Search Results - "Alvalá, Regina Célia Dos Santos"
Evaluation of soil moisture from satellite observations over South America
Published in International journal of remote sensing (01-01-2011)“…A study was performed to evaluate the surface soil moisture derived from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) sensor…”
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Disaster risk areas in Brazil: outcomes from an intra-urban scale analysis
Published in International journal of disaster resilience in the built environment (15-03-2021)“…Purpose This paper aims to shed some light on the distribution of population, living in disaster risk areas in Brazil, on the intra-urban scale. The following…”
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The challenges of Consolidation of a Drought-Related Disaster Risk Warning System to Brazil
Published in Sustentabilidade em Debate (30-04-2019)“…In Brazil, droughts are widespread and recurrent in the semiarid region, mainly due to its water vulnerability. Approximately 28 million people live in the…”
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Natural hazards fatalities in Brazil, 1979–2019
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-09-2023)“…The impact of natural hazards on nations and societies is a global challenge and concern. Worldwide, studies have been conducted within and between countries,…”
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Community disaster resilience in Brazilian small urban centers
Published in International journal of disaster risk reduction (01-01-2024)“…Brazilian small urban centers are facing several disasters impacts due to their singular environmental, economic, and social characteristics. A comprehensive…”
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Disaster vulnerability analysis of small towns in Brazil
Published in International journal of disaster risk reduction (01-01-2022)“…Most of the global urban population lives in cities with less than one million people, whereas in Brazil, more than 45% of the population is estimated to live…”
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Early flood warning in the Itajaí-Açu River basin using numerical weather forecasting and hydrological modeling
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-09-2017)“…In recent decades, population growth associated with unplanned urban occupation has increased the vulnerability of the Brazilian population to natural…”
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Inundation mapping using hydraulic modeling with high-resolution remote sensed data: a case study in the Acre River Basin, Brazil
Published in Modeling earth systems and environment (01-06-2024)“…Considering the impacts of climate change in recent decades that have exacerbated the frequency and intensity of floods worldwide and especially in the Amazon…”
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Analysis of the hydrological disaster occurred in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil in September 2023: Vulnerabilities and risk management capabilities
Published in International journal of disaster risk reduction (01-08-2024)“…Understanding disaster risk in all its dimensions is a priority on global agendas. This study developed an integrated analysis of flood risk drivers using a…”
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Estimation of exposed population to landslides and floods risk areas in Brazil, on an intra-urban scale
Published in International journal of disaster risk reduction (01-10-2018)“…The knowledge on population demographics and the living conditions in risk areas are crucial for risk management and disaster response. In Brazil, this…”
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População urbana exposta aos riscos de deslizamentos, inundações e enxurradas no Brasil
Published in Sociedade & natureza : revista do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (29-11-2019)“…O conhecimento sobre a população urbana expostos ao risco de desastres é imprescindível para o planejamento de ações de prevenção e resposta. O objetivo do…”
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Land use and land cover map of a semiarid region of Brazil for meteorological and climatic models
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-06-2013)“…An updated vegetation cover and land use map over a semiarid region of Brazil has been produced at a 1 km spatial resolution, using satellite data and remote…”
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Análise das interações entre dados climáticos e o processo de desertificação no núcleo de desertificação de Cabrobó-PE, Brasil
Published in Sustentabilidade em Debate (31-08-2018)“…No presente estudo avaliou-se a dinâmica das mudanças de usos e cobertura da terra no núcleo de desertificação de Cabrobó-PE, a partir de abordagem que inclui…”
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Urbanization effects on the microclimate of Manaus: A modeling study
Published in Atmospheric research (01-01-2016)“…Activities associated with land use and land cover changes and urbanization induce local impacts, such as changes in atmospheric composition in water and…”
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Impactos das mudanças de cobertura vegetal nos processos de superfície na região semiárida do Brasil
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-06-2013)“…A cobertura vegetal da superfície continental tem sido consideravelmente alterada pelas atividades humanas, principalmente através da conversão em grande…”
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Mapping characteristics of at-risk population to disasters in the context of Brazilian early warning system
Published in International journal of disaster risk reduction (01-12-2019)“…Due to the increasing rise of climate-related disasters in the world, knowledge of risk, monitoring and early warning, dissemination and communication, and…”
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Published in Revista brasileira de cartografia (19-01-2017)“…A seca é considerada o desastre natural que pode causar as maiores perdas econômicas e sociais, com o maior número de pessoas afetadas diretamente dentre todos…”
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Changes in Vegetation Cover in Reforested Areas in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and the Implication for Landslide Processes
Published in ISPRS international journal of geo-information (01-09-2012)“…In Brazil, plantations of exotic species such as Eucalyptus have expanded substantially in recent years, due in large part to the great demand for cellulose…”
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Drought monitoring in the Brazilian Semiarid region
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-01-2019)“…Drought is a natural and recurrent phenomenon. It is considered 'a natural disaster' whenever it occurs in an intensive manner in highly populated regions,…”
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Use of SMOS L3 Soil Moisture Data: Validation and Drought Assessment for Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil
Published in Remote sensing (Basel, Switzerland) (01-08-2018)“…The goal of this study was to validate soil moisture data from Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) using two in situ databases for Pernambuco State, located in…”
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