Search Results - "Banerjee, V."
Do Firms Want to Borrow More? Testing Credit Constraints Using a Directed Lending Program
Published in The Review of economic studies (01-04-2014)“…This article uses variation in access to a targeted lending program to estimate whether firms are credit constrained. While both constrained and unconstrained…”
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The Economic Lives of the Poor
Published in The Journal of economic perspectives (01-01-2007)“…The 1990 World Development Report from the World Bank defined the “extremely poor” people of the world as those who are currently living on no more than $1 per…”
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What is middle class about the middle classes around the world?
Published in The Journal of economic perspectives (01-01-2008)“…We expect a lot from the middle classes. At least three distinct arguments about the special economic role of the middle class are traditionally made. In one,…”
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Remedying Education: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments in India
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-08-2007)“…This paper presents the results of two randomized experiments conducted in schools in urban India. A remedial education program hired young women to teach…”
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Why Does Misallocation Persist?
Published in American economic journal. Macroeconomics (01-01-2010)“…Recent papers argue that the misallocation of resources can explain large cross-country TFP differences. This argument is underpinned by empirical evidence…”
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Pitfalls of participatory programs: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in education in India
Published in American economic journal. Economic policy (01-02-2010)“…Participation of beneficiaries in the monitoring of public services is increasingly seen as a key to improving their quality. We conducted a randomized…”
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Inequality and Growth: What Can the Data Say?
Published in Journal of economic growth (Boston, Mass.) (01-09-2003)“…This paper describes the correlations between inequality and the growth rates in cross-country data. Using nonparametric methods, we show that the growth rate…”
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Published in Journal of the European Economic Association (01-04-2008)“…The public Indian health care system is plagued by high staff absence, low effort by providers, and limited use by potential beneficiaries who prefer private…”
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Folate regulation of axonal regeneration in the rodent central nervous system through DNA methylation
Published in The Journal of clinical investigation (01-05-2010)“…The folate pathway plays a crucial role in the regeneration and repair of the adult CNS after injury. Here, we have shown in rodents that such repair occurs at…”
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Reputation Effects and the Limits of Contracting: A Study of the Indian Software Industry
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-08-2000)“…This paper examines evidence of the role that reputation plays in determining contractual outcomes. We conduct an empirical analysis of the Indian customized…”
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Empowerment and Efficiency: Tenancy Reform in West Bengal
Published in The Journal of political economy (01-04-2002)“…The paper analyzes the effect of agricultural tenancy laws offering security of tenure to tenants and regulating the share of output that is paid as rent on…”
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A Simple Model of Herd Behavior
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-08-1992)“…We analyze a sequential decision model in which each decision maker looks at the decisions made by previous decision makers in taking her own decision. This is…”
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A Theory of Misgovernance
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-11-1997)“…This paper tries to explain why government bureaucracies are often associated with red tape, corruption, and lack of incentives. The paper identifies two…”
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Scaling and self-similarity in Pb1-xFexS nanoparticle films
Published in The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics (01-12-2007)Get full text
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(Dis)Organization and Success in an Economics MOOC
Published in The American economic review (01-05-2014)“…Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) present the potential to deliver high quality education to a large number of students. But they suffer from low completion…”
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How important are matching frictions in the labor market? Experimental & non-experimental evidence from a large Indian firm
Published in Journal of development economics (01-10-2024)“…This paper provides evidence of matching frictions in the Indian labor market. Using several methods to elicit genuine preferences of job-seekers over jobs, we…”
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The impact of training informal health care providers in India: A randomized controlled trial
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (07-10-2016)“…Health care providers without formal medical qualifications provide more than 70% of all primary care in rural India. Training these informal providers may be…”
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Debunking the Stereotype of the Lazy Welfare Recipient: Evidence from Cash Transfer Programs
Published in The World Bank research observer (01-08-2017)“…Targeted transfer programs for poor citizens have become increasingly common in the developing world. Yet, a common concern among policy-makers and citizens is…”
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Occupational Choice and the Process of Development
Published in The Journal of political economy (01-04-1993)“…This paper models economic development as a process of institutional transformation by focusing on the interplay between agents' occupational decisions and the…”
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A Theory of Experimenters: Robustness, Randomization, and Balance
Published in The American economic review (01-04-2020)“…This paper studies the problem of experiment design by an ambiguity-averse decision-maker who trades off subjective expected performance against robust…”
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