Search Results - "Anton, Maria Teresa"
Tomato Fruit Photosynthesis Is Seemingly Unimportant in Primary Metabolism and Ripening But Plays a Considerable Role in Seed Development
Published in Plant physiology (Bethesda) (01-12-2011)“…Fruit of tomato (Solarium lycopersicum), like those from many species, have been characterized to undergo a shift from partially photosynthetic to truly…”
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Functional analysis of the Arlequin mutant corroborates the essential role of the Arlequin/TAGL1 gene during reproductive development of tomato
Published in PloS one (23-12-2010)“…Reproductive development of higher plants comprises successive events of organ differentiation and growth which finally lead to the formation of a mature…”
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A multisite gateway-based toolkit for targeted gene expression and hairpin RNA silencing in tomato fruits
Published in Plant biotechnology journal (01-04-2009)“…A collection of fruit promoters, reporter genes and protein tags has been constructed in a triple-gateway format, a recombination-based cloning system that…”
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Genetic and physiological characterization of the Arlequin insertional mutant reveals a key regulator of reproductive development in tomato [Lycopersicon esculentum]
Published in Plant and cell physiology (01-03-2010)“…The genetic and phenotypic characterization of a new tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) insertional mutant, Arlequin (Alq) is reported. Alq mutant plants were…”
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Expert Knowledge Representation in Bilingual e-Dictionaries. A Case Study
Published in Cadernos de tradução (01-01-2015)“…In recent decades, the number of new concepts and terms has risen rapidly due to scientific and technological development. Additionally, expert knowledge,…”
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CPAMD8 loss-of-function underlies non-dominant congenital glaucoma with variable anterior segment dysgenesis and abnormal extracellular matrix
Published in Human genetics (01-10-2020)“…Abnormal development of the ocular anterior segment may lead to a spectrum of clinical phenotypes ranging from primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) to variable…”
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Retrobulbar haemorrhage and globe perforation after botulinum toxin injection into the medial rectus
Published in Acta ophthalmologica (Oxford, England) (01-01-2024)“…Aims/Purpose: The aim of this communication is to show a recent case of both retrobulbar haemorrhage (RH) and probable globe perforation (GP) after botulinum…”
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Metodología para el diseño de un asistente semiautomático de redacción y de traducción de fichas descriptivas de embutidos del español al inglés
Published in Cadernos de tradução (2024)“…Resumen La traducción y la redacción del español al inglés en el sector agroalimentario y el desarrollo de aplicaciones y herramientas que asistan durante este…”
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Tomato Fruit Photosynthesis Is Seemingly Unimportant in Primary Metabolism and Ripening But Plays a Considerable Role in Seed Development1[W][OA]
Published in Plant physiology (Bethesda) (01-12-2011)“…Fruit of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), like those from many species, have been characterized to undergo a shift from partially photosynthetic to truly…”
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iTRAQ-based protein profiling provides insights into the central metabolism changes driving grape berry development and ripening
Published in BMC plant biology (24-10-2013)“…Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is an economically important fruit crop. Quality-determining grape components such as sugars, acids, flavors, anthocyanins,…”
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Aproximación a las unidades con significado en el campo de la informática adquirido por extensión metafórica en los diccionarios generales de inglés y español
Published in Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas (02-07-2015)“…En las últimas décadas la revolución científico-tecnológica ha dado lugar a la aparición de nuevos conceptos y, por ende, de infinidad de denominaciones. El…”
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La gestión de la terminología en interpretación social a través de dispositivos móviles
Published in Tradumàtica (31-12-2016)“…Los traductores tienen a su disposición una gran cantidad de herramientas y aplicaciones para gestionar la terminología. Sin embargo, los intérpretes sociales,…”
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La investigación en tecnologías de la traducción
Published in TRANS (2023)“…Reseña de La investigación en tecnologías de la traducciónMaría Teresa Ortego AntónBerlín, Peter Lang, 2022, 156 pp…”
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La representación del conocimiento especializado en los diccionarios electrónicos bilingües: Un estudio de caso
Published in Cadernos de tradução (08-05-2015)Get full text
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Aproximación a las unidades con significado en el campo de la informática adquirido por extensión metafórica en los diccionarios generales de inglés y español
Published in Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas (01-01-2015)“…In recent decades there has been a revolution in expert knowledge, so general vocabulary has been gradually enlarged with a great number of terms traditionally…”
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El tratamiento de los estereotipos en el aula de ELE: una experiencia práctica
Published in Foro de profesores de EL/E (2009)“…En la docencia de español como lengua extranjera es fundamental el tratamientode los estereotipos con el objetivo de favorecer el reconocimiento del…”
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Carmen Valero-Garces, Communicating across Cultures. A Coursebook on Interpreting and Translating in Public Services and Institutions
Published in Hermēneus (Soria, Spain) (01-01-2016)Get full text
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La gestió de la terminologia en interpretació social a través de dispositius mòbils
Published in Tradumàtica (2016)“…Els traductors tenen a l’abast una gran quantitat d’eines i d’aplicacions per a gestionar la terminologia. Tanmateix, els intèrprets socials, la funció dels…”
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