Search Results - "Arce, Blanca"
Effect of climate variability on Collaria scenica (Hemiptera: Miridae) on the Bogotá plateau
Published in Agronomía colombiana (2019)“…The aim of this research was to study the effect of climatic conditions on the population of the grass bug Collaria scenica (Stal, 1859) using agroclimatic…”
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Trend analysis to determine hazards related to climate change in the Andean agricultural areas of Cundinamarca and Boyacá
Published in Agronomía colombiana (01-08-2011)“…Recognizing the threat from climate change that is facing and will face agroecosystems is the first step in determining adaptation to climate change. One way…”
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Achieving efficiency and equity in irrigation management: an optimization model of the El Angel watershed, Carchi, Ecuador
Published in Agricultural systems (01-07-2003)“…The objective of this paper is to address the problems of inefficiency and inequity in water allocation in the El Angel watershed, located in Ecuador's Sierra…”
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Cuantificación e interpolación de tendencias locales de temperatura y precipitación en zonas alto andinas de Cundinamarca y Boyacá (Colombia)
Published in Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (01-01-2010)“…El cambio en el patrón climático global no sólo afecta la temperatura, sino el ciclo hidrológico con mayores variaciones en los ambientales locales. Con el fin…”
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Sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para la selección de especies forrajeras (STDF) en función de la oferta ambiental en Colombia
Published in Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (01-01-2013)“…La baja oferta de alimento, problema que aqueja a un alto porcentaje de la población ganadera de Colombia, se asocia,en gran medida, a la selección equivocada…”
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Constraints on the Delivery of Animal-Source Foods to Infants and Young Children: Case Studies from Five Countries
Published in Food and nutrition bulletin (01-06-2007)“…Background Optimal feeding of infants and young children in developing countries includes daily feeding of animal-source foods. Objective To evaluate…”
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Lithiasis in continent iliocecal reservoir Mainz type I
Published in Archivos españoles de urología (01-03-2011)Get full text
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Horticulture in urban eco-systems: some socio-economic and environmental lessons from studies in three developing regions
Published in Acta horticulturae (01-01-2007)Get full text
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Surgical treatment in a case of giant scrotal lymphedema
Published in Archivos españoles de urología (01-03-2011)“…Scrotal lymphedema (SL) is a rare clinical pathology with multiple etiologies. We report a case of idiopathic giant scrotal lymphedema and review the existing…”
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Simulación de los requerimientos hídricos de pasturas en un escenario de cambios climáticos generados con análisis espectral singular
Published in Acta agronomica (Palmira) (01-01-2010)“…Aunque los modelos climáticos globales muestran que cada vez son más altas las tasas de cambio de la temperatura y la precipitación, no proporcionan la…”
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Efecto de la variabilidad climática sobre Collaria scenica (Hemiptera: Miridae) en la Sabana de Bogotá/Effect of climate variability on Collaria scenica (Hemiptera: Miridae) on the Bogotá plateau
Published in Agronomía colombiana (01-01-2019)“…El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de las condiciones climáticas sobre la población de la chinche de los pastos Collaria scenica (Stal, 1859) a…”
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Modeling the effects of water availability on crop -livestock production systems in Ecuador's El Angel watershed
Published 01-01-2003“…Our goal was to analyze the complex relationships among natural resources, agricultural productivity and farm income at the farm and watershed levels. The…”
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Achieving Efficiency and Equity in Irrigation Management: An Optimization Model of the El Angel Watershed
Published in Agricultural systems (01-07-2003)“…Inefficiency and inequity problems with water allocation in the El Angel watershed, Ecuador, are examined. High altitude regions of this watershed are the main…”
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Social benefits of non-criminal genetic databases: missing persons and human remains identification
Published in International journal of legal medicine (01-06-2002)“…A Missing Persons Genetic Identification Program (Phoenix Program) was implemented in Spain in order to try to identify cadavers and human remains that could…”
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Spanish Population Data on Nine STR Loci
Published in Journal of forensic sciences (01-07-2001)“…Blood samples were obtained by venipuncture from unrelated volunteer panish individuals (n = 401) residing all over Spain. DNA was extracted using…”
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Simulación de los requerimientos hídricos de pasturas en un escenario de cambios climáticos generados con análisis espectral singular Simulation under climatic change scenario generated with spectrum singular analysis of water requirements of pastures
Published in Acta agronomica (Palmira) (01-01-2010)“…Aunque los modelos climáticos globales muestran que cada vez son más altas las tasas de cambio de la temperatura y la precipitación, no proporcionan la…”
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Trend analysis to determine hazards related to climate change in the Andean agricultural areas of Cundinamarca and Boyacá
Published in Agronomía colombiana (01-06-2011)“…Recognizing the threat from climate change that is facing and will face agroecosystems is the first step in determining adaptation to climate change. One way…”
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Simulación de los requerimientos hídricos de pasturas en un escenario de cambios climáticos generados con análisis espectral singular
Published in Acta agronomica (Palmira) (01-03-2010)“…Aunque los modelos climáticos globales muestran que cada vez son más altas las tasas de cambio de la temperatura y la precipitación, no proporcionan la…”
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