Search Results - "Almeida, Cláudio Silva"
Behavioral profile assessment in offspring of Swiss mice treated during pregnancy and lactation with caffeine
Published in Metabolic brain disease (01-10-2016)“…The association between caffeine consumption and various psychiatric manifestations has long been observed. The objective was to assess the behavioral profile…”
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Perinatal N(G)-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester administration decreases anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in adult mice
Published in Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-01-2023)“…We hypothesized that perinatal manipulations of the nitrergic system would affect adult animal behaviors. We tested this hypothesis by perinatally…”
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Neonatal D‐fenfluramine treatment promotes long‐term behavioral changes in adult mice
Published in International journal of developmental neuroscience (01-10-2022)“…Serotonin exerts a significant role in the mammalian central nervous system embryogenesis and brain ontogeny. Therefore, we investigate the effect of neonatal…”
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Isometric training promotes changes in acetylcholinesterase and muscle strength
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…Introduction: Isometric strength training (IST) is an important component of different types of sport and others activities of daily life. However, until the…”
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Water deprivation induces hypoactivity in rats independently of oxytocin receptor signaling at the central amygdala
Published in Frontiers in endocrinology (Lausanne) (31-01-2023)“…Vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT) are neuropeptides produced by magnocellular neurons (MCNs) of the hypothalamus and secreted through neurohypophysis to…”
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Social stress-induced hypothyroidism is attenuated by antidepressant treatment in rats
Published in Neuropharmacology (01-01-2012)“…Although serotonergic system has been classically implicated in mood modulation, there has been relatively little study on the relationship between this system…”
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Behavioral Profile Assessment in Offspring of Swiss MiceTreated During Pregnancy and Lactation with Caffeine
Published in The FASEB journal (01-04-2013)“…Abstract only The objective was to assess the behavioral profile in offspring of Swiss mice treated during pregnancy and lactation with caffeine. For this…”
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El entrenamiento isométrico promueve cambios en la acetilcolinesterasa y la fuerza muscular (Isometric training promotes changes in acetylcholinesterase and muscle strength)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…Introduction: Isometric strength training (IST) is an important component of different types of sport and others activities of daily life. However, until the…”
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Behavioral Profile Assessment in Offspring of Swiss Mice Underwent to Neonatal Treatment with Fluoxetine
Published in The FASEB journal (01-04-2017)“…Abstract only Serotonin exerts an important role in the central nervous system embryogenesis of mammals, influencing directly several brain systems ontogeny…”
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Paternal Hyperandrogenism Promotes Behavioral Changes in Swiss Mice Offspring
Published in The FASEB journal (01-04-2017)“…Abstract only The paternal environmental factors before conception and during sperm development determine the health of the offspring in later life. Thus, the…”
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Anabolic steroid excess promotes hydroelectrolytic and autonomic imbalance in adult male rats: Is it enough to alter blood pressure?
Published in Steroids (01-11-2020)“…•AS excess elicited kidney hypertrophy and increased renal AT1R mRNA levels.•AS excess increased Na+/water retention, K+ excretion, and plasma…”
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Sodium selenite supplementation during pregnancy and lactation promotes anxiolysis and improves mnemonic performance in wistar rats' offspring
Published in Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (01-11-2015)“…Selenium is a micronutrient which is part of selenoprotein molecules and participates in a vast number of physiological roles and, among them, we have fetal…”
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Administration of an anabolic steroid during the adolescent phase changes the behavior, cardiac autonomic balance and fluid intake in male adult rats
Published in Physiology & behavior (14-03-2014)“…Abstract Few data are available on adolescent users because most behavioral studies on anabolic–androgenic steroids (AAS) abuse have been performed in adults…”
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Chronic estrogen and 5‐HT1A agonist treatment reduce sodium appetite in ovariectomized rats
Published in The FASEB journal (01-04-2012)“…Abstract only We have shown that ovarariectomized (OVX) rats exhibited higher salt intake compared to estrogen‐replaced rats (OVX+E2) particularly in models of…”
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