Search Results - "Amiri, Saeed Akhoondian"
Walking Through Waypoints
Published in Algorithmica (01-07-2020)“…We initiate the study of a fundamental combinatorial problem: Given a capacitated graph G = ( V , E ) , find a shortest walk (“route”) from a source s ∈ V to…”
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A note on the fine-grained complexity of MIS on regular graphs
Published in Information processing letters (01-09-2021)“…We show that there is no subexponential time algorithm for computing the exact solution of the maximum independent set problem in d-regular graphs, unless ETH…”
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Routing with congestion in acyclic digraphs
Published in Information processing letters (01-11-2019)“…We study the version of the k-disjoint paths problem where k demand pairs (s1,t1), …, (sk,tk) are specified in the input and the paths in the solution are…”
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Journal Article -
Distributed distance-r covering problems on sparse high-girth graphs
Published in Theoretical computer science (05-03-2022)“…•Distributed distance-r dominating set can be approximated in constant rounds.•Assuming high-girth graphs of bounded expansion.•Approach generalizes to…”
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Journal Article -
DAG-width is PSPACE-complete
Published in Theoretical computer science (06-12-2016)“…Berwanger et al. show in [2] that for every graph G of size n and DAG-width k there is a DAG decomposition of width k and size nO(k). They also establish a…”
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Homa: Online In-Flight Service Provisioning With Dynamic Bipartite Matching
Published in IEEE eTransactions on network and service management (01-09-2022)“…Airline companies are currently investigating means to improve in-flight services for passengers. Given emerging Air-to-Ground (A2G) communication technologies…”
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Deterministic CONGEST Algorithm for MDS on Bounded Arboricity Graphs
Published 16-02-2021“…We provide a deterministic CONGEST algorithm to constant factor approximate the minimum dominating set on graphs of bounded arboricity in $O(\log n)$ rounds…”
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Journal Article -
Structural Graph Theory Meets Algorithms: Covering and Connectivity Problems in Graphs
Published 01-01-2017“…Structural graph theory proved itself a valuable tool for designing efficient algorithms for hard problems over recent decades. We exploit structural graph…”
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Dissertation -
On Fine-Grained Exact Computation in Regular Graphs
Published 20-08-2020“…We show that there is no subexponential time algorithm for computing the exact solution of the maximum independent set problem in d-regular graphs unless ETH…”
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Disjoint Shortest Paths with Congestion on DAGs
Published 19-08-2020“…In the k-Disjoint Shortest Paths problem, a set of terminal pairs of vertices $\{(s_i,t_i)\mid 1\le i\le k\}$ is given and we are asked to find paths…”
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Journal Article -
Distributed Distance-$r$ Dominating Set on Sparse High-Girth Graphs
Published 07-10-2019“…The dominating set problem and its generalization, the distance-$r$ dominating set problem, are among the well-studied problems in the sequential settings. In…”
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Journal Article -
Distributed Dominating Set Approximations beyond Planar Graphs
Published 25-05-2017“…The Minimum Dominating Set (MDS) problem is one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in distributed computing. While it is well-known that minimum…”
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Journal Article -
Waypoint Routing in Special Networks
Published in 2018 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops (01-05-2018)“…Waypoint routing is a novel communication model in which traffic is steered through one or multiple so-called waypoints along the route from source to…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A local constant factor approximation for the minimum dominating set problem on bounded genus graphs
Published 09-02-2016“…The Minimum Dominating Set (MDS) problem is not only one of the most fundamental problems in distributed computing, it is also one of the most challenging…”
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Journal Article -
Walking Through Waypoints
Published 31-08-2017“…We initiate the study of a fundamental combinatorial problem: Given a capacitated graph $G=(V,E)$, find a shortest walk ("route") from a source $s\in V$ to a…”
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Journal Article -
Charting the Complexity Landscape of Waypoint Routing
Published 28-04-2017“…Modern computer networks support interesting new routing models in which traffic flows from a source s to a destination t can be flexibly steered through a…”
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Journal Article -
Complexity of Computing the Anti-Ramsey Numbers for Paths
Published 18-10-2018“…The anti-Ramsey numbers are a fundamental notion in graph theory, introduced in 1978, by Erd\" os, Simonovits and S\' os. For given graphs $G$ and $H$ the…”
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Journal Article -
Congestion-Free Rerouting of Flows on DAGs
Published 28-11-2016“…Changing a given configuration in a graph into another one is known as a re- configuration problem. Such problems have recently received much interest in the…”
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Journal Article -
DAG-width is PSPACE-complete
Published 10-11-2014“…Berwanger et al. show that for every graph $G$ of size $n$ and DAG-width $k$ there is a DAG decomposition of width $k$ and size $n^{O(k)}$. This gives a…”
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Journal Article -
Short Schedules for Fast Flow Rerouting
Published 15-05-2018“…This paper studies the fundamental problem of how to reroute $k$ unsplittable flows of a certain demand in a capacitated network from their current paths to…”
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Journal Article