Search Results - "Augusto de Melo, Willian"
Public-private relationship in surgical hospitalizations through the Unified Health System
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…Objective: to characterize surgical hospitalizations, length of stay, cost and mortality, according to the legal nature (public and private) of the hospital…”
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Permanência, custo e mortalidade relacionados às internações cirúrgicas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (2019)“…Objetivo analisar a tendência temporal das internações cirúrgicas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde segundo a permanência hospitalar, os custos e a mortalidade por…”
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Fatores associados às alterações em mamografias [Factors associated with changes in mammograms] [Factores asociados a las alteraciones en las mamografías]
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (26-08-2018)“…Objetivo: analisar os fatores associados com alterações em mamografias. Método: estudo transversal realizado com 145 mulheres atendidas pela estratégia saúde…”
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Do Donated Corneas Become Transplanted Corneas? The Causes of Discard in Southern Brazil
Published in Cornea (01-04-2019)“…PURPOSE:To analyze the number of discarded donated corneas and the causes associated with discard in southern Brazil. METHODS:This retrospective,…”
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Comparative Analysis between the Gail, Tyrer-Cuzick and BRCAPRO Models for Breast Cancer Screening in Brazilian Population
Published in Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP (01-11-2019)“…To analyze the diagnostic accuracy of predictive models of breast cancer risk for the Brazilian population. A cross-sectional, study was conducted in a sample…”
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Trends in Cervical Cancer Mortality in Brazilian Women who are Screened and Not Screened
Published in Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP (01-01-2020)Get full text
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Permanence, cost and mortality related to surgical admissions by the Unified Health System
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (29-04-2019)“…to analyze the time trend of surgical admissions by the Unified Health System according to hospital stay, costs and mortality by subgroups of surgical…”
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Mortality trend due to traffic accident in young in the south of Brazil
Published in Cadernos saúde coletiva (01-12-2018)“…Abstract Background Traffic accidents are a major global public health problem with an impact on morbidity and mortality. Objective The aim of this study was…”
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Factors associated with abnormalities of the cytopathological uterine cervix test in South of Brazil
Published in Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil“…Abstract Objectives: to identify factors associated with abnormal cytopathological test uterine cervix. Methods: it is a analytical study with the…”
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Caraterização e distribuição espacial dos acidentes de trânsito não fatais
Published in Cadernos saúde coletiva (01-03-2021)“…Resumo Introdução Acidentes de trânsito geram mortes e sequelas que impactam a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Objetivo Caracterizar e distribuir espacialmente…”
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Occupational stress in intensive care nurses who provide direct care to critical patients
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-09-2013)“…In order to identify the stress level of nurses that provide direct care to critically ill patients, it was carried out a descriptive and exploratory study in…”
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Tendência de internações e mortalidade por causas cirúrgicas no Brasil, 2008 a 2016
Published in Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (2019)“…RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a tendência de internações para realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos e de mortalidade cirúrgica no Brasil, no período de 2008 a…”
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Avaliação de um programa de vigilância ao recém-nascido de risco no Sul do Brasil
Published in Cadernos saúde coletiva (01-03-2017)“…IntroductionThe evaluation of health programs effectively contribute to the planning and direction of public health policies. This study aimed to evaluate a…”
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Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFJF (01-10-2018)“…Trata-se de um estudo documental, descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados coletados compreenderam o período de 2011 a 2014, e foram…”
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Estresse ocupacional em enfermeiros intensivistas que prestam cuidados diretos ao paciente crítico
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-10-2013)“…Realizou-se pesquisa descritivo-exploratória em cinco instituições hospitalares da região Oeste do estado do Paraná, entre maio e julho de 2010, com o objetivo…”
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Tendência da mortalidade por câncer colorretal em adultos no Brasil: Mortalidade por câncer colorretal no Brasil
Published in SaBios (Campo Mourão) (16-03-2023)“…O câncer colorretal está entre os tipos de câncer com maior incidência e com os mais elevados índices de mortalidade no mundo. Sabendo disso, o objetivo do…”
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Age-related risk factors with nonfatal traffic accidents in urban areas in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Published in Traffic injury prevention (17-02-2017)“…Objective: The present study aimed to analyze the factors associated with the occurrence of nonfatal traffic accidents regarding age. Methods: A retrospective,…”
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Prevention of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation under the optics of nursing academics
Published in Revista de pesquisa, cuidado é fundamental (01-01-2019)“…Objective: To describe the knowledge of the nursing undergraduate students about the prevention of Pneumonia associated with Mechanical Ventilation and to…”
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Awareness of women regarding breast cancer
Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM (01-10-2017)“…Aim: to describe the profile and awareness of women assisted by the Family Health Strategy on factors related to breast cancer. Method: this is a descriptive,…”
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