Search Results - "Anderson, Joanna K"
Acceptability of screening for mental health difficulties in primary schools: a survey of UK parents
Published in BMC public health (22-12-2018)“…Many children and young people experiencing mental health difficulties (MHD) do not access care, often due to inadequate identification. Schools have a unique…”
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Advancing methodology for scoping reviews: recommendations arising from a scoping literature review (SLR) to inform transformation of Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Published in BMC medical research methodology (29-09-2020)“…There is consensus that health services commissioning and clinical practice should be driven by scientific evidence. However, workload pressures, accessibility…”
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Delphi study to identify key features of community-based child and adolescent mental health services in the East of England
Published in BMJ open (01-06-2019)“…ObjectiveTo identify priorities for the delivery of community-based Child and Adolescent Mental health Services (CAMHS).Design(1) Qualitative methods to gather…”
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Developing a Web-Based App to Assess Mental Health Difficulties in Secondary School Pupils: Qualitative User-Centered Design Study
Published in JMIR formative research (10-01-2022)“…Secondary schools are an ideal setting to identify young people experiencing mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression. However, current methods…”
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A scoping literature review of service-level barriers for access and engagement with mental health services for children and young people
Published in Children and youth services review (01-06-2017)“…•This review identified prominent research gaps, mainly regarding methodology of conducted studies.•Most studies examining barriers for access include small,…”
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Review: School‐based interventions to improve mental health literacy and reduce mental health stigma – a systematic review
Published in Child and adolescent mental health (01-05-2023)“…Background The steadily increasing prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents presents itself as a public health challenge, especially given…”
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A systematic review of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of school-based identification of children and young people at risk of, or currently experiencing mental health difficulties
Published in Psychological medicine (01-01-2019)“…Although school-based programmes for the identification of children and young people (CYP) with mental health difficulties (MHD) have the potential to improve…”
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Annual Research Review: A systematic review of mental health services for emerging adults – moulding a precipice into a smooth passage
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-04-2022)“…Background The transition between child and adult services should aim to support young people into the next stage of their life in a way that optimises their…”
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An evaluation of a self-management program for patients with long-term conditions
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-02-2015)“…Highlights • Peer and professional delivered self-management programs improve patient activation. • Activated patients are more likely to perform self-care…”
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A MILESTONE study of youth service transitions in Europe
Published in The Lancet. Psychiatry (01-12-2022)Get full text
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Development and feasibility of the Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE) self-management intervention for people living with multiple sclerosis
Published in Disability and rehabilitation (22-05-2017)“…Purpose: To describe the development and feasibility of a self-management intervention called the Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE: MS), aimed at…”
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A qualitative study investigating the experiences of young adults caring for a sibling with disability within immigrant families in the UK: "Challenges are just the constant"
Published in Journal of intellectual & developmental disability (02-10-2023)“…Despite a growing body of literature investigating the impact of disabilities on family relationships, the experiences of ethnic minorities remain…”
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Feasibility of School-Based Identification of Children and Adolescents Experiencing, or At-risk of Developing, Mental Health Difficulties: a Systematic Review
Published in Prevention science (01-07-2020)“…Under-identification of mental health difficulties (MHD) in children and young people contributes to the significant unmet need for mental health care…”
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Research Review: Integrated healthcare for children and young people in secondary/tertiary care – a systematic review
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-09-2023)“…Background Children and young people (CYP) with comorbid physical and/or mental health conditions often struggle to receive a timely diagnosis, access…”
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Review: School‐based mental health literacy interventions to promote help‐seeking – a systematic review
Published in Child and adolescent mental health (01-09-2023)“…Background School‐based mental health literacy interventions aim to prevent mental disorders and promote mental wellbeing through improving the knowledge and…”
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Determining stakeholder priorities and core components for school-based identification of mental health difficulties: A Delphi study
Published in Journal of school psychology (01-04-2022)“…Only approximately half of children and young people (CYP) with mental health difficulties access mental health services in England, with under-identification…”
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Leveraging Administrative Data to Better Understand and Address Child Maltreatment: A Scoping Review of Data Linkage Studies
Published in Child Maltreatment (01-02-2023)“…Background This scoping review aimed to overview studies that used administrative data linkage in the context of child maltreatment to improve our…”
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Review: Interventions to prevent or manage self‐harm among students in educational settings – a systematic review
Published in Child and adolescent mental health (01-02-2024)“…Background At least half of all young people who die by suicide have previously self‐harmed and most of those who self‐harm will not seek help from health…”
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Review: Education and training interventions, and support tools for school staff to adequately respond to young people who disclose self‐harm – a systematic literature review of effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability
Published in Child and adolescent mental health (01-05-2022)“…Background Self‐harm among young people is a major public health concern, and whilst schools are well placed to identify and intervene with students who…”
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Evaluation of uptake and effect on patient-reported outcomes of a clinician and patient co-led chronic musculoskeletal pain self-management programme provided by the UK National Health Service
Published in British journal of pain (01-05-2018)“…In the United Kingdom, chronic pain affects approximately 28 million adults, creating significant healthcare and socio-economic costs. The aim was to establish…”
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