Search Results - "Bambini, G"

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    Amiodarone iodine-induced hypothyroidism: risk factors and follow-up in 28 cases by Martino, E, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Mariotti, S, Bartalena, L, Lenziardi, M, Ceccarelli, C, Bambini, G, Safran, M, Braverman, L E, Pinchera, A

    Published in Clinical endocrinology (Oxford) (01-02-1987)
    “…Amiodarone, an iodine-rich drug widely used for the treatment of cardiac tachyarrhythmias, may induce either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Of 467 patients…”
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    Factors affecting suppression of endogenous thyrotropin secretion by thyroxine treatment: retrospective analysis in athyreotic and goitrous patients by Bartalena, L, Martino, E, Pacchiarotti, A, Grasso, L, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Buratti, L, Bambini, G, Breccia, M, Pinchera, A

    “…Factors affecting TSH suppression by L-T4 administration were retrospectively evaluated in 452 patients: 180 who were athyreotic after total thyroidectomy and…”
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    The effect of thyroid dysfunction and fasting on placenta inner ring deiodinase activity in the rat by Emerson, C H, Bambini, G, Alex, S, Castro, M I, Roti, E, Braverman, L E

    Published in Endocrinology (Philadelphia) (01-03-1988)
    “…The placenta contains iodothyronine 5-deiodinase activity (P5-Dase) that probably acts on iodothyronines in the fetal circulation to convert T4 to rT3 and T3…”
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    Human serum thyrotrophin measurement by ultrasensitive immunoradiometric assay as a first-line test in the evaluation of thyroid function by Martino, E, Bambini, G, Bartalena, L, Mammoli, C, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Baschieri, L, Pinchera, A

    Published in Clinical endocrinology (Oxford) (01-02-1986)
    “…An ultrasensitive immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) using two monoclonal anti-TSH antibodies has been used for TSH measurements in basal conditions and after TRH…”
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    Effects of continuous light and dark exposure on hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone in rats by Martino, E, Bambini, G, Vaudagna, G, Breccia, M, Baschieri, L

    Published in Journal of endocrinological investigation (01-02-1985)
    “…The thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) content in whole hypothalamus was measured by specific radioimmunoassay in rats exposed to a daily light-dark cycle…”
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    Effects of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone on pituitary deiodinase activity and thyrotropin secretion in the rat by Safran, M, Fang, S L, Bambini, G, Pinchera, A, Martino, E, Braverman, L E

    “…The effect of acute administration of amiodarone, its major metabolite desethylamiodarone and iodine in an amount equal to that contained in amiodarone on…”
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    Effects of carbamazepine on prolactin secretion in normal subjects and in epileptic subjects by Bonuccelli, U, Murialdo, G, Martino, E, Lecchini, S, Bonura, M L, Bambini, G, Murri, L

    Published in Clinical neuropharmacology (01-01-1985)
    “…The effects of carbamazepine (CBZ) on spontaneous secretion of prolactin (PRL) and after stimulation with thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) were evaluated…”
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    Ontogenetic development of pancreatic thyrotropin-releasing hormone in human foetuses and in infants by Martino, E, Grasso, S, Bambini, G, Pardo, G, Vitti, P, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Pinchera, A

    Published in Acta endocrinologica (Copenhagen) (01-07-1986)
    “…The ontogeny of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in pancreata of human foetuses from 15-36 weeks of gestation and of infants has been studied. TRH was…”
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    Ontogeny of nyctohemeral variations of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in rat hypothalamus by Martino, E, Bambini, G, Bartalena, L, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Breccia, M, Baschieri, L, Pinchera, A

    Published in Endocrinology (Philadelphia) (01-07-1986)
    “…The ontogeny of nyctohemeral variations of hypothalamic TRH content was determined in male rats from 7-45 days after birth, exposed to a daily 12-h light, 12-h…”
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    Serum free thyroxine in patients with T3-toxicosis by Martino, E, Pacchiarotti, A, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Grasso, L, Bambini, G, Baschieri, L, Pinchera, A

    Published in Acta endocrinologica (Copenhagen) (01-11-1985)
    “…The serum free thyroxine concentration was measured by direct radioimmunoassay in 38 untreated T3-thyrotoxic patients with elevated serum total and free…”
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    Serum Myoglobin in Primary Hypothyroidism and Effect of L-Thyroxine Therapy by Martino, E, Sardano, G, Vaudagna, G, Bambini, G, Breccia, M, Motz, E, Ciampi, M, Baschieri, L, Pinchera, A

    Published in The Journal of nuclear medicine (1978) (01-12-1982)
    “…Serum myoglobin (Mb) concentrations have been measured by radioimmunoassay in normal subjects, in hypothyroid patients examined 20 days after withdrawal of…”
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    Serum tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA) in thyroid cancer by MARTINO, E, BAMBINI, G, AGHINI-LOMBARDI, F, MOTZ, E, PACINI, F, LARI, R, BASCHIERI, L, PINCHERA, A

    Published in Journal of endocrinological investigation (01-06-1984)
    “…Serum tissue polypeptide antigen, (TPA), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), calcitonin (CT) and thyroglobulin (Tg) have been measured by specific…”
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    Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on gastric secretion and gastrin release in the dog by Soldani, G, Del Tacca, M, Bambini, G, Polloni, A, Bernardini, C, Martinotti, E, Martino, E

    Published in Journal of endocrinological investigation (01-11-1982)
    “…The effects of GnRH on gastric secretion and gastrin release from dogs provided with gastric fistulae and Heidenhain pouches have been investigated. A…”
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    Humoral markers for thyroid carcinoma by Pacini, F, Martino, E, Bambini, G, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Taddei, D, Lari, R, Pinchera, A, Baschieri, L

    Published in Cancer detection and prevention (1985)
    “…We investigated the usefulness and limits of serum thyroglobulin, serum calcitonin, and serum tissue polypeptide antigen as humoral markers for thyroid…”
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    Effect of 2-deoxy-D-glucose on hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in rats by Martino, E, Bambini, G, Aghini-Lombardi, F, Breccia, M, Baschieri, L

    Published in Life sciences (1973) (08-10-1984)
    “…The intraperitoneal administration to rats of 500 mg/kg body weight of 2-deoxy-D-glucose, an analog of glucose which produces intracellular glucopenia with…”
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