Search Results - "Barney, Anna"
Motif Discovery in Speech: Application to Monitoring Alzheimer's Disease
Published in Current Alzheimer research (01-09-2017)“…Perseveration - repetition of words, phrases or questions in speech - is commonly described in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Measuring perseveration is difficult,…”
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"Velcro-type" crackles predict specific radiologic features of fibrotic interstitial lung disease
Published in BMC pulmonary medicine (18-06-2018)“…"Velcro-type" crackles on chest auscultation are considered a typical acoustic finding of Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease (FILD), however whether they may…”
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Changes in quantifiable breathing pattern components predict asthma control: an observational cross-sectional study
Published in Asthma research and practice (06-04-2021)“…Breathing pattern disorders are frequently reported in uncontrolled asthma. At present, this is primarily assessed by questionnaires, which are subjective…”
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Automatic breathing phase identification based on the second derivative of the recorded lung sounds
Published in Biomedical signal processing and control (01-08-2024)“…•The method automatically classifies the breathing phases within a lung sound recording, which can help clinicians when using lung sound recordings to diagnose…”
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Iterative envelope mean fractal dimension filter for the separation of crackles from normal breath sounds
Published in Biomedical signal processing and control (01-04-2021)“…•Separation of pulmonary crackles from breath sounds can assist in crackle identification and classification.•The IEM-FD filter is a new fast, noise-robust,…”
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Aerodynamic measures of speech in unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) patients
Published in Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology (01-04-2013)“…Abstract This paper reports the recording and analysis of an aerodynamic database of 51 words produced by four patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis…”
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An algorithm to detect dicrotic notch in arterial blood pressure and photoplethysmography waveforms using the iterative envelope mean method
Published in Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (01-09-2024)“…•The IEM-based algorithm has low computational cost, and demonstrates an average error of DN detection well below the strict permitted error range (30 ms) in…”
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Articulatory capacity of Neanderthals, a very recent and human-like fossil hominin
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological sciences (12-01-2012)“…Scientists seek to use fossil and archaeological evidence to constrain models of the coevolution of human language and tool use. We focus on Neanderthals, for…”
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Advanced voice function assessment: Editorial introduction to this special issue
Published in Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology (01-04-2015)“…Abstract ICT COST Action 2103 was an EU-funded collaborative network of speech processing engineers, laryngologists, and phoniatricians that started on 19…”
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Quantitative analysis of lung sounds for monitoring idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a prospective pilot study
Published in The European respiratory journal (01-03-2019)Get full text
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The Relationship Between Crackle Characteristics and Airway Morphology in COPD
Published in Respiratory care (01-03-2015)“…Crackles in COPD are believed to be generated by the re-opening of collapsed airways, which result from chronic inflammation, secretions, and loss of…”
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Are Crackles an Appropriate Outcome Measure for Airway Clearance Therapy?
Published in Respiratory care (01-09-2012)“…There is an urgent need to develop new outcome measures for respiratory therapy, to evaluate its effectiveness. Adventitious sounds generated from the lungs…”
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The reliability of lung crackle characteristics in cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis patients in a clinical setting
Published in Physiological measurement (01-09-2009)“…Lung sounds provide useful information for assessing and monitoring respiratory patients, but standard auscultation is subjective. Computer aided lung sound…”
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Analysis of frication noise modulation from a physical model
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (01-05-2008)“…A physical model, built to investigate the aeroacoustic properties of voiced fricative speech, was used to study the amplitude modulation of theturbulence…”
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Evaluation of the agreement of tidal breathing parameters measured simultaneously using pneumotachography and structured light plethysmography
Published in Physiological reports (01-02-2017)“…Structured light plethysmography (SLP) is a noncontact, noninvasive, respiratory measurement technique, which uses a structured pattern of light and two…”
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The tongue in speech and feeding: Comparative articulatory modelling
Published in Journal of phonetics (01-11-2012)“…Two major functions of the human vocal tract are feeding and speaking. As, ontogenetically and phylogenetically, feeding tasks precede speaking tasks, it has…”
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Investigation of the mechanisms of voicing offset
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (01-05-2008)“…During voiced speech the source of sound production arises from the vibrations of the vocal folds within the larynx. In order to terminate these vibrations it…”
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Weak voicing in fricative production
Published in Journal of phonetics (01-09-2012)“…Understanding of the production mechanisms of voiced fricatives lags significantly behind that of other phonemic categories of speech. This paper presents a…”
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