Search Results - "Arrais, Cesar Augusto Galvao"
In vitro temperature changes in the pulp chamber caused by laser and Quadwave LED-light curing units
Published in Odontology (01-07-2023)“…[Abstract] The study evaluated the pulp temperature (PT) increase in Class I and V preparations when exposed to the Monet Laser (for 1 and 3 s), the PinkWave…”
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In vivo temperature rise in anesthetized human pulp during exposure to a polywave LED light curing unit
Published in Dental materials (01-05-2015)“…Highlights • Accurate real-time, in vivo pulp temperature rise was measured in intact human first premolars. • Exposure to LED light at different exposure…”
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Light curing in dentistry and clinical implications: a literature review
Published in Brazilian oral research (28-08-2017)“…Contemporary dentistry literally cannot be performed without use of resin-based restorative materials. With the success of bonding resin materials to tooth…”
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Peel bond strength of soft lining materials with antifungal to a denture base acrylic resin
Published in Dental Materials Journal (2016)“…The effect of the addition of nystatin, miconazole, ketoconazole, chlorhexidine, and itraconazole into the soft lining materials Softone and Trusoft on their…”
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Temperature changes and hardness of resin-based composites light-cured with laser diode or light-emitting diode curing lights
Published in Odontology (01-04-2023)“…The temperature and Vickers Hardness (VH) at the top and bottom surfaces of three resin-based composites (RBCs) were measured when light-cured using five…”
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The Impact of Modeling Liquids on Surface Roughness and Color Properties of Bulkfill Resin Composites After Simulated Tooth Brushing: An in Vitro Study. Part I
Published in Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry (18-09-2024)“…To evaluate the effect of different modeling agents on color changes, surface roughness, and translucency parameters over time in Bulkfill resin composites…”
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Influence of light exposure techniques on in vitro pulp temperature rise during bulk fill composite Class I restorations
Published in Odontology (01-04-2024)“…This in vitro study assessed peak temperature and temperature increase (Δ T ) within the pulp chamber during different extended photoactivation techniques…”
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Effect of Bonding Protocols on the Performance of Luting Agents Applied to CAD-CAM Composites
Published in Materials (31-08-2022)“…This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of different bonding strategies on the micro-shear bond strength (μSBS) of luting agents to CAD−CAM…”
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Effects of Dentine Pretreatment Solutions Containing Flavonoids on the Resin Polymer-Dentine Interface Created Using a Modern Universal Adhesive
Published in Polymers (02-04-2021)“…The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of several experimental pretreatment crosslinker solutions on the resin polymer-dentine interface…”
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Micromorphology of resin-dentin interfaces using one-bottle etch&rinse and self-etching adhesive systems on laser-treated dentin surfaces: A confocal laser scanning microscope analysis
Published in Lasers in surgery and medicine (01-09-2010)“…Background and Objectives This study evaluated the hybrid layer (HL) morphology created by three adhesive systems (AS) on dentin surfaces treated with Er:YAG…”
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The dark art of light curing in dentistry
Published in Journal of dentistry (01-11-2024)“…This study was designed to show that the commonly reported irradiance values that are quoted in most publications inadequately describe the light output from…”
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Silorane- and high filled-based "low-shrinkage" resin composites: shrinkage, flexural strength and modulus
Published in Brazilian oral research (01-03-2013)“…This study compared the volumetric shrinkage (VS), flexural strength (FS) and flexural modulus (FM) properties of the low-shrinkage resin composite Aelite LS…”
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Influence of flavonoids on long-term bonding stability on caries-affected dentin
Published in Dental materials (01-09-2020)“…•Cross-linkers improve adhesive and mechanical properties in caries affected dentin.•Dentin pretreatment with flavonoids reduce hybrid layer degradation over…”
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Superficial Distribution and Identification of Antifungal/Antimicrobial Agents on a Modified Tissue Conditioner by SEM-EDS Microanalysis: A Preliminary Study
Published in Journal of prosthodontics (01-10-2009)“…Purpose: This study evaluated the incorporation pattern of antifungal/antimicrobial agents added to a tissue conditioner by scanning electron microscopy‐energy…”
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Pre-heated dual-cured resin cements: analysis of the degree of conversion and ultimate tensile strength
Published in Brazilian oral research (01-04-2011)“…This study evaluated the degree of conversion (DC) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of dual-cured resin cements heated to 50º C prior to and during…”
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Irradiance from 12 LED light curing units measured using 5 brands of dental radiometers
Published in Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry (01-09-2023)“…Objective To evaluate the accuracy of five brands of radiometers in reporting the irradiance (mW/cm2) from twelve brands of LCUs compared to a ‘Gold Standard’…”
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In vivo temperature rise and acute inflammatory response in anesthetized human pulp tissue of premolars having Class V preparations after exposure to Polywave® LED light curing units
Published in Dental materials (01-09-2020)“…•Pulp temperature is more related to radiant exposure values than to irradiance.•Higher rate of pulp temperature rise increased precursors of inflammatory…”
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In‐vitro pulpal temperature increases when photo‐curing bulk‐fill resin‐based composites using laser or light‐emitting diode light curing units
Published in Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry (01-06-2023)“…Objective To evaluate the in vitro pulpal temperature rise (ΔT) within the pulp chamber when low‐ and high‐viscosity bulk‐fill resin composites are photo‐cured…”
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Analysis of the interfacial micromorphology and bond strength of adhesive systems to Er:YAG laser-irradiated dentin
Published in Lasers in medical science (01-07-2013)“…This study evaluated the effects of different parameters of dentin irradiation with erbium -doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) laser on bond strength to…”
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Is the use of a potassium nitrate dentifrice effective in reducing tooth sensitivity related to in‐office bleaching? A randomized triple‐blind clinical trial
Published in Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry (01-09-2022)“…Objective The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the use of a dentifrice containing 5% potassium nitrate (KNO3) prior to and during in‐office dental…”
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