Search Results - "André Rinaldi Fukushima"
Post-Partum Depression Lactating Rat Model for Evaluating Ketamine's Safety as a Pharmacotherapeutic Treatment: Roles in Cardiac and Urinary Function
Published in Journal of cardiovascular development and disease (07-09-2022)“…Depression is one of the world's most common and mentally disabling illnesses. Post-partum depression is a subtype of depression that affects one in seven…”
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Development, Optimization, and Validation of Forensic Analytical Method for Quantification of Anticholinesterase Pesticides in Biological Matrices from Suspected Cases of Animal Poisoning
Published in Toxics (Basel) (23-05-2022)“…Anticholinesterase pesticides are a main cause of the intentional or accidental poisoning of animals. Anticholinesterases include several substances that cause…”
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Exposure of dams to fluoxetine during lactation disturbs maternal behavior but had no effect on the offspring behavior
Published in Behavioural brain research (13-01-2020)“…Fluoxetine is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for treatment of depression during pregnancy as well as postpartum. Nevertheless, fluoxetine can cross…”
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Perinatal exposure to an aromatase inhibitor glyphosate-base herbicide reduced male and female social behavior in juvenile age and the sexual behavior at adult female rat
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (25-05-2022)“…Objectives: The herbicide glyphosate, a pesticide used in agriculture to control weeds, both in food crops and in other agricultural areas, has been identified…”
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Published in Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol (01-05-2021)“…Football is one of the best known and most practiced sports in the world, promoting direct and indirect involvement in all it players, of different ages and…”
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Classificações e características nutricionais e tecnológicas de farinhas de mandioca comercializadas em Belém, Pará, Brasil
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2020)“…Resumo A região Norte é grande produtora de mandioca, cuja farinha tem sido consumida como parte diária do hábito alimentar da população, sendo produzida…”
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Prolonged exposure of rats to varenicline increases anxiety and alters serotonergic system, but has no effect on memory
Published in Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (01-06-2019)“…Varenicline is a drug used for smoking addiction cessation treatment and acts as a partial agonist of nicotinic cholinergic receptors. Recent clinical trial…”
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Development and validation of carbofuran and 3-hydroxycarbofuran analysis by high-pressure liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) for forensic Veterinary Medicine
Published in Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences (15-10-2017)“…•Carbamate poisoning is a frequent concern in forensic veterinary medicine.•Few analytical methods are available for multi species carbamate…”
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Impact of pyriproxyfen on virus behavior: implications for pesticide-induced virulence and mechanism of transmission
Published in Virology journal (06-07-2020)“…More than 3 years since the last Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in Brazil, researchers are still deciphering the molecular mechanisms of neurovirulence and…”
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Farmacovigilância de drogas vegetais e seus derivados: uma ação necessária e já iniciada para a segurança do paciente, no contexto do uso racional de medicamentos
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (01-05-2015)“…Na antiguidade, o tratamento de enfermidades que acometiam os homens era essencialmente por meio de plantas medicinais. Com a revolução industrial no século…”
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Poisoning of cats and dogs by the carbamate pesticides aldicarb and carbofuran
Published in Research in veterinary science (01-10-2015)“…The intentional and accidental poisoning of animals and people is a threat to public health and safety worldwide. Necropsies and histopathological examinations…”
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Evaluation of Prolonged Exposure to Varenicline in Adult Rats: Haematological, Biochemical and Anatomopathological Studies
Published in Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology (01-03-2018)“…Varenicline is a synthetic chemical substance produced from the alkaloid cytisine, used for smoking treatment, which acts as a partial agonist for α4β2 and…”
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Exhumation of Wistar rats experimentally exposed to the carbamate pesticides aldicarb and carbofuran: A pathological and toxicological study
Published in Experimental and toxicologic pathology : official journal of the Gesellschaft für Toxikologische Pathologie (01-06-2016)“…Exhumation is required for the investigation of suspicions deaths when a body is buried and is usually performed under court order. Exhumation of animals is…”
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Physiological gait test: an effective method for analyzing balance, locomotion, and neuromuscular disorders in rats and a comparison to the elevated beam test
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (06-06-2023)“…The evaluation of animal locomotor activity is a behavioral tool widely used to measure the mechanisms underlying a particular disease, disorder, or injury, as…”
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Aspectos Farmacologicos e Toxicologicos da Cetamina: Uma Revisão de Literatura
Published in Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences (06-03-2017)“…A cetamina é um fármaco anestésico desenvolvido na década de 60 pelo laboratório estadunidense Parke & Davis, seu principal é anestesia em humanos e animais. É…”
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Determinação de Paraquate em maçãs do tipo Gala, Fuji, Argentina e Verde
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (28-02-2020)Get full text
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Análise de paraquate em amostras de cigarro
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (30-11-2017)Get full text
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Review on Requirements for Methodological Validations and Forensic Applications
Published in Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences (01-09-2018)“…Intoxications, as a rule, are related to the medical-legal area; some toxic agents occupy prominent place as the main ones responsible for the occurrence of…”
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Farmacovigilância de drogas vegetais e seus derivados: uma ação necessária e já iniciada para a segurança do paciente, no contexto do uso racional de medicamentos | Pharmacovigilance of herbal drugs and their derivatives: the beginning of necessary action for patient safety in the context of rational use of drugs
Published in Vigilância Sanitária em Debate (01-05-2015)“…Na antiguidade, o tratamento de enfermidades que acometiam os homens era essencialmente por meio de plantas medicinais. Com a revolução industrial no século…”
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Revisão Bibliográfica Sistematica - Sistema de Endocanabinoides Tendências de Uso na Farmacologia
Published in Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences (20-01-2020)“…A maconha é uma planta utilizada desde a Antiguidade com finalidade medicinal, atuando clinicamente como sedativo, analgésico e antiemético. O principal efeito…”
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