Search Results - "Arlashchenko, N. I."
Effect of the character of autonomic response and the emotional and personality features of a human being on reactions of the vestibular system
Published in Human physiology (01-09-1999)“…A moderate degree (R = 0.37-0.45) of correlation between the values of vestibular reactivity, autonomic response, and emotional and personality characteristics…”
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Individual characteristics of correction of the cosmonauts' vegetative status with a method of adaptive biofeedback
Published in Aviakosmicheskaia i Äkologicheskaia meditsina (2003)“…The ability of 4 cosmonauts to voluntarily control their physiological parameters during the standing test was evaluated following a series of the adaptive…”
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Correction of autonomic reactions parameters in organism of cosmonaut with adaptive biocontrol method
Published in Aviakosmicheskaia i Äkologicheskaia meditsina (2000)“…Presented are results of testing the method of adaptive biocontrol during preflight training of cosmonauts. Within the MIR-25 crew, a high level of…”
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Disruption of the permeability of blood-tissue barriers in mechanisms of primary reaction to irradiation
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-05-1995)“…This study is dedicated to an investigation of the role and importance of postradiation disturbances in the permeability of the vascular-tissue barriers…”
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The physical work capacity of the body in experiments with the combined action of hypokinesia and radiation
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-07-1991)“…After combined exposures to hypokinesia and radiation, hybrid CBA x C57BL mice of the first generation showed a drop in their working capacity as estimated by…”
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Changes in vital staining of the marrow cells of the occipital bones after destruction of the gasserian ganglion
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-11-1966)Get full text
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Photographic method of study of the vascular permeability of the hemato-ophthalmicbarrier and the skin
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-01-1957)Get full text
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An increase in radiosensitivity during exclusion of the labyrinth (on the problem of the radiation dangers of cosmic flight)
Published in Radiobiologiia (01-05-1967)Get more information
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Changes of vascular permeability and capillary resistance in hemorrhagic manifestations following ionizing irradiation of rabbits
Published in Meditsinskaia radiologiia (01-04-1959)Get more information
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Enhanced body radioresistance resulting from the transfusion of autologous blood irradiated with low doses of ionizing radiation
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-09-1991)“…Preliminary administration of autogenic blood irradiated in vitro with ionizing radiation in small doses of 0.05, 0.3 or 0.5 Gy resulted in a pronounced…”
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Physical work capacity of rats following exposure to ionizing radiation
Published in Radiobiologiia (01-07-1983)“…The increase in the radiation dose from 2.5 to 15 Gy leads to a progressive diminution of the dynamic and static physical work capacity of animals…”
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Significance of the irradiation dosage rate in the reactions of the vascular tissue barrier
Published in Radiobiologiia (01-01-1981)Get more information
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