Search Results - "BALBINOTTI, Marcos Alencar Abaide"
Exploring the Networks of Relationships Between the 5Cs of Positive Youth Development Through Sport
Published in Acta colombiana de psicología (01-01-2024)“…The theoretical 5Cs model (character, confidence, competence, connection and caring) is a promising theory for evaluating Positive Youth Development (PYD)…”
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Brazilian version of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire
Published in Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria (01-05-2021)“…ABSTRACT Background: After a traumatic brain injury, post-concussion symptoms are commonly reported by patients. Although common, these symptoms are difficult…”
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Translation and validation of the Graham-Harvey survey for the Brazilian context
Published in International journal of managerial finance (01-01-2007)“…Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to report on the systematic translation and content validation method used to produce the Brazilian Portuguese version…”
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Validity of the Katz Index to assess activities of daily living by informants in neuropathological studies
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-12-2015)“…To analyze the evidences of construct validity of the Katz Index for the retrospective assessment of activities of daily living (ADL) by informants, to assist…”
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Some hope for a dimensional assessment? A critical review of psychometric validated (semi‐)structured interview to assess eating disorders
Published in European eating disorders review (01-11-2024)“…Objective Given that eating disorders (EDs) are considered one of the deadliest mental illnesses, the development of appropriate assessment instruments is a…”
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Validity of the Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 in the Amazon population
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…Objective: To analyze the construct validity of the Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 (SCNS SF-34) in the population with cancer treated in Manaus, in…”
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Content validity evidence of the Brazilian version of the Cognitive Symptom Checklist-Work-21
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2023)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to cross-culturally adapt and assess the content validity evidence of the Cognitive Symptom Checklist-Work-21 for the Brazilian context…”
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Passion Scale: Psychometric Properties and Factorial Invariance via Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM)
Published in Paidéia cadernos de Psicologia e Educação (2019)“…Abstract Passion is an important element among the psychological processes involved in the performance of any activity, including sports practice. Given the…”
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The Brazilian version of the Constant–Murley Score (CMS-BR): convergent and construct validity, internal consistency, and unidimensionality
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2016)“…To translate and culturally adapt the CMS and assess the validity of the Brazilian version (CMS-BR). The translation was carried out according to the…”
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Validade do Modelo Hierárquico da Motivação Intrínseca e Extrínseca no Esporte Escolar
Published in Psico usf (01-09-2019)“…Resumo O tema do presente estudo é a autodeterminação. O objetivo foi testar o Modelo hierárquico da motivação intrínseca e extrínseca - MHMIE. Trata-se de um…”
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Dietary patterns of adult women living in an urban area of Southern Brazil
Published in Revista de saúde pública (01-10-2006)“…To explore the dietary patterns of adult women and to provide information for validating the instrument used. A population-based cross-sectional study was…”
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Inventário de Coping para Atletas em Situação de Competição: Evidências de Validade
Published in Avaliação Psicológica (01-01-2019)“…Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo investigar as evidências de validade e precisão do Inventário de Coping para Atletas em Situação de Competição…”
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Tradução e validade de conteúdo do Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (01-12-2015)“…O objetivo do presente estudo foi traduzir e testar os princípios métricos de Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo (CVC) do Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2…”
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Perfis motivacionais de corredores de rua com diferentes tempos de prática
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (01-03-2015)“…O objetivo desta pesquisa é testar se existem diferenças no perfil motivacional de dois grupos de corredores de rua, com diferentes tempos de prática: grupo…”
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Motivação competitiva de "squashistas" juvenis federados
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (01-09-2014)“…A Motivação Competitiva (MC) é uma característica de personalidade fundamental no contexto dos esportes. Recentemente foi proposto um modelo de avaliação da MC…”
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Evidências de validade de escalas de medida de desenvolvimento afetivo-social e de democratização em competições esportivas infanto juvenis
Published in Retos (Madrid) (2024)“…Sports competition can be either positive or negative, depending on how it is designed. In this sense, the objective of this research was to demonstrate the…”
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Validity evidences of two Sports-Pedagogy-related scales: socio-educational and autonomy development in youth sports
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (2023)“…Abstract Competition is the essence of sports and, when conceived having participants as references, it can contributes to the development of different…”
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Evidências de validade de duas escalas relacionadas à Pedagogia do Esporte: desenvolvimento socioeducativo e de autonomia no esporte infantojuvenil
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (01-01-2023)“…Competition is the essence of sports and, when conceived having participants as references, it can contributes to the development of different pedagogical…”
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Validade do Índice de Katz para avaliar a dependência em pacientes em tratamento oncológico
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (12-08-2022)Get full text
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Análise da consistência interna e fatorial confirmatório do IMPRAFE-126 com praticantes de atividades físicas gaúchos
Published in Psico usf (01-06-2008)“…Neste estudo, a motivação é entendida à luz da teoria da Autodeterminação. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar os índices de consistência interna e fatorial…”
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