Search Results - "Bailey, A. P."

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  1. 1

    Pollination services in the UK: How important are honeybees? by Breeze, T.D., Bailey, A.P., Balcombe, K.G., Potts, S.G.

    Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-08-2011)
    “…► Insect pollinated crops cover 20.4% of UK cropland. ► These crops represent 19.3% of total UK farmgate crop value. ► 2007 honeybee populations only supply…”
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  2. 2

    A stated preference valuation of the non-market benefits of pollination services in the UK by Breeze, T.D., Bailey, A.P., Potts, S.G., Balcombe, K.G.

    Published in Ecological economics (01-03-2015)
    “…Using a choice experiment survey this study examines the UK public's willingness to pay to conserve insect pollinators in relation to the levels of two…”
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  3. 3

    Costing conservation: an expert appraisal of the pollinator habitat benefits of England’s entry level stewardship by Breeze, T. D, Bailey, A. P, Balcombe, K. G, Potts, S. G

    Published in Biodiversity and conservation (2014)
    “…Pollination services provided by insects play a key role in English crop production and wider ecology. Despite growing evidence of the negative effects of…”
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    The economic dimensions of integrating flood management and agri-environment through washland creation: A case from Somerset, England by Morris, J., Bailey, A.P., Lawson, C.S., Leeds-Harrison, P.B., Alsop, D., Vivash, R.

    Published in Journal of environmental management (01-07-2008)
    “…In many river floodplains in the UK, there has been a long history of flood defence, land reclamation and water regime management for farming. In recent years,…”
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    Farmers’ attitudes to disease risk management in England: A comparative analysis of sheep and pig farmers by Garforth, C.J., Bailey, A.P., Tranter, R.B.

    Published in Preventive veterinary medicine (01-07-2013)
    “…The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) identified practices to reduce the risk of animal disease outbreaks. We report on the…”
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  6. 6

    A comparison of energy use in conventional and integrated arable farming systems in the UK by Bailey, A.P., Basford, W.D., Penlington, N., Park, J.R., Keatinge, J.D.H., Rehman, T., Tranter, R.B., Yates, C.M.

    Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-07-2003)
    “…The LINK Integrated Farming Systems (LINK-IFS) Project (1992–1997) was set up to compare conventional and integrated arable farming systems (IAFS),…”
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    Short communication: Estimation of the financial benefit of using Jersey milk at different inclusion rates for Cheddar cheese production using partial budgeting by Bland, J H, Bailey, A P, Grandison, A S, Fagan, C C

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-2015)
    “…Partial budgeting was used to estimate the net benefit of blending Jersey milk in Holstein-Friesian milk for Cheddar cheese production. Jersey milk increases…”
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    The effects of minimal tillage, contour cultivation and in-field vegetative barriers on soil erosion and phosphorus loss by Stevens, C.J., Quinton, J.N., Bailey, A.P., Deasy, C., Silgram, M., Jackson, D.R.

    Published in Soil & tillage research (01-12-2009)
    “…Runoff, sediment, total phosphorus and total dissolved phosphorus losses in overland flow were measured for two years on unbounded plots cropped with wheat and…”
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  9. 9

    Towards a method for the economic evaluation of environmental indicators for UK integrated arable farming systems by Bailey, A.P, Rehman, T, Park, J, Keatinge, J.D.H, Tranter, R.B

    Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (04-02-1999)
    “…Integrated arable farming systems (IAFS), which involve a reduction in the use of off-farm inputs, are attracting considerable research interest in the UK. The…”
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    Morbidity and school absence caused by asthma and wheezing illness by Anderson, H R, Bailey, P A, Cooper, J S, Palmer, J C, West, S

    Published in Archives of disease in childhood (01-10-1983)
    “…A survey in the London Borough of Croydon was conducted among an entire school cohort, aged about 9 years, to describe the current morbidity from wheezing…”
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    Neuropsychiatric profile of a case of post traumatic stress disorder following an electric shock by Laforce, Jr, R, Gibson, B, Morehouse, R, Bailey, P A, MacLaren, V V

    Published in Medical journal of Malaysia (01-12-2000)
    “…Exposure to extraordinary stressors or life-threatening events has been shown to result in negative cognitive, behavioural and emotional outcomes including the…”
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  12. 12

    Inhibition of T7 RNA polymerase by T7 lysozyme in vitro by IKEDA, R. A, BAILEY, P. A

    Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (05-10-1992)
    “…The in vivo observation that the expression of bacteriophage T7 gene 3.5 (T7 lysozyme) inactivates T7 class II transcription and the in vitro observation that…”
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    Controlled-release Sinemet (CR-4): a double-blind crossover study in patients with fluctuating Parkinson's disease by Ahlskog, J E, Muenter, M D, McManis, P G, Bell, G N, Bailey, P A

    Published in Mayo Clinic proceedings (01-09-1988)
    “…Patients with moderate to advanced Parkinson's disease may have prominent levodopa-related motor fluctuations. In a double-blind crossover study, we compared…”
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    Parkinson's disease monotherapy with controlled-release MK-458 (PHNO): double-blind study and comparison to carbidopa/levodopa by Ahlskog, J E, Muenter, M D, Bailey, P A, Miller, P M

    Published in Clinical neuropharmacology (01-06-1991)
    “…The potent and selective dopamine D-2 agonist, MK-458 [PHNO; (+)-4-propyl-9-hydroxynaphthoxazine] was administered as monotherapy to nine patients with…”
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    Adrenal medullary transplantation into the brain for treatment of Parkinson's disease: clinical outcome and neurochemical studies by Ahlskog, J E, Kelly, P J, van Heerden, J A, Stoddard, S L, Tyce, G M, Windebank, A J, Bailey, P A, Bell, G N, Blexrud, M D, Carmichael, S W

    Published in Mayo Clinic proceedings (01-03-1990)
    “…Transplantation of adrenal medulla into the caudate nucleus as treatment for Parkinson's disease was performed in eight patients. Although our previous 6-month…”
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    Aerodynamic Devices for Tall Buildings and Structures by Kwok, Kenny C. S, Bailey, Peter A

    Published in Journal of engineering mechanics (01-03-1987)
    “…Wind tunnel tests were conducted to investigate the effects of some aerodynamic devices on the wind-induced responses of tall buildings and structures. It was…”
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  17. 17

    Recent influxes of metals into Lake Pepin, a natural lake on the upper Mississippi River by RADA, R. G, WIENER, J. G, BAILEY, P. A, POWELL, D. E

    “…The recent chronology of metal deposition was examined in Lake Pepin, a large natural lake on the Upper Mississippi River about 75 km downstream from the…”
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  18. 18

    Academic misconduct: responses from deans and nurse educators by Bailey, P A

    Published in The Journal of nursing education (01-03-2001)
    “…The purpose of this study was to describe what deans/chairs and faculty in baccalaureate nursing programs perceive as academic misconduct among students…”
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  19. 19

    Evaluation of field wetlands for mitigation of diffuse pollution from agriculture: Sediment retention, cost and effectiveness by Ockenden, Mary C., Deasy, Clare, Quinton, John N., Bailey, Alison P., Surridge, Ben, Stoate, Chris

    Published in Environmental science & policy (01-12-2012)
    “…► Ten field wetlands were assessed for sediment retention and establishment cost. ► All the field wetlands had a net accumulation of sediment. ► Higher…”
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    Measurement of apolipoprotein A-I in rat high density lipoprotein and in rat plasma by radioimmunoassay by Schonfeld, G, Frick, M S, Bailey, A P

    Published in Journal of lipid research (01-01-1976)
    “…A double antibody radioimmunoassay (RIA) for rat apolipoprotein A-I is reported. The ApoA-I isolated from delipidated HDL by gel filtration yielded a single…”
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