Search Results - "Anwar Efendi Harahap"
Pengaruh Substitusi Daun Indigofera dengan Silase Daun Pepaya serta Jenis Kemasan Berbeda terhadap Kualitas dan Sifat Fisik Wafer
Published in Jurnal agripet (01-04-2023)“…ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kualitas fisik (warna, aroma, tekstur,) serta sifat fisik (kerapatan, berat jenis, kadar air) wafer dengan perbedaan…”
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Estrus Performance and Pregnancy Rate in Types of Local Cows on Different Estrus Synchronization Protocols
Published in Journal of animal production (25-02-2020)“…The research aimed to evaluate the onset of estrus, conception rate, pregnancy rate and duration of estrus in Bali cow, limousine cow and rambon cow after…”
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Quality of Bali bull cryopreserved sperm using different extenders and equilibration times on pregnancy rate of Bali cows
Published in Wārasān Songkhlā Nakharin (01-06-2020)“…This study aimed to investigate the effects of three different semen extenders (TEY, AND®, and TSY) and three equilibration periods (2, 4, and 6 h) on the…”
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Nutrition of Wafer Produced from Silage of Cabbage Vegetable Waste and Rice Brain With Different Packaging Types
Published in Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu (29-04-2021)“…The wafer packaging process is necessary in maintaining quality during storage and transportation. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional quality of the…”
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Evaluation of Nutrient and Digestibility of Agricultural Waste Total Mixed Ration Silage as Ruminant Feed
Published in Buletin peternakan (28-11-2023)“…Difficulties in feeding ruminants, which generally use field grass, can be modified by utilizing forage waste from corn, rice and cassava using the total mixed…”
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Pengaruh Usia Potong dan Dosis Pupuk Urea Terhadap Kandungan Nutrien dan Kecernaan Sorgum Varietas Samurai 1 Sebagai Pakan Ruminansia
Published in Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis (14-03-2024)“…Kesulitan penyediaan pakan hijauan pada pengembangan peternakan ruminansia dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan sorgum karena mampu menghemat biaya pakan akibat…”
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Wafer Nutrient with the Addition of Rubber Seed Flour (Hevea brasiliensis) and its Effect on Local Goat Performance
Published in Buletin peternakan (01-05-2021)“…Local goats are one of the ruminants that have several advantages, including being expose to extreme temperatures such as in the tropics and can withstand to…”
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