of their readings in terms of preferential flow
Published in Journal of hydrology and hydromechanics (Online) (01-01-2012)“…Soil moisture content was measured by TDR sensors Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., today McCrometer CONNECT) in a loamy Chernozem on carbonate-rich loess…”
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Testing of activated carbon for water and non-volatile LNAPL quantitative determination in porous media under laboratory conditions
Published in Soil and water research (01-01-2014)“…Activated carbon is a highly porous form of carbon, which has an exceptionally large surface area. Activated carbon material has been artificially processed as…”
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Improved horizontal installation of large soil moisture content sensors and interpretation of their readings in terms of preferential flow / Zlepsená vodorovná instalace velkých cidel pudní vlhkosti a interpretace jejich ctení ve smyslu preferencního proudení
Published in Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics (01-12-2012)“…Soil moisture content was measured by TDR sensors Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., today McCrometer CONNECT) in a loamy Chernozem on carbonate-rich loess…”
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Multiple myeloma in elderly patients—a Portuguese multicentric real-life study
Published in Annals of hematology (01-07-2019)“…Patients older than 75 years old with multiple myeloma (MM) have shorter survival and are usually treated differently from what features in clinical trials. In…”
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Optimal multiobjective design of a vehicle restraint system using pre-acting control
Published in Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures (08-10-2018)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to perform the limiting performance analysis of a vehicle restraint system (seat belt) in order to find the optimal…”
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Emphysematous gastritis
Published in Medicina clínica (English ed.) (29-11-2019)Get full text
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Infâncias negras de uma comunidade periférica e os significados de ocupar-se do projeto social Afrocine / Black childhoods from a peripheral community and the meanings of getting busy of the afrocine social project
Published in Revisbrato (08-11-2021)“…Introdução: Crianças têm um repertório de ocupações bem diverso, que engloba, principalmente, o brincar e a educação, e, para crianças negras que residem em…”
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Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid as New Therapeutic Approach in Hepatocelular Carcinoma
Published 01-01-2014“…Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, making this disease responsible for 12.5% of deaths. Moreover, liver cancer is one of the most common…”
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Dissertation -
The Impact of Financial Dependency on Business Relationships : A Case Study
Published 01-01-2023“…What is the impact of financial dependency on business relationships? This is the question that this study aims to answer, by running a multiple case study…”
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Competency-based to nursing education: literature review
Published in Revista de enfermagem UFPE on line (27-03-2011)“…ABSTRACTObjectives: to characterize the scientific production of models and educational strategies for nursing education based on competencies; Identify…”
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Improved horizontal installation of large soil moisture content sensors and interpretation of their readings in terms of preferential flow / Zlepšená vodorovná instalace velkých čidel půdní vlhkosti a interpretace jejich čtení ve smyslu preferenčního proudění
Published in Vodohospodársky časopis (01-12-2012)“…Vlhkost hlinité černozemní půdy na karbonátovém sprašovém substrátu byla měřena metodou TDR čidly Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., dnes McCrometer CONNECT)…”
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Experimental Characterization of Liquid-Liquid Stratified Flow Interacting with Vertical Emergent Cylinders
Published 01-01-2021“…Density currents are mainly horizontal flows that are driven by density differences between contacting flows, which may result from temperature gradients,…”
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Dissertation -
Congenital erythrocytosis - discover of a new mutation in the EGLN1 gene
Published in Clinical case reports (01-06-2018)“…Congenital erythrocytosis is a hereditary disorder due to an increase in red cell mass that can be caused by mutations in proteins involved in HIF-α pathway,…”
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