Search Results - "Andrés A. Fernández-Fuertes"
Bullied Adolescent's Life Satisfaction: Personal Competencies and School Climate as Protective Factors
Published in Frontiers in psychology (18-07-2019)“…Although adolescence has been defined as a stage of vulnerability, due to the biopsychosocial changes that happen throughout this developmental stage, it is…”
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Does cost-benefit analysis or self-control predict involvement in two forms of aggression?
Published in Aggressive behavior (01-09-2010)“…The main aim of this research was to assess the relative association between physical aggression and (1) self‐control and (2) cost‐benefit assessment, these…”
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Association between Sexual Satisfaction and Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents and Young Adults
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (29-01-2020)“…The role of sexual satisfaction in adolescents and young adults' mental health has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this work is to study…”
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Sexual Coercion Perpetration and Victimization: Gender Similarities and Differences in Adolescence
Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-08-2018)“…Sexual coercion is a worldwide health problem that endangers the well-being of those involved. In the same line of the most recent and comprehensive studies,…”
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Myths about Sexual Aggression, Sexual Assertiveness and Sexual Violence in Adolescent Romantic Relationships
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (25-11-2020)“…Sexual violence is a worldwide health and social issue. However, little is known about the sexual violence that occurs in the context of romantic…”
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Past aggressive behavior, costs and benefits of aggression, romantic attachment, and teen dating violence perpetration in Spain
Published in Children and youth services review (01-05-2019)“…The exposure to violence increases risk for future involvement; however, given that the transmission of violence is not universal, mechanisms underlying such…”
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Sexual Violence History and Welfare in Transgender People
Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-10-2017)“…This study focuses on sexual violence experiences suffered by Spanish transgender individuals throughout the life span. Using a cross-sectional design, 33…”
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What do Spanish adolescents know (or not know) about sexuality? An exploratory study
Published in Journal of youth studies (21-10-2019)“…This paper explores Spanish adolescents' knowledge of six dimensions of human sexuality: anatomy and sexual physiology; sexual health; sexual behavior and…”
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School-based Mentoring in Secondary Education: Its Effect on School Climate and Aggression Among Peers
Published in Canadian journal of school psychology (01-12-2022)“…Background: School-based mentoring provided by teachers contributes to the ultimate goal of education: all-round student development and a good mutual…”
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Physical and psychological aggression in dating relationships of Spanish adolescents: Motives and consequences
Published in Child abuse & neglect (01-03-2010)“…Abstract Objectives The purpose of the study was to examine three aspects of romantic relationships of Spanish adolescents: the prevalence of verbal-emotional…”
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Necesidades formativas de los profesionales de instituciones artísticas y socioeducativas en contextos inclusivos
Published in Arteterapia (Madrid) (2023)“…La inclusión y la participación efectivas de las personas con diversidad funcional en el ámbito cultural y artístico es una asignatura pendiente. La formación…”
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Prevalence and correlates of young people's sexual aggression perpetration and victimisation in 10 European countries: a multi-level analysis
Published in Culture, health & sexuality (03-07-2015)“…Data are presented on young people's sexual victimisation and perpetration from 10 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, the…”
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Sex education in Spain: teachers' views of obstacles
Published in Sex education (01-09-2012)“…This paper offers an overview of the current state, difficulties, limitations and future possibilities for sex education in Spain. On the basis of a study…”
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La evaluación del apego romántico en adolescentes españoles: validación de la versión [OBJ]reducida del Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R)
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-09-2011)“…This work deals with the development and validation of the brief version of the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) Questionnaire for…”
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Evaluación de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja de los adolescentes. Validación del Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI) - versión española
Published in International journal of clinical and health psychology (2006)“…En estos últimos años venimos asistiendo a un interés creciente por explorar la naturaleza de las agresiones que se producen en algunas relaciones de pareja de…”
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La normatividad de género en el entorno educativo: Un estudio de caso con alumnado transgénero
Published in Revista educare (01-12-2023)“…Resumen Introducción. Las diferentes formas de vivir la sexualidad, alternativas a la dominante, han recibido, históricamente, respuestas en forma de violencia…”
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Análisis del conocimiento sobre salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes escolarizados de México
Published in Horizonte sanitario (en linea) (03-07-2021)“…Objective: To establish a predictive model to estimate knowledge about sexual and reproductive health in schooled adolescents who have not initiated a sexual…”
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Sexuality in old age: key issues, gender differences and future proposals
Published in Revista Kairós : gerontologia (01-12-2013)“…This work presents a brief overview of some of the most important issues related to sexuality during old age. First, it presents the state of the current…”
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Agresiones en el noviazgo: Un estudio con adolescentes de Heredia (Costa Rica)
Published in Revista educare (01-12-2015)“…Recibido 12 de setiembre de 2014 • Corregido 15 de junio de 2015 • Aceptado 31 de julio de 2015Gran parte del comportamiento agresivo humano se da en el…”
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