Search Results - "Barbosa, Sara Pinto"
Predictors of the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in SF-36 in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: A Multimodal Model With Moderators and Mediators
Published in Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) (27-07-2022)“…PurposeThe study aimed to examine associations between the 36-item short form health survey (SF-36) in clinical and neurophysiological measures to identify its…”
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The Role of Social Support for Patients with Mental Disorders in Primary Care in Brazil
Published in Issues in mental health nursing (01-05-2017)“…The aim of this article was to identify the health care providers and other agencies in a given region where psychiatric patients included in the study reside…”
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The impact of Exergames on emotional experience: a systematic review
Published in Frontiers in public health (07-09-2023)“…BackgroundGamification has proven to be a significant tool for health promotion, with a particular focus on physical activities such as Exergames, which…”
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Pancreaticopleural fistula: An insidious cause of pleural effusion -case report
Published in Journal of cardiovascular and thoracic research (01-03-2022)“…Pancreaticopleural fistulas (PPF) are a rare etiology of pleural effusions. We describe a case of a 61-year-old man, with left chest pain with six months of…”
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Mental Health Needs and Psychoactive Drug Use in a User Population of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Published in Community mental health journal (01-07-2018)“…This cross-sectional study was conducted in Family Health Care's field of Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo, Brazil to identify the prevalence of…”
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Correction to: Mental Health Needs and Psychoactive Drug Use in a User Population of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Published in Community mental health journal (01-07-2018)“…The original version of this article unfortunately published without acknowledgement. The funding information and grant number is given below: Funding Research…”
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T-Cell/Histiocyte-Rich Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A Challenging Diagnosis
Published in European journal of case reports in internal medicine (26-07-2019)“…Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a double-stranded virus that shows tropism for B-cell lymphocytes. EBV-infected patients usually present with…”
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Mental health in the Family Health Strategy as perceived by health professionals
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-09-2017)“…to analyze the management of mental health needs in primary care as perceived by Family Health Strategy professionals. this was a qualitative descriptive…”
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A neural signature for brain compensation in stroke with EEG and TMS: Insights from the DEFINE cohort study
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-09-2024)“…This study aimed to explore the relationships between potential neurophysiological biomarkers and upper limb motor function recovery in stroke patients,…”
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OPRM1 and BDNF polymorphisms associated with a compensatory neurophysiologic signature in knee osteoarthritis patients
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-12-2023)“…The present study investigated the relationship between three genetic polymorphisms of OPRM1 (rs1799971 - A118G and rs1799972 - C17T) and BDNF (rs6265 - C196T)…”
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Distinct patterns of metabolic motor cortex activity for phantom and residual limb pain in people with amputations: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-02-2024)“…Phantom pain limb (PLP) has gained more attention due to the large number of people with amputations around the world and growing knowledge of the pain…”
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Resting-state EEG as Biomarker of Maladaptive Motor Function and Depressive Profile in Stroke Patients
Published in Clinical EEG and neuroscience (01-07-2024)“…Objective: Investigate the relationship between resting-state EEG-measured brain oscillations and clinical and demographic measures in Stroke patients…”
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O uso de álcool entre idosos atendidos na Atenção Primária à Saúde
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (01-02-2018)“…Resumo Objetivo: Verificar o padrão do uso de álcool entre idosos atendidos em um serviço de Atenção Primária à Saúde e descrever a relação do uso desta…”
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Use of alcohol among elderly people attending Primary Health Care
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (01-01-2018)“…To verify the pattern of alcohol use among the elderly attending a primary health care service and to describe the relationship between the use of alcohol and…”
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Perception of social support: a comparative study between men with and without substance-related disorders
Published in Journal of substance use (02-01-2016)“…The influence of drug abuse on social support has been explored in different studies; however, the social support networks of individuals with…”
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Alcohol dependence syndrome in emergency services: assessment protocol for the professional nursing practice/Síndrome de dependência alcoólica em serviços de emergência: protocolo de avaliação para a prática profissional de enfermagem/Síndrome de dependencia alcohólica en servicios de urgencia: protocolo de evaluación para la práctica profesional de enfermería
Published in Enfermería global (01-01-2016)“…This is a quantitative study carried out in emergency services of Ribeirao Preto, a city located in the countryside of Sao Paulo state. The aim of this study…”
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Mental health care situation in family health units: perceptions of community health agents
Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (01-03-2015)“…This was a qualitative, descriptive study, performed with 17 Community Health Agents. The aim was to analyze the perception of these professionals regarding…”
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Estratégia de Saúde da Família: recursos comunitários na atenção à saúde mental
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (01-12-2013)“…OBJETIVO: Investigar a percepção de profissionais de estratégia de saúde da família sobre recursos existentes no território para atendimento de demandas em…”
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