Search Results - "Auby, D."

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    Overweight is associated to a better prognosis in metastatic colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of FFCD trials by Barbier, Emilie, François, Eric, Michel, Pierre, Rougier, Philippe, Seitz, Jean-François, Aouakli, A., Bedjaoui, A., Botton, A., Cadier-Lagnes, A., Hollebecque, A., Lemaire, A., Marre, A., Villing, A.L., Denis, B., Becht, C., Bineau, C., Borel, C., Buffet, C., Cornila, C., Couffon, C., Locher, C., Rebischung, C., Sarda, C., Auby, D., Baudet-Klepping, D., Besson, D., Cleau, D., Festin, D., Genet, D., Peré-Vergé, D., Pillon, D., Smith, D., Dorval Danquechin, E., Maillard, E., Mitry, E., Suc, E., Zrihen, E., Pariente, E.A., Dewaele, F., Di Fiore, F., Husseini, F., Kikolski, F., Petit-Laurent, F., Zerouala-Boussaha, F., Caroli-Bosc, F.X., Boilleau-Jolimoy, G., Medinger, G., Graber, I., Charneau, J., Cretin, J., Deguiral, J., Lacourt, J., Meunier, J., Vincent, J., Volet, J., Barbare, J.C., Paitel, J.F., Raoul, J.L., Gornet, J.M., Aucouturier, J.P., Barbieux, J.P., Plachot, J.P., Ramain, J.P., Spano, J.P., Bouhier-Leporrier, K., Cany, L., Rob, L., Baconnier, M., Benchalal, M., Combe, M., Duluc, M., Giovannini, M., Mabro, M., Ramdani, M., Tissot, M., Clavero-Fabri, M.C., Gouttebel, M.C., Kaminsky, M.C., Stremsdoerfer, N., Burtin, P., Cassan, P., Claudé, P., Couzigou, P., Geoffroy, P., Godeau, P., Hammel, P., Novello, P., Prost, P., Ruszniewski, P., Texereau, P., Coriat, R., Nasca, S., Fratte, S.P., Mansourbakht, T., Walter, T., Derias, V., Jestin Le Tallec, V., Sebbagh, V., Adhoute, X., Becouarn, Y.

    Published in European journal of cancer (1990) (01-07-2018)
    “…Previous studies showed that high and low body mass index (BMI) was associated with worse prognosis in early-stage colorectal cancer (CRC), and low BMI was…”
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    Taking into account successive treatment lines in the analysis of a colorectal cancer randomised trial by Pénichoux, J, Michiels, S, Bouché, O, Etienne, P.-L, Texereau, P, Auby, D, Rougier, P, Ducreux, M, Pignon, J.-P

    Published in European journal of cancer (1990) (01-05-2013)
    “…Abstract The FFCD 2000–05 randomised trial included 410 patients with advanced colorectal cancer and compared a sequential arm S treated with 5-fluorouracil…”
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    Randomized phase III trial in elderly patients comparing LV5FU2 with or without irinotecan for first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (FFCD 2001–02) by Aparicio, T., Lavau-Denes, S., Phelip, J.M., Maillard, E., Jouve, J.L., Gargot, D., Gasmi, M., Locher, C., Adhoute, X., Michel, P., Khemissa, F., Lecomte, T., Provençal, J., Breysacher, G., Legoux, J.L., Lepère, C., Charneau, J., Cretin, J., Chone, L., Azzedine, A., Bouché, O., Sobhani, I., Bedenne, L., Mitry, E., Amoyal, P., Auby, D., Bachet, J.B., Baconnier, M., Benoit, R., Berthelet, O., Bidault, A., Bineau, C., Bordes, G., Bouarioua, N., Boucher, E., Boulat, O., Cleau, D., Couzigou, P., Cuillerier, E., Cumin, I., Denis, B., Di Fiore, F., Derias, V., Ezenfis, J., Faroux, R., Gagnaire, A., Gatineau-Sailliant, G., Garcia, B., Genet, D., Gueye, A., Hammel, P., Lagasse, J.P., Landi, B., Lepage, C., Lobry, C., Lombard-Bohas, C., Mabro, M., Mackiewicz, R., Martin, J., Moncoucy, X., Morvan, F., Mozer, M., Pauwels, M., Petit-Laurent, F., Pouderoux, P., Prost, P., Queuniet, A.M., Ramdani, M., Rebischung, C., Rougier, P., Schnee, M., Seitz, J.F., Stefani, L., Taïeb, J., Terrebonne, E., Texereau, P., Thaury, J., Tougeron, D., Weber, A., Ricard, F., Bonnetain, F., Masskouri, F., Choine, C., Guiliani, F., Le Pessec, G., Fattouh, H., Le Provost, N., Girault, C., Schneider, M.

    Published in Annals of oncology (01-01-2016)
    “…Metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) frequently occurs in elderly patients. However, data from a geriatric tailored randomized trial about tolerance to and the…”
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    Randomized strategical trial of chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer (FFCD 2000–05): Preliminary results by Bouché, O., Castaing, M., Etienne, P. L., Texereau, P., Auby, D., Bedenne, L., Rougier, P., Gargot, D., Gasmi, M., Ducreux, M.

    Published in Journal of clinical oncology (20-06-2007)
    “…Abstract only 4069 Background: The survival benefit of using a combination therapy instead of keeping it for a second line (L2) has not been demonstrated in…”
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