Search Results - "Andersen, Ann C"
Cryptic frenulates are the dominant chemosymbiotrophic fauna at Arctic and high latitude Atlantic cold seeps
Published in PloS one (28-12-2018)“…We provide the first detailed identification of Barents Sea cold seep frenulate hosts and their symbionts. Mitochondrial COI sequence analysis, in combination…”
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High rates of apoptosis visualized in the symbiont-bearing gills of deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels
Published in PloS one (04-02-2019)“…Symbiosis between Bathymodiolus and Gammaproteobacteria allows these deep-sea mussels to live in toxic environments such as hydrothermal vents and cold seeps…”
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Chromosomal assembly of the flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) genome as a new genetic resource for aquaculture
Published in Evolutionary applications (01-11-2022)“…The European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) is a native bivalve of the European coasts. Harvest of this species has declined during the last decades because of…”
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Bacterial symbiont diversity in Arctic seep Oligobrachia siboglinids
Published in Animal microbiome (01-06-2023)“…High latitude seeps are dominated by Oligobrachia siboglinid worms. Since these worms are often the sole chemosymbiotrophic taxon present (they host…”
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Determining Plasma Protein Variation Parameters as a Prerequisite for Biomarker Studies-A TMT-Based LC-MSMS Proteome Investigation
Published in Proteomes (01-12-2021)“…Specific plasma proteins serve as valuable markers for various diseases and are in many cases routinely measured in clinical laboratories by fully automated…”
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Habitat heterogeneity influences cold‐seep macrofaunal communities within and among seeps along the Norwegian margin. Part 1: macrofaunal community structure
Published in Marine ecology (Berlin, West) (01-06-2012)“…Håkon Mosby mud volcano (HMMV) is one of the most active and most studied seep sites in European waters. Many authors have described its thermal activity,…”
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A single coelomic cell type is involved in both immune and respiratory functions of the coastal bioindicator annelid: Capitella C-Channel1 from the English Channel
Published in Developmental and comparative immunology (01-04-2024)“…The polychaete Capitella is a typical member of the ‘thiobiome’, and is commonly used as an eutrophication indicator species in environmental assessment…”
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Identification, sequencing, and localization of a new carbonic anhydrase transcript from the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila
Published in The FEBS journal (01-10-2007)“…The vestimentiferan annelid Riftia pachyptila forms dense populations at hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise at a depth of 2600 m. It harbors…”
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“There and back again” - Ultrastructural changes in the gills of Bathymodiolus vent-mussels during symbiont loss: Back to a regular filter-feeding epidermis
Published in Frontiers in Marine Science (02-09-2022)“…Deep-sea mussels Bathymodiolus azoricus , from Azorean hydrothermal vents, house two types of symbionts in their fleshy gills: methane-oxidizing (MOX) and…”
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Regionalized cell proliferation in the symbiont-bearing gill of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus
Published in Symbiosis (Philadelphia, Pa.) (01-12-2020)“…Deep-sea mussels Bathymodiolus spp. harbor high densities of chemosynthetic bacterial symbionts located within their gill epithelial cells. Compared to…”
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Morphological adaptations to chronic hypoxia in deep-sea decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps
Published in Marine biology (01-06-2010)“…Animals inhabiting hydrothermal vents and cold seeps face conditions that are challenging for survival. In particular, these two habitats are characterized by…”
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Biodiversity of Cold Seep Ecosystems Along the European Margins
Published in Oceanography (Washington, D.C.) (01-03-2009)“…During the European Commission's Framework Six Programme, HERMES, we investigated three main areas along the European margin, each characterized by the…”
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Structural characterization of hemoglobins from Monilifera and Frenulata tubeworms (Siboglinids): First discovery of giant hexagonal-bilayer hemoglobin in the former “Pogonophora” group
Published in Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology (2010)“…Siboglinids are symbiotic polychete annelids having hemoglobins as essential oxygen- and sulfide-carriers for their endosymbiotic bacteria. We analyzed the…”
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Trophic ecology of Pomatoschistus microps within an intertidal bay (Roscoff, France), investigated through gut content and stable isotope analyses
Published in Marine ecology (Berlin, West) (01-06-2014)“…The diet of Pomatoschistus microps has been studied using both gut content and stable isotope analyses. In the Roscoff Aber Bay (Brittany, France), this fish…”
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Cloning and characterization of Arenicola marina peroxiredoxin 6, an annelid two-cysteine peroxiredoxin highly homologous to mammalian one-cysteine peroxiredoxins
Published in Free radical biology & medicine (15-08-2008)“…Peroxiredoxins (PRDXs) are a superfamily of thiol-dependent peroxidases found in all phyla. PRDXs are mechanistically divided into three subfamilies, namely…”
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Expression and localization of carbonic anhydrase and ATPases in the symbiotic tubeworm Riftia pachyptila
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-01-2003)“…The symbiotic tubeworm Riftia pachyptila needs to fuel its chemoautotrophic symbiotic bacteria with inorganic carbon. CO(2) is transported from the surrounding…”
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A single coelomic cell type is involved in both immune and respiratory functions of the coastal bioindicator annelid: Capitella C-Channel1 from the English Channel
Published in Developmental and comparative immunology (2024)“…The polychaete Capitella is a typical member of the 'thiobiome', and is commonly used as an eutrophication indicator species in environmental assessment…”
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Globin’s Structure and Function in Vesicomyid Bivalves from the Gulf of Guinea Cold Seeps as an Adaptation to Life in Reduced Sediments
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-11-2014)“…Vesicomyid bivalves form dense clam beds in both deep-sea cold seeps and hydrothermal vents. The species diversity within this family raises questions about…”
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Trophic ecology of P omatoschistus microps within an intertidal bay ( R oscoff, F rance), investigated through gut content and stable isotope analyses
Published in Marine ecology (Berlin, West) (01-06-2014)“…The diet of P omatoschistus microps has been studied using both gut content and stable isotope analyses. In the R oscoff A ber B ay ( B rittany, F rance), this…”
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Comparative analysis of symbiont ratios and gene expression in natural populations of two Bathymodiolus mussel species
Published in Symbiosis (Philadelphia, Pa.) (2014)“…Bathymodiolus mussels associated with deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps harbor chemosynthetic endosymbiotic bacteria in bacteriocytes located in the…”
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