Search Results - "Balietti, Stefano"
On disciplinary fragmentation and scientific progress
Published in PloS one (19-03-2015)“…Why are some scientific disciplines, such as sociology and psychology, more fragmented into conflicting schools of thought than other fields, such as physics…”
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Optimal design of experiments to identify latent behavioral types
Published in Experimental economics : a journal of the Economic Science Association (01-09-2021)“…Bayesian optimal experiments that maximize the information gained from collected data are critical to efficiently identify behavioral models. We extend a…”
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The human quest for discovering mathematical beauty in the arts
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (03-11-2020)Get full text
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nodeGame: Real-time, synchronous, online experiments in the browser
Published in Behavior research methods (01-10-2017)“…nodeGame is a free, open-source JavaScript/ HTML5 framework for conducting synchronous experiments online and in the lab directly in the browser window. It is…”
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Incentives, competition, and inequality in markets for creative production
Published in Research policy (01-05-2021)“…•We study and quantify the effects of reward stratification in markets for creative production with an online experiment.•Stratified market structures are…”
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Reducing opinion polarization: Effects of exposure to similar people with differing political views
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (28-12-2021)“…In a large-scale, preregistered experiment on informal political communication, we algorithmically matched participants, varying two dimensions: 1) the degree…”
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Peer review and competition in the Art Exhibition Game
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (26-07-2016)“…To investigate the effect of competitive incentives under peer review, we designed a novel experimental setup called the Art Exhibition Game. We present…”
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Effects of fairness principles on willingness to pay for climate change mitigation
Published in Climatic change (01-06-2017)“…Despite the shift from multilateral negotiations on legally binding mitigation commitments to the decentralized nonbinding Intended Nationally Determined…”
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Adding noise to the institution: an experimental welfare investigation of the contribution-based grouping mechanism
Published in Social choice and welfare (01-02-2018)“…Real-world institutions dealing with social dilemma situations are based on mechanisms that are rarely implemented without flaw. Usually real-world mechanisms…”
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The human quest for discovering mathematical beauty in the arts
Published 12-11-2020“…Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117(44), pp. 27073-27075 (2020) In the words of the twentieth-century British mathematician G. H…”
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The Governance of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: A Study of Contributors' Influence, Networks, and Shifts in Voting Power
Published 25-09-2023“…We present a study analyzing the voting behavior of contributors, or vested users, in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). We evaluate their…”
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Optimal design of experiments to identify latent behavioral types
Published 06-08-2020“…published in Experimental Economics (2020) Bayesian optimal experiments that maximize the information gained from collected data are critical to efficiently…”
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From Social Data Mining to Forecasting Socio-Economic Crisis
Published 26-07-2011“…The European Physical Journal - Special Topics Volume 195, Number 1, 3-68, DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2011-01401-8 Socio-economic data mining has a great potential in…”
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How to Create an Innovation Accelerator
Published 24-02-2011“…Too many policy failures are fundamentally failures of knowledge. This has become particularly apparent during the recent financial and economic crisis, which…”
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From Social Simulation to Integrative System Design
Published 24-02-2011“…As the recent financial crisis showed, today there is a strong need to gain "ecological perspective" of all relevant interactions in…”
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Fundamental and Real-World Challenges in Economics
Published 20-12-2010“…Science and Culture, Vol.76, No. 9-10 September-October 2010, Special Issue on 15 Years of Econophysics Research In the same way as the Hilbert Program was a…”
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