Search Results - "Alicia Omar"
Published in Papeles del psicólogo (01-01-2019)“…The present work provides a systematic review on the current empirical research on job involvement. Specialized databases were examined, with 65 studies being…”
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Classification of successional stages in native forests of the Argentine Spinal through neural networks
Published in Land degradation & development (01-11-2019)“…Native forests are subject to variations in the structure of the different strata. These modifications can have a natural origin due to phenomena such as…”
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Psychometric properties of a scale to measure the dark side of personality
Published in Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) (01-06-2018)“…Abstract The psychometric characteristics of the Dark Triad Scale in an Argentinian context are presented. Two successive studies were carried out. Three…”
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From Organizational Justice Perceptions to Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Effects of Burnout and Job Satisfaction
Published in Europe's journal of psychology (01-08-2018)“…Turnover intentions (TI) stand as an insidious problem that impacts on the functioning of organizations and the well-being of their members. Currently, there…”
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Published in Avances en psicología latinoamericana (01-01-2020)“…The aim of the present study was to analyse the factorial invariance of the Mac Donald and Mac Intyre´s Generic Job Satisfaction Scale in Argentina and Brazil…”
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Perceptions of organizational justice and ambivalent sexism: the moderating role of individualism-collectivism
Published in Revista de psicología (Lima, Perú) (01-01-2017)“…The aim of the present study was to explore the association between perceptions of interpersonal/informational justice and ambivalent sexism among Argentinean…”
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Generic Job Satisfaction Scale: Psychometric Qualities of the Version Adapted to Portuguese
Published in Avaliação Psicológica (01-01-2020)“…The aim of this study was to adapt Macdonald & MacIntyre's Generic Job Satisfaction Scale for use with Brazilian workers. The study used a sample of 681…”
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Psychometric properties of Colquitt’s Organizational Justice Scale in Argentine workers
Published in Liberabit revista de psicología (01-01-2018)“…Organizational justice refers to workers' perceptions of what is fair and unfair in their workplaces. The aim of the present study was to provide evidence of…”
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Propiedades Psicométricas de la Versión Argentina de la Escala de Personalidad Proactiva
Published in Psico usf (01-06-2021)“…Resumen La personalidad proactiva es una tendencia relativamente estable a generar cambios en el ambiente para mejorarlo. El objetivo de este estudio fue…”
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Work-related flow inventory: internal structure and criterion validity evidence
Published in Avaliação psicologica (01-07-2018)Get full text
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Comportamientos proactivos en el trabajo: una puesta al día
Published in Revista Argentina de ciencias del comportamiento (30-12-2017)“…The term proactivity designates a set of self-motivated, future-oriented and change-oriented behaviors. The current study provides a systematic bibliographic…”
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Validez discriminante, predictiva e incremental de la escala de comportamientos laborales proactivos de Belschak y Den Hartog/Discriminant, Predictive and Incremental Validity of Belschak & Den Hartog´s Proactive Work Behaviors Scale
Published in Revista costarricense de psicología (01-07-2019)“…EspañolEl objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la validez discriminante, predictiva e incremental de la Escala de Comportamientos Laborales Proactivos de…”
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The interplay between organizational commitment and personal values
Published in Psicodebate : revista de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Palermo (01-09-2015)“…The study of employee’s commitment is capturing the attention of managers and researchers. Besides being one of the most effective alternatives for achieving…”
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Pasión por el Trabajo: Evidencias de Validez Discriminante, Predictiva e Incremental
Published in Psicologia, ciência e profissão (01-09-2018)“…Abstract The aim of this study was to establish the discriminant, predictive and incremental validity of work passion regarding flow, job involvement and job…”
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Inventario de flow en el trabajo: evidencias de validez de la estructura interna y criterio
Published in Avaliação Psicológica (01-07-2018)“…El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar el Inventario de Flow en el Trabajo de Bakker en Argentina. Se utilizó un diseño empírico-instrumental…”
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Comportamientos proactivos en el trabajo: adaptación y análisis psicométrico de una escala
Published in Actualidades en psicología (01-06-2018)“…Objetivo: adaptar la Escala de Comportamientos Proactivos de Belschak y Den Hartog, y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Método: se realizó un estudio…”
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Satisfacción Laboral: Un Modelo Explicativo Basado en Variables Disposicionales
Published in Revista colombiana de psicología (01-07-2017)“…Se verificó un modelo explicativo de la satisfacción laboral basado en la relación de algunas variables disposicionales. Se plantea un modelo de mediación…”
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Consideraciones conceptuales sobre la pasión por el trabajo
Published in Ciencias psicológicas (01-11-2017)“…La pasión por el trabajo se define como un estado de deseo persistente basado en valoraciones cognitivas y afectivas del propio trabajo. De acuerdo al modelo…”
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Liderazgo, confianza y flexibilidad laboral como predictores de identificación organizacional: un estudio con trabajadores argentinos
Published in Pensamiento Psicológico (01-01-2016)“…Examinar el impacto del liderazgo transformador, la confianza en el supervisor y la flexibilidad laboral sobre la identificación del trabajador con su…”
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Validación de la escala de cinismo organizacional: un estudio con trabajadores argentinos
Published in Revista de psicología (Lima, Perú) (01-07-2014)“…El objetivo del estudio consistió en validar la Escala de Cinismo Organizacional de Brandespara su empleo con trabajadores argentinos. Se analizó la…”
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