Search Results - "Alfradique, Priscilla"
Remote activities of cognitive stimulation for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-01-2024)“…Cognitive stimulation activities for older adults are generally carried out in face-to-face workshops. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, these activities…”
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Structural validity of nursing diagnosis insomnia in older adults of a community center
Published in International journal of nursing knowledge (01-10-2024)“…Purpose Insomnia is an important sleep disorder in older persons. Conceptual analysis studies on this nursing diagnosis have been developed, but the diagnostic…”
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Validation of a mobile application for adults with neurological lower urinary tract dysfunction
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2024)“…to validate with experts the content of a mobile application to guide patients with neurological dysfunction of the lower urinary tract. methodological study…”
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“Readiness for enhanced healthy aging” nursing diagnosis: Content validation by experts
Published in International journal of nursing knowledge (01-01-2023)“…Purpose To validate the content nursing diagnosis “Readiness for enhanced healthy aging.” Methods Descriptive, methodological study of diagnostic content…”
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Physical and psychological changes of the COVID-19 infodemic by the older adult population
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2024)“…to analyze the physical and psychological changes of the COVID-19 infodemic for the older adult population of Rio de Janeiro. a cross-sectional, web-based…”
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Nursing diagnoses of impaired memory and chronic confusion for older adults: diagnostic content validation
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective: To validate the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnoses, impaired memory and chronic confusion for older adults, by testing…”
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Healthy aging promotion model referenced in Nola Pender's theory
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2022)“…to model the process of promoting healthy aging from the conceptual analysis proposed by Walker and Avant and Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model. this is a…”
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Self-care by discalced carmelite nuns in the light of Orem's Theory
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2020)“…To understand the perception of self-care by contemplative nuns residing in a Discalced Carmelite Monastery. Descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative…”
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Proposal of Nursing Diagnosis “Readiness for Enhanced Healthy Aging”: A Concept Analysis
Published in International journal of nursing knowledge (01-04-2021)“…PURPOSE To analyze the concept of healthy aging and propose the development of a nursing diagnosis METHODS Concept analysis using the method proposed by Walker…”
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Nursing process implantation in mental health: a convergent-care research
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2020)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the perception of nurses and their needs regarding Nursing Process implantation in a long-term psychiatric hospitalization…”
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Nursing Diagnosis Risk for Delayed Surgical Recovery (00246): Concept Clarification and Definition of Empirical Referents
Published in International journal of nursing knowledge (01-10-2018)“…PURPOSE To clarify the concept of risk for delayed surgical recovery (00246) and to define the empirical referents for identification of predictive factors of…”
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Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (2022)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to validate the Portuguese version of the Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool regarding construct and reliability. Method: this is a methodological…”
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Cross-cultural adaptation of the Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool for Brazil: nursing methodology research
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2020)“…to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool to Brazilian Portuguese. methodological study involving the steps of initial…”
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Risk factors for constant glycemic variability in pregnant women: a case-control study
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2020)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the factors associated with pregnancy that influence constant glycemic variability. Method: a case-control study with random…”
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Content validation of the nursing intervention Dialysis Access Maintenance
Published in Rev. RENE (12-08-2021)“…Objective: to validate the content of the Dialysis Access Maintenance intervention. Methods: methodological validation study, composed of 28 participants who…”
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Nursing diagnoses in adults and elderlies in the preoperative period: a comparative study
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2019)“…Analyze the nursing diagnoses of NANDA-I Taxonomy in hospitalized adults and elderlies in preoperative of general surgery and proctology. cross-sectional…”
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COVID-19 Infodemic and Impacts on the Mental Health of Older People: Cross-sectional Multicenter Survey Study
Published in JMIR aging (17-05-2023)“…The COVID-19 pandemic received widespread media coverage due to its novelty, an early lack of data, and the rapid rise in deaths and cases. This excessive…”
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Nursing intervention: post-operative care with chest tube in adults
Published in Rev. RENE (01-01-2018)“…Objective: to validate the nursing activities for intervention established by the Nursing Interventions Classification "chest tube care". Methods: content…”
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Autocuidado em freiras carmelitas descalças à luz da Teoria de Orem
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2020)“…RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender a percepção do autocuidado por parte de freiras de vida contemplativa que residem em um Mosteiro da Ordem Carmelita Descalça…”
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NANDA taxonomy and insomnia evaluation scale in older people: A crosssectional study
Published in Avances en enfermería (29-12-2023)“…Objective: To identify the prevalence of indicators of the nursing diagnosis “insomnia” in older people through the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) scale…”
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