Search Results - "Arthur, Daniel Perez"
Development and Validation of the High Performance Volleyball Self-Efficacy Scale
Published in Perceptual and motor skills (01-10-2023)“…In this study, we aimed to develop and psychometrically examine a self-efficacy scale for high-performance volleyball athletes. A literature review and…”
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Psychometric Support for a Brazilian Version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Teamwork in Sport (MATS-B)
Published in Perceptual and motor skills (01-04-2024)“…In this study, we investigated psychometric support for a version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Teamwork in Sport (MATS) that would be suitable for…”
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Validity evidence of the Brazilian version of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2BR)
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (16-09-2022)“…In sports context, the motivational climate has been widely studied since 2000, when the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2) was…”
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Ferramentas de avaliação de desempenho técnico, tático e físico no futebol feminino: uma revisão sistemática (Herramientas de evaluación del rendimiento técnico, táctico y físico en el fútbol femenino: una revisión sistemática) (Technical, tactical and physical performance assessment tools in women’s soccer: a systematic review)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (28-07-2022)“…O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi analisar as ferramentas e os indicadores de avaliação utilizados para analisar jogos e treinos no futebol feminino…”
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Herramientas de evaluación del rendimiento técnico, táctico y físico en el fútbol femenino: una revisión sistemática (Technical, tactical and physical performance assessment tools in women’s soccer: a systematic review)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2022)“…The objective of this systematic review was to analyze the evaluation tools and indicators used to analyze games and training in women's soccer. The PRISMA…”
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Book Review