Search Results - "Annis, H M"
Barriers to help-seeking for change in drinking: A gender-focused review of the literature
Published in Addictive behaviors (1996)“…Women with drinking problems are less likely than men to utilize alcoholspecific treatment services; they are comparatively more likely to seek help in general…”
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Development and validation of the Drug-Taking Confidence Questionnaire: A measure of coping self-efficacy
Published in Addictive behaviors (01-09-1997)“…The Drug-Taking Confidence Questionnaire (DTCQ; Annis & Martin, 1985) is a 50-item self-report questionnaire developed to assess situation-specific coping…”
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Measurement of antecedents to drug and alcohol use: Psychometric properties of the Inventory of Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS)
Published in Behaviour research and therapy (01-05-1997)“…The development, factor structure, and validity of the Inventory of Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS) is described. This 50-item self-report questionnaire, which…”
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Group Comparisons of Coping Self-Efficacy Between Alcohol and Cocaine Abusers Seeking Treatment
Published in Psychology of addictive behaviors (01-06-1999)“…The Drug-Taking Confidence Questionnaire (DTCQ; H. M. Annis & G. Martin, 1985 ) assesses situation-specific coping self-efficacy for resisting the use of a…”
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The role of coping in relapse crisis outcome: a prospective study of treated alcoholics
Published in Addiction (Abingdon, England) (01-08-1996)“…This study investigates the influence of coping on the outcome of a relapse crisis for a sample of 125 treated alcoholics during the first 12 weeks following…”
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A controlled field trial of group versus individual cognitive-behavioural training for relapse prevention
Published in Addiction (Abingdon, England) (01-08-1996)“…Results are presented of a randomized field trial comparing two aftercare regimes, namely individual versus group delivery of a structured relapse prevention…”
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Gender in relation to relapse crisis situations, coping, and outcome among treated alcoholics
Published in Addictive behaviors (01-01-1998)“…Relapse crisis situations resulting in successful coping (i.e., abstinence) and unsuccessful coping (i.e., relapse) were examined in 90 male and 35 female…”
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Profile Types on the Inventory of Drinking Situations: Implications for Relapse Prevention Counseling
Published in Psychology of addictive behaviors (01-09-1995)“…The Inventory of Drinking Situations ( H. M. Annis, 1982 ) was used to assess the situations in which 286 clients drank heavily in the year before entering an…”
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Random assignment to abstinence and controlled drinking: Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioral program for problem drinkers
Published in Journal of consulting and clinical psychology (01-06-1984)“…Assessed cognitive-behavioral program with a goal of either abstinence or controlled drinking using 70 early-stage problem drinkers who were randomly assigned…”
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Relapse to substance abuse: empirical findings within a cognitive-social learning approach
Published in Journal of psychoactive drugs (01-04-1990)“…A cognitive-social learning model of relapse prevention, specifically Albert Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, is one of the most influential theoretical…”
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Outcome and efficacy expectancy in the prediction of post-treatment drinking behaviour
Published in British journal of addiction (01-05-1990)“…A recent controversy in research on self-efficacy theory has been directed at the role of outcome and efficacy expectancies in the prediction of behaviour…”
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The reactive effects of follow-up assessment procedures: an experimental study
Published in Addictive behaviors (1988)“…A four group randomized control study designed to investigate the reactive effects of follow-up interviews and self-monitoring procedures on the self-reported…”
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The use of calcium carbimide in relapse prevention counselling: results of a randomized controlled trial
Published in British journal of addiction (01-01-1992)“…The effect of combining relapse prevention counselling with use of an alcohol-sensitizing drug was examined. Fifty-six alcoholic subjects who participated in a…”
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Self-report reliability of skid-row alcoholics
Published in British journal of psychiatry (01-05-1979)“…The stability of self-report of 72 skid-row alcoholics over a one to six month interval was explored. Relatively high response agreement on reinterview was…”
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Detoxication of the female alcoholic: a follow-up study
Published in British journal of addiction (01-09-1980)Get more information
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A cognitive-social learning approach to relapse: pharmacotherapy and relapse prevention counselling
Published in Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) Supplement. (1991)“…A cognitive-social learning model of relapse prevention, specifically Albert Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, is one of the most influential theoretical…”
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The detoxication alternative to the handling of public inebriates. The Ontario experience
Published in Journal of studies on alcohol (01-03-1979)“…A review of the Ontario experience in the development of a public health alternative to the handling of public inebriates has revealed some difficulties…”
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Maturational Changes in Canadian Adolescents' Cognitive Attitudinal Structure Concerning Marijuana
Published in The Journal of genetic psychology (01-09-1986)“…Thirty-four items concerning marijuana use were administered three times to a cohort of Canadian high school students between Grades 11 and 13, in 1977 (n =…”
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Arrests, readmissions and treatment following release from detoxication centers
Published in Journal of studies on alcohol (01-07-1978)“…Six months following discharge from a detoxication center, almost half of the 522 men studied were arrested, more than half were readmitted to detoxication…”
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Development of a scale to measure outcome expectancy in alcoholics
Published in Cognitive therapy and research (01-10-1989)Get full text
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