Search Results - "Aline Rode Santos"
Assessing bone thickness in the infrazygomatic crest area aiming the orthodontic miniplates positioning: a tomographic study
Published in Dental press journal of orthodontics (01-08-2017)“…Due to the increasing use of miniplates for anchorage purposes in orthodontics, it is very important to know more about infrazigomatic crest anatomy…”
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Prevalência de lesões bucais associadas ao uso de próteses dentárias removíveis em um serviço de estomatologia
Published in Revista Cubana de estomatologia (01-09-2011)“…As próteses dentárias removíveis restabelecem a função e estética do sistema estomatognático, embora possam causar injúrias aos tecidos bucais. O objetivo…”
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Effect of different surface processing protocols in three-dimensional images for rapid prototyping
Published in Advances in engineering software (1992) (01-06-2011)“…The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of virtual three-dimensional reconstructions of human dry mandibles, produced with different surface…”
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Impact of metal and ceramic fixed orthodontic appliances on judgments of beauty and other face-related attributes
Published in American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics (01-02-2014)“…Introduction Physical attributes, behavior, and personal ornaments exert a direct influence on how a person's beauty and personality are judged. The aim of…”
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Application of two segmentation protocols during the processing of virtual images in rapid prototyping: ex vivo study with human dry mandibles
Published in Clinical oral investigations (01-12-2013)“…Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of virtual three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of human dry mandibles, produced from two…”
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Prevalência de lesões bucais associadas ao uso de próteses dentárias removíveis em um serviço de estomatologia Prevalencia de lesiones bucales asociadas al uso de prótesis dentales removibles, en un servicio de estomatología Prevalence of oral lesions associated with use of removable dental prostheses in a Stomatology service
Published in Revista Cubana de estomatologia (01-09-2011)“…As próteses dentárias removíveis restabelecem a função e estética do sistema estomatognático, embora possam causar injúrias aos tecidos bucais. O objetivo…”
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