Search Results - "BECK, James W"
The effects of contracting Covid-19 on cognitive failures at work: implications for task performance and turnover intentions
Published in Scientific reports (25-05-2022)“…Individuals who contract Covid-19 often experience problems with memory, attention, and concentration, even after recovering from the initial illness. In the…”
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Interpreting time-series COVID data: reasoning biases, risk perception, and support for public health measures
Published in Scientific reports (02-08-2021)“…Effective risk communication during the COVID-19 pandemic is critical for encouraging appropriate public health behaviors. One way that the public is informed…”
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Negative Relationships Between Self-Efficacy and Performance Can Be Adaptive: The Mediating Role of Resource Allocation
Published in Journal of management (01-02-2018)“…This research speaks to the ongoing debate regarding the role of self-efficacy in self-regulation. Specifically, we argue that both positive and negative…”
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Why Do You Ask? The Effects of Perceived Motives on the Effort that Managers Allocate Toward Delivering Feedback
Published in Journal of business and psychology (01-08-2022)“…Although people are generally motivated to perform well at work, there is often ambiguity regarding whether they are meeting their organization’s standards. As…”
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Why Do People (Not) Take Breaks? An Investigation of Individuals’ Reasons for Taking and for Not Taking Breaks at Work
Published in Journal of business and psychology (01-04-2023)“…Although breaks can help employees stay energized and maintain high levels of performance throughout the day, employees sometimes refrain from taking a break…”
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Goal Progress Velocity as a Determinant of Shortcut Behaviors
Published in Journal of applied psychology (01-04-2023)“…Employees often have a great deal of work to accomplish within stringent deadlines. Therefore, employees may engage in shortcut behaviors, which involve…”
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Moderation in all things, except when it comes to workplace safety: Accidents are most likely to occur under moderately hazardous work conditions
Published in Personnel psychology (01-09-2024)“…In this article, we argue that the relationship between workplace hazardousness and accidents is best characterized as an inverted‐U, such that accidents are…”
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The Effects of US Presidential Elections on Work Engagement and Job Performance
Published in Applied psychology (01-07-2019)“…We predicted that presidential election results would spill over to influence the work domain. Individuals who voted for the winning candidate were expected to…”
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Divergent Effects of Distance Versus Velocity Disturbances on Emotional Experiences During Goal Pursuit
Published in Journal of applied psychology (01-07-2017)“…Disturbances are factors outside of a person's control that influence goal progress. Although disturbances are typically included in theoretical accounts of…”
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State-Level Goal Orientations as Mediators of the Relationship Between Time Pressure and Performance: A Longitudinal Study
Published in Journal of applied psychology (01-03-2013)“…Goal orientations-the degree to which individuals are concerned with developing new skills, demonstrating already developed skills, and avoiding appearing…”
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Efficient Proximal Resource Allocation Strategies Predict Distal Team Performance: Evidence From the National Hockey League
Published in Journal of applied psychology (01-11-2019)“…To achieve long-term goals, individuals, teams, and organizations must engage in numerous short-term performance episodes. This creates a trade-off between…”
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Development and Validation of the State Regulatory Focus Scale
Published in Human performance (26-05-2020)“…Promotion- and prevention-focused regulation influence a variety of workplace behaviors, including innovation and safety performance. Although regulatory foci…”
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Insecure or optimistic? Employees’ diverging appraisals of automation, and consequences for job attitudes
Published in Computers in human behavior reports (01-12-2023)“…Automation may have varied consequences on individual workers, ranging from job loss to enhanced productivity. Although some of these disruptions may be…”
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Taken out of context? Cross-level effects of between-person self-efficacy and difficulty on the within-person relationship of self-efficacy with resource allocation and performance
Published in Organizational behavior and human decision processes (01-11-2012)“…► Two studies examined within-person self-efficacy effects on resource allocation. ► People with high vs. low absolute efficacy respond differently to efficacy…”
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On the Distribution of Job Performance: The Role of Measurement Characteristics in Observed Departures from Normality
Published in Personnel psychology (01-09-2014)“…In a recent article, O'Boyle and Aguinis () argued that job performance is not distributed normally but instead is nonnormal and highly skewed. However, we…”
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The Impact of Goal Progress Velocity on Affect While Pursuing Multiple Sequential Goals
Published in Motivation science (01-09-2020)“…Past research has identified velocity (i.e., rate of goal progress) as a determinant of individuals' affective experiences during goal pursuit. Specifically,…”
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Workload, Risks, and Goal Framing as Antecedents of Shortcut Behaviors
Published in Journal of business and psychology (01-08-2017)“…Purpose Shortcut behaviors are methods of completing a task that require less time than typical or standard procedures. These behaviors carry the benefit of…”
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What have you done for me lately? Charisma attenuates the decline in U.S. presidential approval over time
Published in The Leadership quarterly (01-10-2012)“…Using archival data for a sample of U.S. presidents, evidence was found for a honeymoon and hangover effect in approval ratings over time. That is,…”
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Short-Term Effects of Hurricane Disturbance on Food Availability for Migrant Songbirds During Autumn Stopover
Published in Wetlands (Wilmington, N.C.) (01-03-2009)“…Understanding the consequences of hurricanes on the food resources available to neotropical-nearctic migrant songbirds may provide important insight into the…”
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Reconsidering the Trade-off Between Speed and Accuracy: The Role of Perceived Goal Progress Velocity
Published in Journal of business and psychology (11-11-2024)Get full text
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