Search Results - "Asada, Fuminari"
Influence of increased physical activity without body weight loss on hepatic inflammation in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Published in Environmental health and preventive medicine (10-06-2020)“…Background Physical activity (PA) that includes an accumulated exercise regimen that meets or exceeds a certain intensity reduces intrahepatic fat, leading to…”
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Association between high fear-avoidance beliefs about physical activity and chronic disabling low back pain in nurses in Japan
Published in BMC musculoskeletal disorders (28-11-2019)“…High prevalence of low back pain (LBP) in nurses has been reported globally. Ergonomic factors and work-related psychosocial factors have been focused on as…”
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Effect of quick simple exercise on non-specific low back pain in Japanese workers: a randomized controlled trial
Published in Environmental health and preventive medicine (01-01-2023)“…We designed a quick simple exercise program that can be performed in a short period of time in real-world occupational health settings and investigated the…”
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The effect of the 'One Stretch' exercise on the improvement of low back pain in Japanese nurses: A large-scale, randomized, controlled trial
Published in Modern rheumatology (03-09-2019)“…Objectives: To evaluate the 'One Stretch' exercise's effect on improvements in low back pain (LBP), psychological factors, and fear avoidance in a large number…”
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Lower-limb muscle strength according to bodyweight and muscle mass among middle age patients with type 2 diabetes without diabetic neuropathy
Published in Journal of Physical Therapy Science (2017)“…[Purpose] This study assessed the effects of type 2 diabetes without diabetic polyneuropathy on muscle strength according to body composition in middle age…”
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Lower-limb muscle strength according to bodyweight and muscle mass among middle age patients with type 2 diabetes without diabetic neuropathy
Published in Journal of Physical Therapy Science (2017)“…[Abstract.] [Purpose] This study assessed the effects of type 2 diabetes without diabetic polyneuropathy on muscle strength according to body composition in…”
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Occupational Health Physiotherapy (OHP) Practice: A Comparison between Japan and Australia
Published in Physical Therapy Research (20-08-2021)“…Objective: This study aimed to adapt a pre-existing cross-country comparison (CCC) model to Occupational Health Physiotherapy (OHP) practice as a basis for…”
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Work productivity loss and work-related factors during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional web-based survey
Published in Work (Reading, Mass.) (01-01-2024)“…The COVID-19 pandemic could have led to a technological revolution however it has caused work productivity loss, especially among people working from home…”
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Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders of Workers: Role of Physical Therapists in Occupational Health
Published in Nippon eiseigaku zasshi (2016)“…Musculoskeletal disorders in workers decrease the productivity of companies and result in socioeconomic losses. Low back pain accounted for approximately 60%…”
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Occupational Health Physiotherapy (OHP) Practice: A Comparison between Japan and Australia
Published in Physical Therapy Research (2021)“…Objective: This study aimed to adapt a pre-existing cross-country comparison (CCC) model to Occupational Health Physiotherapy (OHP) practice as a basis for…”
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