Search Results - "Baeza, Felipe"
Monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) is a high affinity transporter capable of exporting lactate in high-lactate microenvironments
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (27-12-2019)“…Monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) is an H+-coupled symporter highly expressed in metastatic tumors and at inflammatory sites undergoing hypoxia or the…”
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In Vivo Evidence for a Lactate Gradient from Astrocytes to Neurons
Published in Cell metabolism (12-01-2016)“…Investigating lactate dynamics in brain tissue is challenging, partly because in vivo data at cellular resolution are not available. We monitored lactate in…”
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Contributions of dioxins and furans to the urban sediment signature: The role of atmospheric particles
Published in The Science of the total environment (15-02-2018)“…Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDF) are widely distributed in the environment. The diverse production…”
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Non-Canonical Control of Neuronal Energy Status by the Na+ Pump
Published in Cell metabolism (05-03-2019)“…Neurons have limited intracellular energy stores but experience acute and unpredictable increases in energy demand. To better understand how these cells…”
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Vivir fuera de la carne: construcción de subjetividades y contrapuntos sociales en Gel azul, de Bernardo Fernández (Bef)
Published in Mitologías hoy (01-01-2022)“…Asociando perspectivas propias del cyberpunk a aquellas relacionadas con la ontología del cuerpo y de la identidad, este ensayo propone un análisis de la…”
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Aerobic Glycolysis in the Brain: Warburg and Crabtree Contra Pasteur
Published in Neurochemical research (01-01-2021)“…Information processing is onerous. Curiously, active brain tissue does not fully oxidize glucose and instead generates a local surplus of lactate, a phenomenon…”
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Imaging mitochondrial flux in single cells with a FRET sensor for pyruvate
Published in PloS one (21-01-2014)“…Mitochondrial flux is currently accessible at low resolution. Here we introduce a genetically-encoded FRET sensor for pyruvate, and methods for quantitative…”
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El surgimiento de una interespecie: efectos de la reclusión carcelaria en El apando, de José Revueltas
Published in Polígramas (01-06-2022)“…Este artículo cuestiona la premisa de cierta parte de la crítica que considera a El apando (1969), del escritor mexicano José Revueltas, únicamente como una…”
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NH4+ triggers the release of astrocytic lactate via mitochondrial pyruvate shunting
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (01-09-2015)“…Neural activity is accompanied by a transient mismatch between local glucose and oxygen metabolism, a phenomenon of physiological and pathophysiological…”
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Una novela hospitalaria: La cresta de Ilión, de Cristina Rivera-Garza
Published in Valenciana : revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Guanajuato (27-07-2019)“…A partir del concepto de hospitalidad propuesto por el filósofo francés Jacques Derrida, este ensayo pretende definir los rasgos más significativos de La…”
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Eclipsamientos: Nuevas «políticas de la amistad» en 2666, de Roberto Bolaño
Published in Polígramas (2019)“…Empleando algunas nociones de Jacques Derrida, y en discusión con cierto sector de la crítica bolañesca, este ensayo pretende volver sobre el recorrido crítico…”
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Aprender ciencias con visitas escolares: Características y dificultades desde el profesorado
Published in Reire : revista d'innovació i recerca en educacio (10-12-2021)“…Los desafíos de la educación científica actual requieren de una alfabetización científica que invite a las personas a posicionarse ante el mundo con una mirada…”
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Topoiesis de la recepción literaria
Published in Romance quarterly (02-01-2017)“…This article proposes a particular notion about "topoiesis," focusing on the text reception point of view. Initially, it establishes a theoretical framework…”
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Ideología, modelo de mundo y sabotaje en tres cuentos de Álvaro Bisama
Published in Literatura y lingüística (01-06-2018)“…Este ensayo recurre de modo explícito a la teoría de los modelos de mundo y de ideología propuesta por Manuel Asensi Pérez en su libro Crítica y sabotaje…”
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Topoiesis de los dispositivos de registro del texto literario
Published in Romance quarterly (02-01-2017)“…Never before have the layout, the text format, and support been as important as they are today. Studies reflecting on the relationship between the meaning of…”
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Topoiesis: Procesos de espacialización en la literatura (crítica y metodología)
Published in Romance quarterly (02-01-2017)“…Space in literary texts has been widely studied but poorly systematized. There is no valid method of analysis that gives space a critical meaning. For…”
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Topoiesis de las instancias enunciativas
Published in Romance quarterly (02-01-2017)“…The literary text is a communicative situation that involves a sender, a message, and a receiver. Literary theorists and critics have extensively studied the…”
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Topoiesis del espacio textual
Published in Romance quarterly (02-01-2017)“…The concept of topoiesis of textual space addresses an analysis of the spatial elements that tend to provide a meaning to the literary text. Based on textual…”
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Un autor derretido: usos de la autoficción en Aviones sobrevolando un monstruo, de Daniel Saldaña París
Published in Lejana (28-02-2024)“…En 2021, el escritor mexicano Daniel Saldaña París (Ciudad de México, 1984) compiló diversos textos de carácter personal para armar la colección Aviones…”
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Single-cell imaging tools for brain energy metabolism: a review
Published in Neurophotonics (Print) (01-07-2014)“…Neurophotonics comes to light at a time in which advances in microscopy and improved calcium reporters are paving the way toward high-resolution functional…”
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