Search Results - "Assumpta Ensenyat"
Enhancing Multimodal Learning Through Traditional Sporting Games: Marro360
Published in Frontiers in psychology (07-07-2020)“…Different international organizations and initiatives highlight the contribution of the traditional sporting games (TSGs) to favor the diversity of knowledge,…”
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Effectiveness of a Multi-Component Intervention for Overweight and Obese Children (Nereu Program): A Randomized Controlled Trial
Published in PloS one (14-12-2015)“…Treatment of childhood obesity is a complex challenge for primary health care professionals. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Nereu Program in improving…”
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Short-Term Panax Ginseng Extract Supplementation Reduces Fasting Blood Triacylglycerides and Oxygen Consumption during Sub-Maximal Aerobic Exercise in Male Recreational Athletes
Published in Biomolecules (Basel, Switzerland) (30-04-2024)“…Ginseng, a popular herbal supplement among athletes, is believed to enhance exercise capacity and performance. This study investigated the short-term effects…”
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Metabolic risk management, physical exercise and lifestyle counselling in low-active adults: controlled randomized trial (BELLUGAT)
Published in BMC public health (14-03-2017)“…The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of different doses (intensity) of supervised exercise training - concomitant with lifestyle…”
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Evaluation of a family intervention programme for the treatment of overweight and obese children (Nereu Programme): a randomized clinical trial study protocol
Published in BMC public health (23-10-2013)“…Obesity is mainly attributed to environmental factors. In developed countries, the time spent on physical activity tasks is decreasing, whereas sedentary…”
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Assessing an educational booklet for promotion of healthy lifestyles in sedentary adults with cardiometabolic risk factors
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-01-2021)“…•Educational materials may positively impact patient knowledge and awareness.•Suitability assessment of materials helps to match literacy demands to end…”
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Objectively measured sedentary behaviour in overweight and obese prepubertal children: challenging the school
Published in International journal of environmental health research (02-09-2020)“…Sedentary lifestyle is associated with unfavourable health outcomes; however, few studies have analysed the daily fluctuations of sedentary behaviour in…”
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Intervención multidisciplinar y no competitiva en el ámbito de la salud pública para el tratamiento del sedentarismo, el sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil: Programa NEREU
Published in Apunts : educación física y deportes (30-09-2014)“…El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar si el Programa Nereu tiene un impacto favorable en la actividad física (AF), las conductas sedentarias y el grado de…”
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Free Play with Certain Equipment Constrains the Emergence of Exploratory Behavior and Physical Activity in Preschoolers
Published in Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences (01-10-2018)“…The aim of this study was to establish whether various types of play equipment differentially constrain exploratory behavior and spontaneous physical activity…”
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Energy expenditure in low active overweight and obese children at varying treadmill grades
Published in Pediatric exercise science (01-02-2015)“…This study aimed to evaluate differences between low active overweight and obese children in terms of energy expenditure (EE), ventilation (VE), and cardiac…”
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El entrenamiento interválico aeróbico semisupervisado mejora la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria en adultos sedentarios con factores de riesgo cardiometabólico
Published in Apunts : educación física y deportes (02-10-2023)“…El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio de alta intensidad semisupervisado junto con asesoramiento sobre hábitos…”
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Valoración objetiva de la actividad física en las sesiones de ejercicio físico de un programa multidisciplinar para el tratamiento de la obesidad infantil
Published in Apunts : educación física y deportes (30-09-2016)“…Antecedentes. La inclusión de ejercicio físico supervisado en las intervenciones para el tratamiento de la obesidad infantil es uno de los factores que puede…”
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Effectiveness of a Multi-Component Intervention for Overweight and Obese Children (Nereu Program): A Randomized Controlled Trial: e0144502
Published in PloS one (01-12-2015)“…Introduction Treatment of childhood obesity is a complex challenge for primary health care professionals. Objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of the Nereu…”
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Valoración objetiva de la actividad física en las sesiones de ejercicio físico de un programa multidisciplinar para el tratamiento de la obesidad infanti
Published in Apunts : educación física y deportes (01-09-2016)“…Antecedentes. La inclusión de ejercicio físico supervisado en las intervenciones para el tratamiento de la obesidad infantil es uno de los factores que puede…”
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Valoració objectiva de l’activitat física en sessions d’exercici físic d’un programa multidisciplinari per al tractament de l’obesitat infantil
Published 2016“…Antecedents. La inclusió d’exercici físic supervisat en les intervencions per al tractament de l’obesitat infantil és un dels factors que pot determinar la…”
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Intervenció multidisciplinària i no competitiva en l’àmbit de la salut pública per al tractament del sedentarisme, el sobrepès i l’obesitat infantil: Programa NEREU
Published 2014“…L’objectiu de l’estudi va ser avaluar si el Programa Nereu té un impacte favorable en l’activitat física (AF), les conductes sedentàries i el grau d’obesitat…”
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