Search Results - "Baek, Kwang Ryul"
Asymmetric Gait Analysis Using a DTW Algorithm with Combined Gyroscope and Pressure Sensor
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (28-05-2021)“…Walking is one of the most basic human activities. Various diseases may be caused by abnormal walking, and abnormal walking is mostly caused by disease. There…”
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Indoor Positioning System Using Magnetic Field Map Navigation and an Encoder System
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (22-03-2017)“…In the indoor environment, variation of the magnetic field is caused by building structures, and magnetic field map navigation is based on this feature. In…”
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Artificial intelligence based real-time microcirculation analysis system for laparoscopic colorectal surgery
Published in World journal of gastroenterology : WJG (28-11-2020)“…Colonic perfusion status can be assessed easily by indocyanine green (ICG) angiography to predict ischemia related anastomotic complications during…”
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Optimization of indocyanine green angiography for colon perfusion during laparoscopic colorectal surgery
Published in Colorectal disease (01-07-2021)“…Aim This study aims to evaluate the extrinsic effects of conditional factors affecting quantitative parameters and to establish the optimization of indocyanine…”
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Improved Frequency Sweep Keying CDMA Using Faster R-CNN for Extended Ultrasonic Crosstalk Reduction
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (01-12-2023)“…Ultrasonic sensors are inexpensive and provide highly accurate measurements, even with simple hardware configurations, facilitating their use in various…”
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Edge Bleeding Artifact Reduction for Shape from Focus in Microscopic 3D Sensing
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (20-10-2023)“…Shape from focus enables microscopic 3D sensing by combining it with a microscope system. However, edge bleeding artifacts of estimated depth easily occur in…”
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Frequency Sweep Keying CDMA for Reducing Ultrasonic Crosstalk
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (13-06-2022)“…Various sensors are embedded in automobiles to implement intelligent safety technologies such as autonomous driving and front–rear collision avoidance…”
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Compression automation of circular stapler for preventing compression injury on gastrointestinal anastomosis
Published in The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery (01-06-2022)“…Background Conventional manual compression relies on the surgeon's subjective sensations, so excessive compression can cause tissue injury to the stapling line…”
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The Safe Values of Quantitative Perfusion Parameters of ICG Angiography Based on Tissue Oxygenation of Hyperspectral Imaging for Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study
Published in Biomedicines (01-07-2023)“…Safe values for quantitative perfusion parameters of indocyanine green (ICG) angiography have not been fully defined, and interpretation remains at the…”
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Positioning of a mobile robot based on odometry and a new ultrasonic LPS
Published in International journal of control, automation, and systems (01-04-2013)“…Odometry is a method that calculates the position and heading angle of a mobile robot using encoders attached to the wheels of the robot. Errors in the…”
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A dead reckoning localization system for mobile robots using inertial sensors and wheel revolution encoding
Published in Journal of mechanical science and technology (01-11-2011)“…Inertial navigation systems (INS) are composed of inertial sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. An INS updates its orientation and position…”
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A Multi-Robot Positioning System using a Multi-Code Ultrasonic Sensor Network and a Kalman Filter
Published in International journal of control, automation, and systems (2010)“…In multi-robot systems, each robot needs to have the position and pose information of itself and that of the other cooperative robots. This paper presents a…”
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Virtual pheromone map building and a utilization method for a multi-purpose swarm robot system
Published in International journal of control, automation, and systems (01-12-2015)“…Swarm robotics is an approach to realizing an intelligent system using swarm intelligence that emerges from complex interactions among individual robots. To…”
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Modified Otsu's method for indoor mobile robot tracking system
Published in 2014 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications (ICEIC) (01-01-2014)“…In vision-based tracking system, thresholding is one of the most important steps in image pre-processing. Thresholding algorithm has a strong influence on both…”
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AI-driven automatic compression system for colorectal anastomosis
Published in Journal of robotic surgery (22-07-2024)“…Although circular staplers offer technical advancements over traditional hand-sewn techniques, their use remains challenging for unskilled users, necessitating…”
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Implementation of vision-based real time helipad detection system
Published in 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (01-10-2012)“…This paper presents vision-based helipad detection algorithm and implementation of embedded landing system for an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The helipad…”
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Clinical effect and standardization of indocyanine green angiography in the laparoscopic colorectal surgery
Published in Journal of minimally invasive surgery (15-09-2021)“…Anastomotic complications occur after 5% to 20% of operations for rectosigmoid colon cancer. The intestinal perfusion status at the anastomotic site is an…”
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Global thresholding algorithm based on boundary selection
Published in 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013) (01-10-2013)“…A global image thresholding algorithm based on boundary selection is proposed for improving conventional histogram-based thresholding algorithms. An image is…”
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Capacitive coupling leading to electrical skin burn injury during laparoscopic surgery
Published in Journal of minimally invasive surgery (15-09-2022)“…Purpose: Trocar-site burns occurring during laparoscopic surgery have been reported in various cases, and several efforts to reduce them are underway. This…”
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Position estimation using hyperbolic model for time difference of flight of ultrasonic
Published in 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (01-09-2011)“…Three ultrasonic transmitters are in line at one side and transmit ultrasonic signals that contain different 9bit pseudo-random codes at the same time. The…”
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