Search Results - "Andrade, Sara Adrián L."
Soil types select for plants with matching nutrient‐acquisition and ‐use traits in hyperdiverse and severely nutrient‐impoverished campos rupestres and cerrado in Central Brazil
Published in The Journal of ecology (01-05-2019)“…Understanding the mechanisms that underlie the generation of beta‐diversity remains a challenge in ecology. Underground plant adaptations to environmental…”
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Tissue-level distribution and speciation of foliar manganese in Eucalyptus tereticornis by µ-SXRF and µ-XANES shed light on its detoxification mechanisms
Published in Journal of hazardous materials (05-01-2024)“…This study is the first to investigate the speciation and spatial distribution patterns of manganese (Mn) accumulated at elevated concentrations in Eucalyptus…”
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Expression of metallothionein genes in coffee leaves in response to the absence or excess of Cu and Zn
Published in Theoretical and experimental plant physiology (01-12-2016)“…Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) are plant nutrients; however, intracellular concentration must be kept within the sufficiency limits in order to adequately maintain…”
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Mycorrhizal symbiosis alleviates Mn toxicity and downregulates Mn transporter genes in Eucalyptus tereticornis under contrasting soil phosphorus
Published in Plant and soil (01-08-2023)“…Background and aims Tropical soils often present two issues that can hinder plant growth: low phosphorus (P) and high manganese (Mn) availability. Eucalyptus…”
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Low phosphorus induces differential metabolic responses in eucalyptus species improving nutrient use efficiency
Published in Frontiers in plant science (15-09-2022)“…Phosphorus (P) is a vital nutrient for plant growth. P availability is generally low in soils, and plant responses to low P availability need to be better…”
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Root morphological changes in response to low phosphorus concentration in eucalypt species
Published in Trees (Berlin, West) (01-12-2021)“…Key message Eucalypt seedlings differently modulate root morphology in response to phosphorus availability, with changes in the length or density of root hairs…”
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Eucalypts and low phosphorus availability: between responsiveness and efficiency
Published in Plant and soil (01-12-2019)“…Background and aims Twenty-four species of eucalypts were studied regarding their ability to grow under low P and their responsiveness to P inputs. Methods…”
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