Search Results - "Bailey, A. P."
Pollination services in the UK: How important are honeybees?
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-08-2011)“…► Insect pollinated crops cover 20.4% of UK cropland. ► These crops represent 19.3% of total UK farmgate crop value. ► 2007 honeybee populations only supply…”
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A stated preference valuation of the non-market benefits of pollination services in the UK
Published in Ecological economics (01-03-2015)“…Using a choice experiment survey this study examines the UK public's willingness to pay to conserve insect pollinators in relation to the levels of two…”
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Costing conservation: an expert appraisal of the pollinator habitat benefits of England’s entry level stewardship
Published in Biodiversity and conservation (2014)“…Pollination services provided by insects play a key role in English crop production and wider ecology. Despite growing evidence of the negative effects of…”
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The economic dimensions of integrating flood management and agri-environment through washland creation: A case from Somerset, England
Published in Journal of environmental management (01-07-2008)“…In many river floodplains in the UK, there has been a long history of flood defence, land reclamation and water regime management for farming. In recent years,…”
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Farmers’ attitudes to disease risk management in England: A comparative analysis of sheep and pig farmers
Published in Preventive veterinary medicine (01-07-2013)“…The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) identified practices to reduce the risk of animal disease outbreaks. We report on the…”
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A comparison of energy use in conventional and integrated arable farming systems in the UK
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-07-2003)“…The LINK Integrated Farming Systems (LINK-IFS) Project (1992–1997) was set up to compare conventional and integrated arable farming systems (IAFS),…”
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Short communication: Estimation of the financial benefit of using Jersey milk at different inclusion rates for Cheddar cheese production using partial budgeting
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-2015)“…Partial budgeting was used to estimate the net benefit of blending Jersey milk in Holstein-Friesian milk for Cheddar cheese production. Jersey milk increases…”
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The effects of minimal tillage, contour cultivation and in-field vegetative barriers on soil erosion and phosphorus loss
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-12-2009)“…Runoff, sediment, total phosphorus and total dissolved phosphorus losses in overland flow were measured for two years on unbounded plots cropped with wheat and…”
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Towards a method for the economic evaluation of environmental indicators for UK integrated arable farming systems
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (04-02-1999)“…Integrated arable farming systems (IAFS), which involve a reduction in the use of off-farm inputs, are attracting considerable research interest in the UK. The…”
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Morbidity and school absence caused by asthma and wheezing illness
Published in Archives of disease in childhood (01-10-1983)“…A survey in the London Borough of Croydon was conducted among an entire school cohort, aged about 9 years, to describe the current morbidity from wheezing…”
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Neuropsychiatric profile of a case of post traumatic stress disorder following an electric shock
Published in Medical journal of Malaysia (01-12-2000)“…Exposure to extraordinary stressors or life-threatening events has been shown to result in negative cognitive, behavioural and emotional outcomes including the…”
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Inhibition of T7 RNA polymerase by T7 lysozyme in vitro
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (05-10-1992)“…The in vivo observation that the expression of bacteriophage T7 gene 3.5 (T7 lysozyme) inactivates T7 class II transcription and the in vitro observation that…”
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Controlled-release Sinemet (CR-4): a double-blind crossover study in patients with fluctuating Parkinson's disease
Published in Mayo Clinic proceedings (01-09-1988)“…Patients with moderate to advanced Parkinson's disease may have prominent levodopa-related motor fluctuations. In a double-blind crossover study, we compared…”
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Parkinson's disease monotherapy with controlled-release MK-458 (PHNO): double-blind study and comparison to carbidopa/levodopa
Published in Clinical neuropharmacology (01-06-1991)“…The potent and selective dopamine D-2 agonist, MK-458 [PHNO; (+)-4-propyl-9-hydroxynaphthoxazine] was administered as monotherapy to nine patients with…”
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Adrenal medullary transplantation into the brain for treatment of Parkinson's disease: clinical outcome and neurochemical studies
Published in Mayo Clinic proceedings (01-03-1990)“…Transplantation of adrenal medulla into the caudate nucleus as treatment for Parkinson's disease was performed in eight patients. Although our previous 6-month…”
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Aerodynamic Devices for Tall Buildings and Structures
Published in Journal of engineering mechanics (01-03-1987)“…Wind tunnel tests were conducted to investigate the effects of some aerodynamic devices on the wind-induced responses of tall buildings and structures. It was…”
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Recent influxes of metals into Lake Pepin, a natural lake on the upper Mississippi River
Published in Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (01-09-1990)“…The recent chronology of metal deposition was examined in Lake Pepin, a large natural lake on the Upper Mississippi River about 75 km downstream from the…”
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Academic misconduct: responses from deans and nurse educators
Published in The Journal of nursing education (01-03-2001)“…The purpose of this study was to describe what deans/chairs and faculty in baccalaureate nursing programs perceive as academic misconduct among students…”
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Evaluation of field wetlands for mitigation of diffuse pollution from agriculture: Sediment retention, cost and effectiveness
Published in Environmental science & policy (01-12-2012)“…► Ten field wetlands were assessed for sediment retention and establishment cost. ► All the field wetlands had a net accumulation of sediment. ► Higher…”
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Measurement of apolipoprotein A-I in rat high density lipoprotein and in rat plasma by radioimmunoassay
Published in Journal of lipid research (01-01-1976)“…A double antibody radioimmunoassay (RIA) for rat apolipoprotein A-I is reported. The ApoA-I isolated from delipidated HDL by gel filtration yielded a single…”
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