Search Results - "Ardellier, F."

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  1. 1

    Collicular Hyperactivation in Patients with COVID-19: A New Finding on Brain MRI and PET/CT by Chammas, A, Bund, C, Lersy, F, Brisset, J-C, Ardellier, F-D, Kremer, S, Namer, I J

    Published in American journal of neuroradiology : AJNR (01-08-2021)
    “…Hyperactivation of the colliculi has been observed in some patients with coronavirus disease 2019…”
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    Delayed cerebral ischemia after meningioma resection: Literature review and illustrative case by Mallereau, C.-H., Ribeiro, M., Ardellier, F.-D., Dannhoff, G., Cebula, H., Proust, F., Chibbaro, S., Todeschi, J.

    Published in Neuro-chirurgie (01-10-2022)
    “…Cerebral vasospasm results from arterial vasoconstriction, mainly following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, and may cause delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI)…”
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    Is non-contrast MRI sufficient to detect meningioma residue after surgery? by Alonso, S. Motillon, Lersy, F., Ardellier, F.D., Cebula, H., Proust, F., Onofrei, A., Chammas, A., Kremer, S.

    Published in Journal of neuroradiology (01-03-2024)
    “…Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging modality routinely used to follow up patients who have undergone surgical resection of brain…”
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    The Double Chooz antineutrino detectors by Abe, Y., Alba, J., Barriere, J. C., Baussan, E., Bekman, I., Bezrukov, L., Blanco, C., Bleurvacq, N., Blucher, E., Bonet, H., Bongrand, M., Buck, C., Cazaux, S., Charon, P., Chauveau, E., Classen, T., Conover, E., Cribier, M., Cucoanes, A., Dierckxsens, M., Dorigo, F., Durand, V., Etenko, A., Francia, D., Franco, D., Fischer, V., Franke, M., Furuta, H., Giot, L., Givaudan, A., Göger-Neff, M., Gomez, H., Goodman, M. C., Guillon, B., Hartnell, J., Haser, J., Hervé, S., Horton-Smith, G., Hourlier, A., Ishitsuka, M., Jänner, K., Jiménez, S., Jochum, J., Jollet, C., Kaneda, M., Karakac, M., Kemp, E., Kirchner, T., Konno, T., Kryn, D., Lasserre, T., Lima, H. P., Lubsandorzhiev, B., Lucht, S., Maeda, J., Maesano, C. N., Mariani, C., Martinez, J. J., Martino, J., Matsubara, T., McKee, D., Meigner, F., Nagasaka, Y., Nakajima, K., Navas-Nicolás, D., Oberauer, L., Palomares, C., Pepe, I. M., Perasso, S., Porta, A., Pronost, G., Puras, J. C., Quéval, R., Reinhold, B., Rodriguez, I., Röhling, M., Roncin, R., Sakamoto, Y., Sato, F., Schwan, U., Schönert, S., Scola, L., Shaevitz, M. A., Sharankova, R., Shrestha, D., Soldin, P., Spitz, J., Strait, M., Stüken, A., Suekane, F., Sun, Y., Sun, Z., Toups, M., Valdiviesso, G., Veyssiere, C., Viaud, B., Vignaud, D., Wagner, S., Wiebusch, C., Yang, G.

    “…This article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Chooz experiment. The electron antineutrinos of the Chooz nuclear…”
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    The apex of the aortic arch backshifts with aging by d’ostrevy, N., Ardellier, F. D., Cassagnes, L., Ouchchane, L., Azarnoush, K., Camilleri, L., Sakka, L.

    “…Background Only a few studies, involving small numbers of patients, have globally assessed the curvature of the thoracic aorta but without any details…”
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    The ANTARES optical module by Anghinolfi, M, Anvar, S, Ardellier-Desages, F.E, Aslanides, E, Aubert, J.-J, Basa, S, Battaglieri, M, Benhammou, Y, Bernard, F, Bertin, V, Billault, M, Blaes, R, Bland, R.W, de Botton, N, Brooks, C.B, Brunner, J, Cafagna, F, Calzas, A, Capone, A, Caponetto, L, Carton, P.-H, Cecchini, S, Circella, M, Compère, C, Coyle, P, Croquette, J, Cuneo, S, van Dantzig, R, De Marzo, C, DeVita, R, Deck, P, Destelle, J.-J, Dispau, G, Drougou, J.F, Druillole, F, Engelen, J, Feinstein, F, Fopma, J, Giacomelli, G, Goret, P, Gournay, J.-F, Heijboer, A, Hernández-Rey, J.J, Jaquet, M, Karolak, M, Kouchner, A, Lachartre, D, Lafoux, H, Lamare, P, Laubier, L, Le Van Suu, A, Lemoine, L, Lo Nigro, L, Loucatos, S, Lyashuk, V, Magnier, P, Marcelin, M, Margiotta, A, Mazéas, F, Mazeau, B, Michel, J.L, Montaruli, T, Morel, J.P, Moscoso, L, Musumeci, M, Navas, S, Nezri, E, Nooren, G.J, Oberski, J, Olivetto, C, Oppelt-Pohl, A, Palanque-Delabrouille, N, Petruccetti, M, Petta, C, Poinsignon, J, Potheau, R, Queinec, Y, Raia, G, Randazzo, N, Rethore, F, Riccobene, G, Ricol, J.-S, Ripani, M, Roca-Blay, V, Rolin, J.F, Rostovstev, A, Russo, G.V, Salusti, E, Schuller, J.-P, Schuster, W, Soirat, J.-P, Souvorova, O, Spurio, M, Stubert, D, Taiuti, M, Tao, C, Tilav, S, Valente, V, de Wolf, E, Zúñiga, J

    “…The ANTARES collaboration is building a deep sea neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. This detector will cover a sensitive area of typically 0.1 km 2…”
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    Cas clinique : granulomateuse, Erdheim chester avec atteinte neurologique et osseuse diffuse by Bessac, D., Kaseb, A., Bani, J., Kremer, S., Ardellier, F.-D., Bierry, G., Namer, I.J.

    “…Patient de 37 ans présentant des troubles de la marche depuis 1 an avec déficit moteur intermittent du membre inférieur droit globalement stable dans le temps…”
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    The data acquisition system for the ANTARES neutrino telescope by Ameli, F., Anton, G., Anvar, S., Aslanides, E., Beltramelli, J., Bouwhuis, M.C., Bradbury, S.M., Brunner, J., Cafagna, F., Capone, A., Carr, J., Cartwright, S.L., Castorina, E., Chauchot, P., Circella, M., Colnard, C., Compère, C., Cottini, N., Coyle, P., Cussatlegras, A.-S., Damy, G., De Marzo, C., Dekeyser, I., Delagnes, E., Denans, D., Dessages-Ardellier, F., Destelle, J.-J., Distefano, C., Drogou, J.-F., Druillole, F., Durand, D., Falchini, E., Feinstein, F., Ferry, S., Fiorello, C., Flaminio, V., Galeotti, S., Gallone, J.-M., Giacomelli, G., Goret, Ph, Hartmann, B., Hello, Y., Hernández-Rey, J.J., Hoffman, C., Jaquet, M., de Jong, M., Jouvenot, F., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Karkar, S., Katz, U., Keller, P., Kok, H., Kopper, C., Kuch, S., Lafoux, H., Lagier, P., Lamanna, G., Lamare, P., Le Guen, Y., Le Provost, H., Lo Presti, D., Loehner, H., Louis, F., Lucarelli, F., Mazéas, F., Mazure, A., Melissas, M., Milovanovic, A., Moscoso, L., Naumann, C., Niess, V., Olivetto, C., Ostasch, R., Payre, P., Petta, C., Piattelli, P., Pineau, J.-P., Poinsignon, J., Randazzo, N., van Randwijk, J., Real, D., Rewiersma, P., Riccobene, G., Ripani, M., Roca, V., Rolin, J.F., Roux, J., Russo, G.V., Salesa, F., Schuller, J.-P., Sokalski, I., van der Steenhoven, G., Stubert, D., Tao, C., Valente, V., Venekamp, G., de Vries, G., de Wolf, E., Yao, A.-F., Zúñiga, J.

    “…The ANTARES neutrino telescope is being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of a large three-dimensional array of photo-multiplier tubes. The…”
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    First results of the Instrumentation Line for the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope by Albert, A., Ameli, F., Anton, G., Barbarito, E., Battaglieri, M., Bellotti, R., Bertin, V., Bigi, A., Blaes, R., Bruijn, R., Brunner, J., Cafagna, F., Caillat, L., Caponetto, L., Carr, J., Castel, D., Cavasinni, V., Cecchini, S., Compère, C., Coniglione, R., Cussatlegras, A.-S., Dekeyser, I., Denans, D., Dessages-Ardellier, F., Destelle, J.-J., Distefano, C., Drogou, J.-F., Druillole, F., Durand, D., Falchini, E., Favard, S., Feinstein, F., Ferry, S., Fiorello, C., Flaminio, V., Galeotti, S., Giacomelli, G., Goret, Ph, Graf, K., Harakeh, M.N., Hernández-Rey, J.J., Jaquet, M., Jaspers, M., Jouvenot, F., Karg, T., Katz, U., Kok, H., Kooijman, P., Kopper, C., Korolkova, E.V., Kudryavstev, V.A., Lachartre, D., Lagier, P., Languillat, J.C., Laschinsky, H., Legou, T., Lo Nigro, L., Lo Presti, D., Loehner, H., Lucarelli, F., Lyashuk, V., Mazure, A., McMillan, J.E., Megna, R., Migneco, E., Milovanovic, A., Musumeci, M., Naumann-Godo, M., Payre, P., Petta, C., Pineau, J.-P., Racca, C., Riccobene, G., Ripani, M., Roca, V., Roda, C., Rolin, J.F., Rose, H.J., Roux, J., Ruppi, M., Schmitt, F., Schuller, J.-P., Sokalski, I., Spona, T., van der Steenhoven, G., Stubert, D., Sulak, L., Tao, C., Thompson, L.F., Valdy, P., Valente, V., Verlaat, B., Vernin, P., de Vita, R., de Witt Huberts, P., Wobbe, G., de Wolf, E., Yao, A.-F., Zaborov, D., Zornoza, J.D.

    Published in Astroparticle physics (01-11-2006)
    “…In 2005, the ANTARES Collaboration deployed and operated at a depth of 2500m a so-called Mini Instrumentation Line equipped with Optical Modules (MILOM) at the…”
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    Sedimentation and fouling of optical surfaces at the ANTARES site by Amram, P, Anvar, S, Aslanides, E, Azoulay, R, Bailey, D, Basa, S, Battaglieri, M, Bellotti, R, Beltramelli, J, Berthier, R, Bertin, V, Billault, M, Blaes, R, Bland, R.W, Blondeau, F, de Botton, N, Brooks, C.B, Brunner, J, Calzas, A, Caponetto, L, Cârloganu, C, Carmona, E, Cartwright, S.L, Cecchini, S, Compère, C, Cooper, S, Coyle, P, Cuneo, S, van Dantzig, R, De Marzo, C, Destelle, J.-J, Dispau, G, Druillole, F, Engelen, J, Ferdi, C, Gallone, J.-M, Giacomelli, G, Goret, P, Gournay, J.-F, Hallewell, G, Heijboer, A, Hernández-Rey, J.J, Hubbard, J.R, Keller, P, Kudryavtsev, V.A, Lafoux, H, Lagier, P, Lamare, P, Languillat, J.-C, Laugier, J-P, Leilde, B, Le Provost, H, Lo Nigro, L, Lyashuk, V, Magnier, P, Mazéas, F, Mazeau, B, Mazure, A, Mols, P, Musumeci, M, Oberski, J.E.J, Olivetto, C, Oppelt-Pohl, A, Palanque-Delabrouille, N, Perrin, P, Petruccetti, M, Petta, C, Piattelli, P, Poinsignon, J, Queinec, Y, Racca, C, Raia, G, Randazzo, N, Rethore, F, Riccobene, G, Ricol, J.-S, Ripani, M, Roca-Blay, V, Romeyer, A, Rostovstev, A, Russo, G.V, Salusti, E, Schuller, J.-P, Schuster, W, Spooner, N.J.C, Spurio, M, Taiuti, M, Tao, C, Triay, R, Valente, V, Varlamov, I, Vaudaine, G, de Witt Huberts, P, de Wolf, E, Zakharov, V, Zavatarelli, S, Zúñiga, J, Aloı̈si, J.-C, Kerhervé, Ph, Monaco, A

    Published in Astroparticle physics (01-05-2003)
    “…ANTARES is a project leading towards the construction and deployment of a neutrino telescope in the deep Mediterranean Sea. The telescope will use an array of…”
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    Exploring [Formula omitted] with NUCLEUS at the Chooz nuclear power plant by Angloher, G, Ardellier-Desages, F, Bento, A, Canonica, L, Erhart, A, Ferreiro, N, Friedl, M

    “…Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering ( [Formula omitted]) offers a unique way to study neutrino properties and to search for new physics beyond the…”
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    Indication of reactor electron antineutrinos disappearance in the Double Chooz experiment by Abe, Y., Aberle, C., Akiri, T., dos Anjos, J. C., Ardellier, F., Barbosa, A. F., Baxter, A., Bergevin, M., Bernstein, A., Bezerra, T. J. C., Bezrukhov, L., Blucher, E., Bongrand, M., Bowden, N. S., Buck, C., Busenitz, J., Cabrera, A., Caden, E., Camilleri, L., Carr, R., Cerrada, M., Chang, P.-J., Chimenti, P., Classen, T., Collin, A. P., Conover, E., Conrad, J. M., Cormon, S., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Cribier, M., Crum, K., Cucoanes, A., d'Agostino, M. V., Damon, E., Dawson, J.V., Dazeley, S., Dierckxsens, M., Dietrich, D., Djurcic, Z., Dracos, M., Durand, V., Efremenko, Y., Elnimr, M., Endo, Y., Etenko, A., Falk, E., Fallot, Muriel, Fechner, M., von Feilitzsch, F., Felde, J., Fernandes, S. M., Franco, D., Franke, A. J., Franke, M., Furuta, H., Gama, R., Gil-Botella, I., Giot, Lydie, Göger-Neff, M., Gonzalez, L. F. G., Goodman, M. C., Goon, J. Tm, Greiner, D., Guillon, B., Haag, N., Hagner, C., Hara, T., Hartmann, F. X., Hartnell, J., Haruna, T., Haser, J., Hatzikoutelis, A., Hayakawa, T., Hofmann, M., Horton-Smith, G. A., Ishitsuka, M., Jochum, J., Jollet, C., Jones, C. L., Kaether, F., Kalousis, L., Kamyshkov, Y., Kaplan, D. M., Kawasaki, T., Keefer, G., Kemp, E., de Kerret, H., Kibe, Y., Konno, T., Kryn, D., Kuze, M., Lachenmaier, T., Lane, C. E., Langbrandtner, C., Lasserre, T., Letourneau, A., Lhuillier, D., Lima, H. P., Lindner, M., Liu, Yehan

    Published in Physical review letters (01-03-2012)
    “…The Double Chooz experiment presents an indication of reactor electron antineutrino disappearance consistent with neutrino oscillations. An…”
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    The Double Chooz antineutrino detectors by Aberle, C, Akiri, T, Almazan, H, Barabanov, I, Barriere, J. C, Baxter, A, Bernstein, A, Bertoli, W, Bleurvacq, N, Bonet, H, Bongrand, M, Busenitz, J, Cabrera, A, Camilleri, L, Charon, P, Chimenti, P, Classen, T, Conover, E, Conrad, J. M, Courty, B, Crespo-Anadón, J. I, Cucoanes, A, Dawson, J. V, Dierckxsens, M, Durand, V, Falk, E, Fallot, M, Fechner, M, Franke, M, Furuta, H, Göger-Neff, M, Gomez, H, Goodman, M. C, Greiner, D, Guertin, A, Haser, J, Hatzikoutelis, A, Hofacker, R, Hourlier, A, Jiménez, S, Kamyshkov, Y, Kaplan, D. M, Karakac, M, Kawasaki, T, Kibe, Y, Kirchner, T, Kutter, T, Lachenmaier, T, Lastoria, C, Latron, L, Leonardo, C, Lhuillier, D, LimaJr, H. P, López-Castaño, J. M, Lubsandorzhiev, B, Mariani, C, Marie, F, Matsubara, T, McKee, D, Meigner, F, Mention, G, Meregaglia, A, Miletic, T, Mirones, V, Navas-Nicolás, D, Nikitenko, Y, Oberauer, L, Obolensky, M, Oralbaev, A, Peeters, S. J. M, Pepe, I. M, Perasso, S, Perrin, P, Ramirez, J. L, Reichenbacher, J, Reinhold, B, Reissfelder, M, Rodriguez, I, Röhling, M, Rybolt, B, Shrestha, D, Spitz, J, Stancu, I, Stock, M. R, Strait, M, Stüken, A, Sukhotin, S, Sumiyoshi, T, Sun, Y, Terao, K, Tonazzo, A, Toups, M, Valdivia, F, Vassilopoulos, N, Wagner, S, White, B, Winslow, L, Yang, G, Yermia, F, Zbiri, K

    Published 13-09-2022
    “…Eur.Phys.J. C (2022) 82:804 This article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Chooz experiment. The electron…”
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    Indication of reactor ν(e) disappearance in the Double Chooz experiment by Abe, Y, Aberle, C, Akiri, T, dos Anjos, J C, Ardellier, F, Barbosa, A F, Baxter, A, Bergevin, M, Bernstein, A, Bezerra, T J C, Bezrukhov, L, Blucher, E, Bongrand, M, Bowden, N S, Buck, C, Busenitz, J, Cabrera, A, Caden, E, Camilleri, L, Carr, R, Cerrada, M, Chang, P-J, Chimenti, P, Classen, T, Collin, A P, Conover, E, Conrad, J M, Cormon, S, Crespo-Anadón, J I, Cribier, M, Crum, K, Cucoanes, A, D'Agostino, M V, Damon, E, Dawson, J V, Dazeley, S, Dierckxsens, M, Dietrich, D, Djurcic, Z, Dracos, M, Durand, V, Efremenko, Y, Elnimr, M, Endo, Y, Etenko, A, Falk, E, Fallot, M, Fechner, M, von Feilitzsch, F, Felde, J, Fernandes, S M, Franco, D, Franke, A J, Franke, M, Furuta, H, Gama, R, Gil-Botella, I, Giot, L, Göger-Neff, M, Gonzalez, L F G, Goodman, M C, Goon, J T M, Greiner, D, Guillon, B, Haag, N, Hagner, C, Hara, T, Hartmann, F X, Hartnell, J, Haruna, T, Haser, J, Hatzikoutelis, A, Hayakawa, T, Hofmann, M, Horton-Smith, G A, Ishitsuka, M, Jochum, J, Jollet, C, Jones, C L, Kaether, F, Kalousis, L, Kamyshkov, Y, Kaplan, D M, Kawasaki, T, Keefer, G, Kemp, E, de Kerret, H, Kibe, Y, Konno, T, Kryn, D, Kuze, M, Lachenmaier, T, Lane, C E, Langbrandtner, C, Lasserre, T, Letourneau, A, Lhuillier, D, Lima, Jr, H P, Lindner, M, Liu, Y

    Published in Physical review letters (30-03-2012)
    “…The Double Chooz experiment presents an indication of reactor electron antineutrino disappearance consistent with neutrino oscillations. An…”
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