Search Results - "Angonese, C."

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  1. 1

    Complications of radiofrequency thermal ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma: what about “explosive” spread? by Angonese, C, Baldan, A, Cillo, U, D’Alessandro, A, De Antoni, M, De Giorgio, M, Masotto, A, Marino, D, Massani, M, Mazzucco, M, Miola, E, Neri, D, Paccagnella, D, Pivetta, G, Tommasi, L, Tremolada, F, Tufano, A, Zanus, G, Farinati, F

    Published in Gut (01-03-2006)
    “…Suggested risk factors have been high α fetoprotein levels, location near major portal branches, and poor tumour differentiation. 4, 5 Also, increased liver…”
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  2. 2

    Percutaneous radiofrequency thermal ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma by BALDAN, A., MARINO, D., DE GIORGIO, M., ANGONESE, C., CILLO, U., D'ALESSANDRO, A., MASOTTO, A., MASSANI, M., MAZZUCCO, M., MIOLA, E., NERI, D., PACCAGNELLA, D., PIVETTA, G., STELLATO, A., TOMMASI, L., TREMOLADA, F., TUFANO, A., ZANUS, G., FARINATI, F.

    Published in Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (15-11-2006)
    “…Summary Background Radiofrequency thermal ablation is the first therapeutic option in percutaneous treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma but data on its…”
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    Histological study of alcoholic, nonalcoholic, and obstructive chronic pancreatitis by DE ANGELIS, C, VALENTE, G, SPACCAPIETRA, M, ANGONESE, C, DEL FAVERO, G, NACCARATO, R, ANDRIULLI, A

    Published in Pancreas (01-01-1992)
    “…Pancreatic tissue obtained from 26 patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis (ACP), nine patients with nonalcoholic idiopathic chronic pancreatitis (NAICP),…”
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    Do CA 19-9 and TPA play a minor role as compared to AFP in diagnosing primary hepatocellular carcinoma? by Leandro, G, Zizzari, S, Fabris, C, Basso, D, Elba, S, Del Favero, G, Meggiato, T, Angonese, C, Di Mario, F, Manghisi, O G

    Published in Oncology (1989)
    “…This study was undertaken in order to compare the ability of 4 tumour markers to discriminate between liver cirrhosis patients with or without hepatocellular…”
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  6. 6

    Combined determination of serum CA 19-9 and tissue polypeptide antigen: why no improvement in pancreatic cancer diagnosis? by Basso, D, Fabris, C, Del Favero, G, Panucci, A, Plebani, M, Angonese, C, Leandro, G, Dodi, G, Burlina, A, Naccarato, R

    Published in Oncology (1988)
    “…CA 19-9 and tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA) were determined in the sera of 28 control subjects, 29 patients with pancreatic cancer, 26 with chronic…”
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  7. 7

    Renal tubular dysfunction in pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis by Fabris, C, Basso, D, Del Favero, G, Piccoli, A, Angonese, C, Di Mario, F, Plebani, M, Bonvicini, P, Burlina, A, Naccarato, R

    Published in Nephron (2015) (1989)
    “…Urinary excretion of alpha-glucosidase (AGL), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and ribonuclease (RNase), and serum amylase and immunoreactive trypsin (IRT) were…”
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  8. 8

    Serum carcinoembryonic antigen in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer: influence of tumour spread, liver impairment, and age by Basso, D, Fabris, C, Del Favero, G, Angonese, C, Meggiato, T, Infantino, A, Plebani, M, Piccoli, A, Leandro, G, Burlina, A

    Published in Disease markers (01-07-1988)
    “…In order to verify the role of CEA in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and to evaluate some influencing factors like age, tumor spread and liver…”
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  9. 9

    Tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor in patients with chronic pancreatic diseases by Plebani, M, Basso, D, Fabris, C, Meggiato, T, Del Favero, G, Panozzo, M P, Fogar, P, Faggian, D, Angonese, C, Burlina, A

    Published in Klinische Wochenschrift (17-10-1989)
    “…Serum TATI (tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor) was measured in 41 control subjects, 30 patients with pancreatic cancer, 53 with chronic pancreatitis, and 47…”
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  10. 10

    Activation of cytotoxic and natural killer T-cell system in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis by Marafin, C, Rinaldi, M, Angonese, C, De Franchis, G, Plebani, M, Naccarato, R, Farinati, F

    Published in The Italian journal of gastroenterology (01-12-1996)
    “…The immune response in liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma is receiving renewed attention in consideration of the possible treatment with biological…”
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  11. 11

    Pancreolauryl test in chronic pancreatitis by Panucci, A, Angonese, C, Del Favero, G, Fabris, C, Marchioro, L, Basso, D, Di Mario, F, Naccarato, R

    Published in Klinische Wochenschrift (01-12-1986)
    “…The pancreolauryl test was performed in 30 subjects with chronic pancreatitis, in order to evaluate its behavior in relation to the duration of the clinical…”
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  12. 12

    Cytology in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by Del Favero, G, Fabris, C, Angonese, C, Basso, D, Rebuffi, A, Costantin, G, Matarazzo, R, Di Mario, F, Naccarato, R

    “…The study of cytology in duodenal and/or pure pancreatic juice has been proposed in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. In our experience the…”
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  13. 13

    Tissue polypeptide antigen, galactosyltransferase isoenzyme II and pancreatic oncofetal antigen serum determination: role in pancreatic cancer diagnosis by Basso, D, Fabris, C, Panucci, A, Del Favero, G, Angonese, C, Plebani, M, Petrin, P, Burlina, A, Naccarato, R

    “…The clinical usefulness of tissue polypeptide antigen, galactosyltransferase II and pancreatic oncofetal antigen was evaluated in detecting pancreatic cancer…”
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    Limits of CEA and ferritin in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by Plebani, M, Fabris, C, Basso, D, Del Favero, G, Angonese, C, Leandro, G, Di Mario, F, Burlina, A, Naccarato, R

    “…In this paper the clinical usefulness of CEA and ferritin in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer was pointed out. CEA was found to be increased in 51% of…”
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  15. 15

    Ribonucleases and deoxyribonucleases in pancreatic cancer: clinical value and pathophysiological interrelationships by Del Favero, G, Basso, D, Fabris, C, Angonese, C, Meani, A, Vianello, D, Pedrazzoli, S, Dodi, G, Naccarato, R

    “…In this study we evaluated some pathophysiological aspects of pancreatic and liver ribonucleases and alkaline deoxyribonuclease and their clinical usefulness…”
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  16. 16

    Renal involvement in chronic pancreatic disease: effects on trypsin and amylase plasma-urine transfer by Fabris, C, Basso, D, Del Favero, G, Benini, L, Angonese, C, Piccoli, A, Plebani, M, Burlina, A, Naccarato, R

    “…This study was undertaken in order to ascertain the behaviour of amylase and trypsin fractional clearances in chronic pancreatic disease and to speculate on…”
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  17. 17

    How does liver dysfunction influence serum CA 19-9 in pancreatic cancer? by Basso, D, Fabris, C, Del Favero, G, Piccoli, A, Angonese, C, Pasquali, C, Castoro, C, Plebani, M, Leandro, G, Burlina, A

    Published in The Italian journal of gastroenterology (01-02-1990)
    “…Serum CA 19-9 was determined in 83 control subjects, 99 patients with pancreatic cancer, 104 with chronic pancreatitis and 137 with extra-pancreatic diseases…”
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    C reactive protein in pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis by Basso, D, Fabris, C, Meani, A, Del Favero, G, Vianello, D, Angonese, C, Meggiato, T, Bellinvia, S, Fogar, P, Petrin, P

    Published in Annals of clinical research (1988)
    “…Serum C reactive protein was determined in 30 control subjects, 32 patients with pancreatic cancer, 28 with chronic pancreatitis and 23 with extra-pancreatic…”
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    Urinary elastase 1 in chronic pancreatic disease by Fabris, C, Basso, D, Benini, L, Meggiato, T, Del Favero, G, Cavallini, G, Panozzo, M P, Fogar, P, Angonese, C, Vantini, I

    Published in Enzyme (Basel) (01-01-1989)
    “…Serum and urine elastase 1, its renal output and clearance and urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase and ribonuclease excretions were measured in 16 patients with…”
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    Serum markers and clinical data in diagnosing pancreatic cancer: a contrastive approach by Fabris, C, Del Favero, G, Basso, D, Piccoli, A, Meggiato, T, Angonese, C, Plebani, M, Leandro, G, Burlina, A, Naccarato, R

    Published in The American journal of gastroenterology (01-05-1988)
    “…In order to assess the value of serum markers and simple clinical data in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, we studied 32 control subjects and…”
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