Search Results - "Aparecida Mayrink de Oliveira, Fabiana"
COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts on dental education: an evaluation by progress testing
Published in Journal of applied research in higher education (2024)“…PurposeThe emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way in which education was delivered in early 2020, and the impacts of these changes continue to be…”
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Low-level laser therapy decreases renal interstitial fibrosis
Published in Photomedicine and laser surgery (01-10-2013)Get more information
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Avaliação da estabilidade dimensional da silicona de condensação em diferentes tempos de vazamento em moldagens para prótese fixa
Published in H.U. revista (07-11-2019)“…Introdução: O envelhecimento da população aumenta a necessidade de reabilitação protética e o custo do atendimento odontológico. Para reabilitar com qualidade…”
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Indicações e tratamentos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade na odontologia: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Published in H.U. revista (08-02-2019)“…Introdução: O laser de baixa intensidade (LLLT – Low Level Laser Therapy) possui efeitos anti-inflamatórios, analgésicos e trófico tecidual, podendo ser…”
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Objective structured clinical examination, OSCEs: an advance in the teaching and learning process in the student’s perception
Published in Revista de Odontologia da UNESP (2019)“…Abstract Introduction The OSCE is a method of clinical competencies evaluation that has gained international popularity in medical and dental education…”
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