Search Results - "Andrade, Melissa"
OECD’s dominant discourses of the low-performer and the production of subjects
Published in Reflexão e ação (01-08-2018)“…This article aims at troubling the dominant discourses around OECD’s portray of the low-performer. It deconstructs and maps the taken-for-granted truths that…”
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Desde la normalidad a la producción de la diversidad en educación matemática
Published in Revista colombiana de educación (Bogotá, Colombia : 1978) (01-09-2022)“…En este artículo problematizamos los discursos que han sido históricamente naturalizados en torno a “lo normal” y que se desprenden de las políticas educativas…”
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Una breve historia de la educación matemática
Published in Historia de la educación (13-02-2022)“…Este escrito presenta una forma diferente de mirar la historia: repensar la historia no como un movimiento lineal-cronológico, sino como flexible y rizomática,…”
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Discordancias del currículo escolar: Homotecia más allá de la proporcionalidad
Published in Revista Chilena de Educación Matemática (Online) (01-04-2022)“…El objetivo de este artículo es explorar las discordancias que emergen al contrastar los lineamientos curriculares, respecto al desarrollo de las habilidades…”
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Equitable and inclusive mathematics classrooms?
Published in Prometeica (Mar del Plata) (01-07-2023)“…This paper explores how the promises of equity and inclusion vanish into discourses about effectiveness, competitiveness, and meritocracy. Intentions of…”
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Black Immigrant Children: Abjection, In(ex)clusion and School Mathematics Reform
Published in Magis (Bogotá, Colombia) (01-01-2022)“…This paper examines the limits and possibilities of the discourses and practices of inclusion of Black immigrant students in reform mathematics classrooms…”
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Como avaliar o alcance dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável? Desafios e possibilidades para a agenda global de avaliação
Published in Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais (31-07-2018)“…Diferente dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio, os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável colocam uma ênfase maior na avaliação que deveria ser feita…”
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Rainwater catchment for non-potable purposes. A case study in an industrial laundry in the city of Manaus
Published in ITEGAM-JETIA (01-09-2018)Get full text
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Análise de cobertura vacinal de Poliomielite no Acre, 2013-2022
Published in Amazônia (Gurupi) (2024)Get full text
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Ventricular Tachycardia Crisis: Assessing Norepinephrine vs. Stress Steroids in the Battle Against Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome With Distributive Shock
Published in Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) (27-02-2024)“…Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (WFS) is a rare but life-threatening complication associated with acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the adrenal glands, primarily…”
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Utilizing a mobile clinical trials unit: Lessons learned from the first three years
Published in Alzheimer's & dementia (01-12-2020)“…Background It is well‐established that clinical trials for Alzheimer's Disease need faster enrollment. Transportation challenges can sometimes prevent…”
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Utilizing a mobile clinical trials unit: Lessons learned from the first three years: Clinical trial design and implementation
Published in Alzheimer's & dementia (01-12-2020)Get full text
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Hepatic angiosarcoma: a transdisciplinary case study
Published in Revista de medicina (São Paulo, Brazil) (30-12-2018)“…Hepatic Angiosarcoma is a rare malignancy of endothelial cell origin that is generally idiopathic and presents non-specific clinical manifestations…”
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Hepatic angiosarcoma: a transdisciplinary case study/Angiossarcoma hepatico: estudo de caso transdisciplinar
Published in Revista de medicina (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-11-2018)“…Hepatic Angiosarcoma is a rare malignancy of endothelial cell origin that is generally idiopathic and presents non-specific clinical manifestations…”
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Hepatic angiosarcoma: a transdisciplinary case study
Published in Revista de medicina (São Paulo, Brazil) (28-09-2018)“…Hepatic Angiosarcoma is a rare malignancy of endothelial cell origin that is generally idiopathic and presents non-specific clinical manifestations…”
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Unpacking discourses about the transition from school to university mathematics: an intensive reading
Published in Educational studies in mathematics (2024)“…This paper has two main goals: first, to analyze current research related with transition to identify the foci being produced and reproduced by research…”
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Equitable and inclusive mathematics classrooms?: Building awareness toward glocal hopes and fears about the future
Published in Prometeica (Mar del Plata) (01-01-2023)“…This paper explores how the promises of equity and inclusion vanish into discourses about effectiveness, competitiveness, and meritocracy. Intentions of…”
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Narratives of success: enabling all students to excel in the global world
Published in Research in mathematics education (02-09-2021)“…This article aims to unfold the narratives of success in the Modern, cosmopolitan society within transnational discourses. The narratives of success entail…”
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Published in Revista Contexto Geográfico (22-02-2024)“…O trabalho de campo no Ensino Superior é considerado um aporte metodológico que visa contribuir no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos discentes (de…”
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Potencial del gavilán caracolero como controlador biológico del caracol manzana en cultivos de arroz
Published in Revista Científica de Ciencias Naturales y Ambientales (25-07-2024)“…Hay muchas formas de controlar los caracoles manzana, lo que resalta el importante papel del Gavilán caracolero en el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas como…”
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