Search Results - "Aparin, A"

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  1. 1

    STAR Experiment Results From Beam Energy Scan Program by Aparin, A.

    Published in Physics of atomic nuclei (01-10-2023)
    “…The STAR experiment at RHIC has been put into operation more than two decades ago and since then has provided unique data on relativistic heavy-ion collisions…”
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    Multilayer Perceptron Neural Model for Particle Identification in MPD by Tolkachev, G., Korobitsin, A., Aparin, A.

    Published in Physics of atomic nuclei (01-10-2023)
    “…Particle Identification (PID) is an important part for most of the physics analysis in heavy-ion experiments. The principal challenge for PID is to provide…”
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    Large-Scale Forecasting of Gold Mineralization in the Central Part of the Chukchi Peninsula Based on Multizone Satellite Imagery of “Resource-P” (Geotone) and Landsat-7 by Milovsky, G. A., Aparin, A. D.

    Published in Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics (01-12-2022)
    “…— When interpreting the materials of the multizone satellite survey of Resource-P (Geotone) and Landsat-7 in the central part of the Chukchi Peninsula…”
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  4. 4

    Centrality Determination in MPD at NICA by Aparin, A., Nieto-Marín, P. A.

    Published in Physics of particles and nuclei letters (01-10-2022)
    “…We present a study of centrality classes determination based on number of charged particles registered with the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) in Multi-Purpose…”
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    Machine Learning Application for Particle Identification in MPD by Papoyan, V., Aparin, A., Ayriyan, A., Grigorian, H., Korobitsin, A., Mudrokh, A.

    Published in Physics of atomic nuclei (01-10-2023)
    “…This work presents results of the first tests of machine learning application using gradient boosting on oblivious decision trees to particle identification…”
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    Predicting Gold–Silver Mineralization within the Pepenveemskii Ore Zone of the Chukchi Peninsula Based on Resurs, Kanopus, and ASTER Space Imagery by Milovsky, G. A., Kirsanov, A. A., Lipiyainen, K. L., Aparin, A. D.

    Published in Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics (01-12-2023)
    “…When decoding space sensing materials of the eastern part of the Chukchi Peninsula on a scale of 1 : 50 000, structural elements of tectonic–volcanogenic…”
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    Use of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery in Prospecting for Coastal Placers and Deposits of Hydrocarbons in the Northern Seas of Russia by Milovsky, G. A., Ishmukhametova, V. T., Aparin, A. D.

    Published in Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics (01-12-2021)
    “…To assess the capabilities of high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery in prospecting for coastal placers and deposits of hydrocarbons in the northern…”
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  8. 8

    STAR Recent Results on Heavy Ion Collisions by Aparin, A.

    Published in Physics of particles and nuclei (01-04-2022)
    “…Exploration of the hot and dense nuclear matter produced in collisions of heavy ions is one of the main goals of modern high energy nuclear physics. The…”
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  9. 9

    Description of Charged Particle Dependence on Transverse Momentum with Tsallis-Like Distribution by Nedorezov, E. V., Parvan, A. S., Aparin, A. A.

    Published in Physics of particles and nuclei (01-08-2024)
    “…Recently, a large amount of experimental data has been collected in high energy physics for studying the properties of matter formed in ultrarelativistic…”
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  10. 10

    New Gruppa Magnezit chromite-periclase refractories for a Zinc production Waelz kiln by Yarushina, T. V., Smertin, V. V., Yazovskikh, D. Yu, Maryasev, I. G., Aparin, A. I., Shlemov, Yu. P.

    Published in Refractories and industrial ceramics (01-09-2011)
    “…Results of research work performed by Gruppa Magnezit are provided for prolonging the campaign of a zinc production Waelz kiln. Research into the corrosion…”
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  11. 11

    Beam-energy dependence of the directed flow of protons, antiprotons, and pions in Au+Au collisions by Adamczyk, L, Adkins, J K, Agakishiev, G, Aggarwal, M M, Ahammed, Z, Alekseev, I, Alford, J, Anson, C D, Aparin, A, Arkhipkin, D, Aschenauer, E C, Averichev, G S, Banerjee, A, Beavis, D R, Bellwied, R, Bhasin, A, Bhati, A K, Bhattarai, P, Bichsel, H, Bielcik, J, Bielcikova, J, Bland, L C, Bordyuzhin, I G, Borowski, W, Bouchet, J, Brandin, A V, Brovko, S G, Bültmann, S, Bunzarov, I, Burton, T P, Butterworth, J, Caines, H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M, Cebra, D, Cendejas, R, Cervantes, M C, Chaloupka, P, Chang, Z, Chattopadhyay, S, Chen, H F, Chen, J H, Chen, L, Cheng, J, Cherney, M, Chikanian, A, Christie, W, Chwastowski, J, Codrington, M J M, Contin, G, Cramer, J G, Crawford, H J, Cui, X, Das, S, Davila Leyva, A, De Silva, L C, Debbe, R R, Dedovich, T G, Deng, J, Derevschikov, A A, Derradi de Souza, R, Dhamija, S, di Ruzza, B, Didenko, L, Dilks, C, Ding, F, Djawotho, P, Dong, X, Drachenberg, J L, Draper, J E, Du, C M, Dunkelberger, L E, Dunlop, J C, Efimov, L G, Engelage, J, Engle, K S, Eppley, G, Eun, L, Evdokimov, O, Eyser, O, Fatemi, R, Fazio, S, Fedorisin, J, Filip, P, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Flores, C E, Gagliardi, C A, Gangadharan, D R, Garand, D, Geurts, F, Gibson, A, Girard, M, Gliske, S, Greiner, L, Grosnick, D, Gunarathne, D S, Guo, Y, Gupta, A, Gupta, S, Guryn, W

    Published in Physical review letters (25-04-2014)
    “…Rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) measurements for charged pions, protons, and antiprotons near midrapidity (y=0) are reported in sNN=7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39,…”
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  12. 12

    Measurement of the Sixth-Order Cumulant of Net-Proton Multiplicity Distributions in Au + Au Collisions at s NN = 27 , 54.4, and 200 GeV at RHIC by Abdallah, M. S., Adam, J., Adamczyk, L., Adams, J. R., Adkins, J. K., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, I., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Alekseev, I., Anderson, D. M., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E. C., Ashraf, M. U., Atetalla, F. G., Attri, A., Averichev, G. S., Bairathi, V., Baker, W., Ball Cap, J. G., Barish, K., Behera, A., Bellwied, R., Bhagat, P., Bhasin, A., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bordyuzhin, I. G., Brandenburg, J. D., Brandin, A. V., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Cai, X. Z., Caines, H., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Cebra, D., Chakaberia, I., Chaloupka, P., Chan, B. K., Chang, F-H., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, D., Chen, J., Chen, J. H., Chen, X., Chen, Z., Cheng, J., Chevalier, M., Choudhury, S., Christie, W., Chu, X., Crawford, H. J., Csanád, M., Daugherity, M., Dedovich, T. G., Deppner, I. M., Derevschikov, A. A., Dhamija, A., Di Carlo, L., Didenko, L., Dong, X., Drachenberg, J. L., Duckworth, E., Dunlop, J. C., Elsey, N., Engelage, J., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Evdokimov, O., Ewigleben, A., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Fawzi, F. M., Fazio, S., Federic, P., Fedorisin, J., Feng, C. J., Feng, Y., Filip, P., Finch, E., Fisyak, Y., Francisco, A., Fu, C., Fulek, L., Gagliardi, C. A., Galatyuk, T., Geurts, F., Ghimire, N., Gibson, A., Gopal, K., Gou, X., Grosnick, D., Gupta, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A. I., Hamed, A., Han, Y.

    Published in Physical review letters (24-12-2021)
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    Long-range pseudorapidity dihadron correlations in d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV by Adkins, J.K., Averichev, G.S., Bellwied, R., Bhasin, A., Bhattarai, P., Bland, L.C., Bouchet, J., Burton, T.P., Caines, H., Calder'on de la Barca S'anchez, M., Cervantes, M.C., Chaloupka, P., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, J.H., Chen, X., Cheng, J., Das, S., Didenko, L., Dunlop, J.C., Eppley, G., Evdokimov, O., Fatemi, R., Fisyak, Y., Garand, D., Gupta, S., Gupta, A., Hamad, A., He, L., Hirsch, A., Huang, H.Z., Huang, B., Huck, P., Igo, G., Kalinkin, D., Khan, Z.H., Kosarzewski, L.K., Kraishan, A.F., Kulakov, I., Landgraf, J.M., Landry, K.D., Lauret, J., Lebedev, A., Lee, J.H., Li, X., Li, W., Lisa, M.A., Liu, F., Ljubicic, T., Ma, L., Ma, R., Ma, Y.G., McDonald, D., Meehan, K., Minaev, N.G., Mondal, M.M., Nurushev, S.B., Oh, K., Okorokov, V., Pandit, Y., Panebratsev, Y., Poljak, N., Qiu, H., Quintero, A., Ramachandran, S., Ray, R.L., Rogachevskiy, O.V., Roy, A., Rusnak, J., Sahoo, N.R., Schmidke, W.B., Schmitz, N., Shahaliev, E., Shao, M., Shi, S.S., Sichtermann, E.P., Simko, M., Smirnov, N., Solanki, D., Sun, Z., Svirida, D.N., Tang, A.H., Tang, Z., Trentalange, S., Tribedy, P., Vandenbroucke, M., Varma, R., Vasiliev, A.N., Videbaek, F., Wang, Y., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Westfall, G.D., Wieman, H., Witt, R., Xin, K., Xu, N., Yang, Q., Zhao, F., Zhong, C., Zhu, X.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-07-2015)
    “…Dihadron angular correlations in d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV are reported as a function of the measured zero-degree calorimeter neutral energy and the…”
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  15. 15

    J/ψ production cross section and its dependence on charged-particle multiplicity in p + p collisions at s=200 GeV by Adams, J.R., Aggarwal, M.M., Alekseev, I., Aparin, A., Averichev, G.S., Bai, X., Bellwied, R., Bielcik, J., Bunzarov, I., Butterworth, J., Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Crawford, H.J., Deppner, I.M., Elsey, N., Eppley, G., Esumi, S., Fisyak, Y., Galatyuk, T., Gibson, A., Guryn, W., Hamad, A.I., Harlenderova, A., Heppelmann, S., Huang, S.L., Huo, P., Ke, H.W., Kim, C., Kisel, I., Kochenda, L., Krauth, L., Kwasizur, J.H., Lednicky, R., Li, X., Li, C., Lidrych, J., Lisa, M.A., Liu, H., Llope, W.J., Lomnitz, M., Ma, G.L., Ma, L., Ma, R., Magdy, N., Matis, H.S., Matonoha, O., Mazer, J.A., Mei, J.C., Mishra, D., Mohanty, B., Nasim, Md, Negrete, J.D., Nelson, J.M., Nie, M., Olvitt, D., Page, B.S., Pei, H., Porter, J., Przybycien, M., Ray, R.L., Rusnakova, O., Schmidke, W.B., Seck, F., Sergeeva, M., Seyboth, P., Shahaliev, E., Shanmuganathan, P.V., Shao, M., Shen, W.Q., Shen, F., Shi, S.S., Siejka, S., Sikora, R., Singha, S., Smirnov, N., Srivastava, B., Stewart, D.J., Stringfellow, B., Sumbera, M., Sun, Y., Szymanski, P., Tang, A.H., Thomas, J.H., Tu, B., Underwood, D.G., Van Buren, G., Vassiliev, I., Wang, G., Wang, F., Wissink, S.W., Xie, G., Xu, J., Xu, N., Yang, S., Yang, C., Yip, K., Zhang, X.P., Zhang, S., Zhong, C., Zhu, Z.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-11-2018)
    “…We present a measurement of inclusive J/ψ production at mid-rapidity (|y|<1) in p+p collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s=200 GeV with the STAR experiment…”
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  16. 16

    Energy dependence of J/ψ production in Au+Au collisions at sNN=39,62.4 and 200GeV by Ashraf, M.U., Attri, A., Bellwied, R., Bielcik, J., Bland, L.C., Bordyuzhin, I.G., Chang, Z., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Chen, J.H., Contin, G., Debbe, R.R., Draper, J.E., Dunlop, J.C., Eyser, O., Fatemi, R., Federicova, P., Feng, Z., Gagliardi, C.A., Garand, D., Gibson, A., Grosnick, D., Guo, Y., Gupta, S., Harlenderova, A., He, L., Hirsch, A., Humanic, T.J., Igo, G., Kravtsov, P., Kvapil, J., Kwasizur, J.H., Li, X., Liu, H., Liu, P., Ljubicic, T., Luo, X., Ma, G.L., Ma, L., Magdy, N., Miller, Z.W., Minaev, N.G., Mioduszewski, S., Mohanty, B., Mustafa, M.K., Nurushev, S.B., Pak, R., Panebratsev, Y., Pawlik, B., Pei, H., Poniatowska, K., Porter, J., Przybycien, M., Putschke, J., Quintero, A., Ramachandran, S., Ray, R.L., Roberts, J.B., Romero, J.L., Schmah, A.M., Schmidke, W.B., Sergeeva, M., Shen, W.Q., Singha, S., Smirnov, N., Solyst, W., Song, L., Stringfellow, B., Summa, B., Sun, X., Sun, Y., Sun, X.M., Tang, A.H., Thäder, J., Thomas, J.H., Tokarev, M., Tribble, R.E., Tripathy, S.K., Ullrich, T., Van Buren, G., Videbæk, F., Vokal, S., Voloshin, S.A., Vossen, A., Wang, Y., Webb, G., Wieman, H., Wissink, S.W., Xie, W., Xu, Z., Yang, C., Yi, L., Yu, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zhang, Z., Zhang, X.P., Zhang, J., Zhao, J., Zhong, C., Zhu, Z.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-08-2017)
    “…The inclusive J/ψ transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors are reported at mid-rapidity (|y|<1.0) in Au+Au collisions at sNN = 39, 62.4 and…”
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  17. 17

    Correlation measurements between flow harmonics in Au+Au collisions at RHIC by Adams, J.R., Aggarwal, M.M., Alekseev, I., Aparin, A., Aschenauer, E.C., Averichev, G.S., Bai, X., Bellwied, R., Bielcikova, J., Bouchet, J., Bunzarov, I., Caines, H., Chaloupka, P., Chankova-Bunzarova, N., Chatterjee, A., Cheng, J., Cherney, M., Crawford, H.J., Deppner, I.M., Efimov, L.G., Eyser, O., Federicova, P., Filip, P., Flores, C.E., Fulek, L., Guryn, W., Hamad, A.I., Hamed, A., Hirsch, A., Huang, H.Z., Kang, K., Ke, H.W., Kechechyan, A., Krauth, L., Kulathunga, N., Kumar, S., Kumar, L., Kvapil, J., Li, W., Li, C., Liu, H., Liu, F., Lomnitz, M., Luo, X., Ma, R., Magdy, N., Majka, R., Markert, C., Matis, H.S., Matonoha, O., Mayes, D., Meehan, K., Mei, J.C., Mohanty, B., Mondal, M.M., Nasim, Md, Nogach, L.V., Oh, K., Panebratsev, Y., Pawlik, B., Perkins, C., Pluta, J., Putschke, J., Ray, R.L., Romero, J.L., Rusnakova, O., Sahoo, N.R., Salur, S., Schmidke, W.B., Schweid, B.R., Seyboth, P., Shah, N., Shanmuganathan, P.V., Shen, F., Shou, Q.Y., Simko, M., Strikhanov, M., Sun, Y., Tang, Z., Todoroki, T., Trentalange, S., Tribble, R.E., Trzeciak, B.A., Tsai, O.D., Tu, B., Underwood, D.G., Upsal, I., Vokal, S., Wang, G., Wen, L., Wieman, H., Wissink, S.W., Witt, R., Wu, Y., Xie, G., Xu, Y.F., Yip, K., Yoo, I.-K., Zhang, J., Zhou, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-08-2018)
    “…Flow harmonics (vn) in the Fourier expansion of the azimuthal distribution of particles are widely used to quantify the anisotropy in particle emission in…”
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  18. 18

    Beam energy dependence of the linear and mode-coupled flow harmonics in Au+Au collisions by Adams, J.R., Agakishiev, G., Aggarwal, M.M., Bairathi, V., Barish, K., Cebra, D., Ceska, J., Chakaberia, I., Chang, Z., Dedovich, T.G., Di Carlo, L., Dixit, P., Engelage, J., Fazio, S., Feng, C.J., Geurts, F., Gou, X., Hamed, A., Han, Y., He, W., He, X.H., Hu, C., Huang, H., Huang, H.Z., Huang, T., Huang, X., Huang, Y., Humanic, T.J., Jin, C., Ju, X., Kabana, S., Kalinkin, D., Kimelman, B., Kiselev, A., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Lacey, R., Lebedev, A., Lednicky, R., Liang, Y., Liu, L., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Ljubicic, T., Llope, W.J., Lomicky, O., Lukow, N.S., Luo, X.F., Matis, H.S., Mi, K., Mukherjee, A., Nasim, Md, Nishitani, R., Nonaka, T., Panebratsev, Y., Pani, T., Parfenov, P., Paul, A., Perkins, C., Protzman, T., Ray, R.L., Ritter, H.G., Sato, S., Shah, N., Shanmuganathan, P.V., Sharma, M., Sharma, S.R., Sheikh, A.I., Shou, Q.Y., Song, Y., Srivastava, B., Sun, X., Sun, Y., Tang, A.H., Tang, Z., Tlusty, D., Tokarev, M.V., Tribedy, P., Tu, Z., Wang, F., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wieman, H., Wissink, S.W., Xi, B., Xiao, Z.G., Xu, Y., Yan, G., Yan, Z., Yang, C., Yang, S., Yang, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z.J., Zhou, C., Zhou, S., Zhou, Y., Zhu, X.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-04-2023)
    “…The linear and mode-coupled contributions to higher-order anisotropic flow are presented for Au+Au collisions at sNN = 27, 39, 54.4, and 200 GeV and compared…”
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  19. 19

    Observation of an energy-dependent difference in elliptic flow between particles and antiparticles in relativistic heavy ion collisions by Adamczyk, L, Adkins, J K, Agakishiev, G, Aggarwal, M M, Ahammed, Z, Alekseev, I, Alford, J, Anson, C D, Aparin, A, Arkhipkin, D, Aschenauer, E, Averichev, G S, Balewski, J, Banerjee, A, Barnovska, Z, Beavis, D R, Bellwied, R, Betancourt, M J, Betts, R R, Bhasin, A, Bhati, A K, Bhattarai, P, Bichsel, H, Bielcik, J, Bielcikova, J, Bland, L C, Bordyuzhin, I G, Borowski, W, Bouchet, J, Brandin, A V, Brovko, S G, Bruna, E, Bültmann, S, Bunzarov, I, Burton, T P, Butterworth, J, Cai, X Z, Caines, H, Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M, Cebra, D, Cendejas, R, Cervantes, M C, Chaloupka, P, Chang, Z, Chattopadhyay, S, Chen, H F, Chen, J H, Chen, J Y, Chen, L, Cheng, J, Cherney, M, Chikanian, A, Christie, W, Chung, P, Chwastowski, J, Codrington, M J M, Corliss, R, Cramer, J G, Crawford, H J, Cui, X, Das, S, Davila Leyva, A, De Silva, L C, Debbe, R R, Dedovich, T G, Deng, J, Derradi de Souza, R, Dhamija, S, di Ruzza, B, Didenko, L, Ding, F, Dion, A, Djawotho, P, Dong, X, Drachenberg, J L, Draper, J E, Du, C M, Dunkelberger, L E, Dunlop, J C, Efimov, L G, Elnimr, M, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Eun, L, Evdokimov, O, Fatemi, R, Fazio, S, Fedorisin, J, Fersch, R G, Filip, P, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Flores, E, Gagliardi, C A, Gangadharan, D R, Garand, D, Geurts, F, Gibson, A, Gliske, S, Grebenyuk, O G

    Published in Physical review letters (05-04-2013)
    “…Elliptic flow (v(2)) values for identified particles at midrapidity in Au + Au collisions, measured by the STAR experiment in the beam energy scan at RHIC at…”
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    The STAR beam energy scan phase II physics and upgrades by Yang, Chi

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (01-11-2017)
    “…The second phase of the Beam Energy Scan at RHIC, BES-II, is scheduled for 2019–2020 and will explore with precision measurements the high baryon density…”
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