Search Results - "Anoshina, M Iu"

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  1. 1

    The estimation of free-radical lipid oxidation in the erythrocytes and blood plasma by Anoshina, M Iu, Lanovenko, I I

    “…Modification of the spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of the concentration of primary, secondary and final products of the free-radical…”
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  2. 2

    Endogenous intoxication, immunological reactivity and erythrocyte membrane permeability in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia by Tretiak, N M, Anoshina, M Iu, Mnishenko, V M

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-09-2001)
    “…Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) have been shown to present with apparent metabolic abnormalities, such as enhanced endogenous intoxication against…”
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  3. 3

    The possibility of intensifying endogenous nitrogen reutilization in protein starvation by the parental administration of small doses of methionine and threonine by Magarlamov, A G, Levchenko, I V, Ishchuk, O E, Anoshina, M Iu

    “…Experiments conducted on albino Wistar male rats showed that endogenous nitrogen reutilization can be intensified by parenteral administration of regulatory…”
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  4. 4

    The effect of parenterally administered nitrogenous preparations on the protein and lipid metabolic indices in normal and disordered liver function by Anoshina, M Iu, Magarlamov, A G, Ishchuk, O E

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-02-1993)
    “…It was established that liver failure is associated with significant disorders of the protein and lipid metabolism: marked increase of liver fat, increase of…”
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  5. 5

    An assessment of liver function in victims as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station by Anoshina, M Iu, Zverkova, A S, Romanova, A F, Ishchuk, O E

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-03-1998)
    “…A total of 254 Kievites of both sexes 19 to 35 years old were examined over 1987-1990. Revealed in the above population were alterations of the functional…”
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  6. 6

    The enzymatic activity of ammonia metabolism in the liver during the parenteral nitrogen feeding of animals with experimental liver failure by Magarlamov, A G, Levchenko, I V, Anoshina, M Iu, Ishchuk, O E

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-03-1992)
    “…It was established that liver insufficiency the activity of hepatic glutamate dehydrogenase is markedly reduced that is, apparently, the main cause of…”
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  7. 7

    Homeostatic indices in persons subjected to ionizing radiation exposure by Zverkova, A S, Nazarchuk, L V, Romanova, A F, Komissarenko, V G, Evtukh, V P, Anoshina, M Iu, Dzhavadova, I V

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-05-1997)
    “…Over the period of 1986-1990 a comprehensive evaluation was carried out in a series of a 5578 subjects exposed to ionizing radiation because of Chernobyl NPP…”
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  8. 8

    Use of amikin for the parenteral feeding of patients after surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract organs by Terekhov, N T, Mikhaĭlovskaia, L A, Levchenko, I V, Anoshina, M Iu, Sukhoviĭ, M V

    Published in Vestnik hirurgii im. I.I. Grekova (01-06-1979)
    “…A comparative study of the effectiveness of a home-made amino acide drug for nitrous parenteral feeding--amikin and Swedixh drug--aminosol hydrolysate was…”
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    The physicochemical anticomplement properties of alpha 2-macroglobulin for intravenous administration by Perekhrestenko, P M, Lobunets, K A, Voloshina, M S, Iakovenko, S B, Zaĭchenko, A P, Anoshina, M Iu, Liubich, V V

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-02-1993)
    “…Stabilized composition of alpha-2-macroglobulin retains its physico-chemical and biological properties for 1 year storage at (6 +/- 2) degrees C. During this…”
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    The criteria for forming risk groups among the population exposed to ionizing radiation after the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station by Zvekova, A S, Fedorovskaia, E A, Nazarchuk, L V, Bratus', G G, Darchuk, G F, Komissarenko, V G, Gashchuk, A P, Anoshina, M Iu, Dzhevadova, I V, Tretiak, N N

    Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-05-1994)
    “…Studied were particular features of peripheral blood, certain immunological and biochemical indices under long-term exposure of human body to radiation after…”
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  13. 13